Hi everyone! Just so you know, this is my first ever fanfiction! Its set in the Movie (any time period) And I also decided to make everyone human! So...YAY! I am so sorry if it's rubbish, I did try my best...Any who I hope you enjoy it!


Bee opened his eyes, a bright electric blue finally seeing the first rays of the the moring sun. But, why did his head hurt so much? He let out a soft groan and ran a hand through his blonde hair. Wait, Hair!? I shouldn't have hair! I'm a robot for Primus sake!

It wasn't until then when he finally looked at his hand, skin? Nails? What happened to me? Where is my bright yellow armour? My cannon?! Was it the Decepticons? Maybe I was caught up in a battle with the rest of the team. We..we lost? Captured? Non of this made any sense to Bumblebee, why would the Decepticons go out of their way to make the Autobots human? It wouldn't be much of a challenge for them, and Bee knew as much as the next Autobot that the Decepticons loved a challenge.

With that thought out of the way, how did this happen!? The blond shifted where he lay, the blankets covering him were irritating the living daylights out of him. Bee was not used to blankets as when he was Cybertronian, all they had were berths. It was pretty much impossible for beings such as himself to feel the cold, unless they were exposed to dangerously cold temperatures in places such as the Arctic. Thats what Ratchet always told him when they arrived on this planet; "Never, and I repeat neve,r go to such a place. The temperatures there are too extreme for even we Cybertronians." Bumblebee always took notice of Ratchet, I mean, who wouldn't? You'd get a wrench hit off your helm before you could say Bah-weep-Graaaaagnah-wheep-ni ni bong... Thats another thing, where were the others? Injured? Dead?...Bee shook the thought away. No, he refused to believe it!

The blond then finally took note of his surroundings, it was actually quite a spacious room. It held the bed, some draws, an on suite and a few shelves. However the room held nothing of particular interest to him, so he decided to try and find the rest of the team. They had to be around here somewhere, right?

Bee sat up only to discover he was not alone in the room. There was a man lying asleep on the end of the bed, back against the wall and head lowered to his chest so it made it difficult for Bumblebee to recognise him. He looked in his late thirtys early forties,with dark brown hair and streaks of gray. He was also very well built, similar to Willian Lennox, only slightly bigger.

Bee definitlely did not want to pick a fight with this guy, (sure he took on Bots bigger than him when he were a robot, Primus, he even took on the leader of the Decepticons! Whitch..ended badly...) It would be a blood bath. Why is this beast of a man sleeping on my bed anyway? Is he a pervert? Bumblebee smiled at his choice of words, the human language was such a funny thing. The man then started to shift in his sleep, and it was then that Bee thought it was time to leave. He silently slid out of the covers and swung his legs (that were surprisingly cold) over the side of the bed.

But as soon as his feet touched the floor, they turned to jello and his balence was gone. He fell to the floor with alight thud, as well as an annoyed groan. He finally shook the dizzy-ness off, but then a large shadow loomed over him. I'm so going to the pit...

The beast of a man was now standing over him. Bee held his breath, Preparing himself for a beating that he was sure to come. But instead of a punch to the face or a kick to the ribs, two strong hands wrapped themselves around the teen and hauled him up onto the bed like he was nothing but a feather.

Bee struggled against the mans hold, I'm not going down without a fight! It was then that a soft laugh and a fimiliar, soothing voice filled the air.

"Bumblebee, calm yourself. Its alright youngling." The blonde then ceased hid struggles and looked up. Royal blue eyes stared back at him, full of kindness and..a hint of sadness?...

That voice...those eyes...Why did they seem so fimiliar and yet so foreign? It wasn't until the man smiled that Bee knew exactly who this was. But...how?

"O..Optimus? What..."

The man laughed again and ran a hand through the teens messy blonde hair.

"Its good to finally see you awake little one" He smiled. Bee also smiled at the Primes nickname for him. It was the first thing Optimus ever called him,ever since he Ratchet, Ironhide and Jazz found him. It always gave him comfort, even at the darkest of times.

"Optimus, whats going on? Why are we human? Where is everyone? Where are we?" Bee was panicking now. How can Optimus be so calm about this!?

After being bombarded with questions, Optimus finally answered.

"Bumblebee relax. You are going to have to calm down. Everything is alright."

The blond took in a couple of deep breaths and nodded. He looked up at his leader, questions flooding is mind and eyes. The Prime obviously noticed this, and taking in a deep breath of his own, stood up and walked towards the door. Bee's eyes watching his every movement.

