Eight year old Minnie Brandon frowned down at the piece of paper in front of her, leaning back in her chair she bite the end of her pencil. Brown eyes narrowed down at the offending flatten carcase of a tree.
Placing one hand on the desk and holding the paper still, she bent right over it putting her face close to the sheet and slowly began to write. Remembering what her mother said she wrote her name and address on the top right hand corner then move down a bit and started writing on the left hand side.
She shot up quickly and gazed over her work, she turned to the sample her mother had given her to began with before leaning over once more and continuing writing.
So focused on the task at hand she never noticed her mother coming in and placing some snacks on the side of her, along with a hot cup of tea.
Now long Minnie was writing for she had no way of telling but when she at last saw the tea when, she slipped it and found it to be only warm. The girl stared down at the paper with her messy large writing on it while swigging her from her cup this time.
"I'm done!" Minnie declared loudly and gaining her mother's attention.
Rebecca Brandon stood from her seat and came over, reaching down her took the paper and studied over the contain carefully.
"Brilliant." Rebecca says grinning down at her smiling daughter, "This is a great covering letter, I don't see why you won't get the job as cashier at the drink stand at the school fair."
"You think so!" Minnie asks hopefully wanting to prove herself to her lovely mother.
"Most likely." Rebecca replies as she puts the paper back down in the desk and leans over for a hug, "I bet the other children wouldn't even think of having a proper covering letter like this! You're the only girl for the task!"
Minnie hugged her mother back, laughing a little as her hair went in her face. Putting away she grinned boldly at the thought of working at the drink stand, the person who took the money and gave the change back was the most important part and had to be good with numbers.
"And you know what?" Rebecca went on to say as she patted the letter.
"What?" Minnie said back tilting her head for her mother to go on.
"I bet if we ask your teacher for a reference," Rebecca said smiling more to herself now than her daughter, "We can start building you a good CV up now!" she touched her lips drumming her fingers against there as she thought about it. "Just time Minnie Brandon! Only eight year of age and already a working girl!"
Minnie smiled up at her happy mother as she began quickly lose in Lala Land, the young girl reach for one of her snacks and enjoyed it while she half listened to whatever is her mother was now going on about it seemed to have jumped to her becoming a leader of the free world. Minnie smiled as she took another bite, thankfully she had a good memory and even while not paying close attention everything her saw or heard got taken in and stored somewhere in her brain.
"-what do you think?" Rebecca asks coming out of her day dreams.
"Lovely...but I doubt I'll marry Will and Kate's son..." Minnie answers from a frown, "He would be a bit too young for me even if they have one."
"Oh right." Rebecca said thinking some more, "Well the letter in a good start. Want to go play?"
"Yes!" Minnie says as she climbs off the chair and took her mother's waiting her.