Author's Note: I know guys I bounce around a lot with stories but I will be adding a new story since this pairing has caught my interest. 'Wally West x Jinx' lol enjoy.

Jinx sat in her room pondering when she would see Kid Flash again. "Ugh," she spat in a displeased whisper . "I don't know why I'm even thinking about him." She shook her head trying to get him out her thoughts. Useless. He hadn't left her thoughts since Madam Rouge had tried to take him. She stared at the rose on her dresser inside the only light colored vase she had in her room. It was in a white vase that SeeMore had gotten for her for her birthday. The rest of the boys forgot and went to steal something. They had thrown a party down stairs but she thought it would be stupid to go downstairs. Seeing as how the forgot to invite her. It would be easier to go out for a night on the town.

Looking through her closet Jinx decided to wear a skin tight black strapless dress with black and pink striped arm warmers that hung just below her shoulders, black and white striped stockings and platform mary janes, a nice skull necklace with a purple arrow through the skull (We know how he died) , after many hours of trying her hair had finally gotten out of its cat like style and was straight reaching her shoulders and a little bit of makeup, black lipstick and black heart shaped earrings.

Thinking about it Jinx decided not to go through the front door as not to 'bother the party goers. The tree in front of her bed room was a great option to a gymnast. Going down the tree to the teen club in the city seemed like a blast and walking there was just as blissful. She got time to clear her head and think about all she would do for her birthday.

Entering there were several teens dancing to 'Animal' by neon trees. Making her way towards the bar she sat down and moved her head to the music.

"What'll it be Jinx?" A cheerful voice asked.

"A Dr-." she turned her head to meet Kid Flash without his mask. He was wearing a black button down shirt with two buttons loose, black pants and white tennis shoes, with the aception of an ornage and red necklace on, his hair was combed down and he had a huge smirk on his face.

"Listen I'm not robbing a bank or anything will you give me a break and quit following me?!" she spat.

"I wasn't following you. I work here." He said calmly still with that stupidly cute smile on his face.

"I didn't know". She turned around to face the crowd; sipping the Dr. Pepper he had finally given to her.

"It looks good." He said in that heroic voice of his "What? If you're thinking of sharing a drinl there's plenty behind you." She glared into the crowd furrowing her eyebrows . "I meant your hair. It looks good Jinx." He stared directly at her cracking a half smile. Jinx looked straight forward waiting for Kid to turn around and finish working. Right when he did Jinx touched her hair and stared at him wondering what he was thinking. His green eyes cut sideways staring at her rubbing her pink hair.