"Come with me" He said while holding out a hand, waiting for Bumblebee to take it. "We will go see the others, and then I will explain everything to you. I promise."

Bumblebee was all for seeing the others, even Ratchet the Hatchet...But there was just one, teeny tiny problem.

"Uhh, Optimus. I cant feel my legs."

Optimus gave him a sympathetic smile, walked back over to the bed and lifted the small blonde into his arms, bridal style.

"Woah! Optimus!? What are you doing!?" Bee half screamed. He hated being carried with a passion. It made him feel weak and useless.

"Well if you cant walk, how else are you planning on getting out of here?" The Prime smiled down at him. He and the rest of the Autobots knew Bumblebee hated being carried, and they only did it when it was absolutely necessary. And right now, it was necessary.

"I dont know. But if you carry me in Ironhide will never let me live it down" Optimus just raised an eyebrow. "Please dont, please" The blonde looked into the Autobot leaders eyes and gave him the biggest puppy dog eyes he could muster.

Optimus always adored those eyes, even when Bee was just a little sparkling. The yellow bot always managed to get everyone into trouble with them, even Optimus got in trouble on rare occasion. The Prime let out a sigh and placed the teenager back on the bed.

"Curse those eyes of yours Bumblebee"

In return, Bee gave him a mischievious grin while trying to regain the feeling in his legs. The Autobot leader sat down next to his young companion. He could not help but stare at his young charge. He was never as big as the others when they were all robots. And the war has been going on for so long that Optimus forgot that Bumblebee was still only a child, not a warrior...

**************(FLASHBACK) **************

Explosions. Yelling. Sirens. Gun shots.

The Decepticons had attacked Iacon.

"Shh shh shh" Optimus was holding a small yellow youngling close to his spark, with one arm wrapped around his back and his other hand stroking Bees head. "Its alright Bumblebee, everything is going to be alright." The Autobot leader was gentley rocking the eleven year old youngling back and forth to try and calm him.

"O..Optimus, I'm scared" Bumblebee was on the brink of crying. Tears threatinig to fall from his optics. His helm was resting against Optimus' spark chamber, the warmth of the Primes spark giving him a little comfort. However the noises were almost impossible to ignore, so Optimus took to whispering comforting words to Bee to try and drown it out.

"I know, I know you are scared little one. But I need you to be strong." Optimus cupped Bumblebees head in his hands and looked into his terrified optics. "Can you do that for me?"

The youngling nodded and fought back the tears, he couldn't break down now. Not now...

"That's my boy" Optimus smiled down at Bumblebee, massaging the side of his helm with a thumb. "Now, I need you to-

A deafining sound filled the base, and dark smoke found its way underneath the door and started seeping through into the room the two bots were barricaded into.

The Decepticons were inside the base...

**************(END OF FLASHBACK)*********************

Optimus was so deep into his thoughts that he didn't even notice Bee standing. The blonde glanced at the Prime who was staring into space as the humans would say. Bumblebee knew that look anywhere, it meant Prime was thinking (about what he had no idea), it also meant he was not aware of his surroundings. It also meant, Bee could have a little fun. A smile crept onto the blondes face, and he silently crept around Optimus, to the head of the bed. He reached for one of the pillows and held it tightly in his hands. His smile grew as he snuck behind the still day dreaming Prime, raised his arms with the pillow in hand, and brought it down on the unsuspecting victims head.

Optimus came rushing back into reality. Tears in his eyes. It was just a memory.. He managed to blink the tears away and looked down to see a pillow on the floor. The Prime looked at it in confusion, only to hear giggling behind him. He turned around and saw Bee lying on the bed, flat on his back trying to hide his laughter. Optimus raised an eyebrow, a small amile tugging at his lips.

"Bumblebee, what?..." The Prime looked truly confused, but this only made Bees laughter worse.

"You..you were...day dreaming...I had to...get your attention some...some how!" The blonde laughed most of the words, but Optimus understood them nontheless. He shook his head with a big smile plastered on his lips. He picked the pillow up from the floor and placed it back on the bed.

"Come along little one, the others will be waiting"

After he managed to calm down, Bee hoped off the bed and followed his leader through the door.

So uhhh yeah, that's chapter 1. Tell me if you like it! And any ideas or suggestions for chapter 2 would be much appreciated! :D