Thanks for the reviews, they mean bunches! Here's chapter two xx

Title: Those Little Things.

Summary: "Campbell Saunders has been in the shadow of his older brother. He's only had one best friend, and hasn't had his first kiss. So now with High School starting, would he be able to get over his fears and actually talk to a girl- most importantly, Maya Matlin?" Camaya.

Parings: Camaya (obvi lol), maybe mentions of Zori and Jatie.

Rated: K+ for now, but I'm posting it as T because I'm paranoid.

This story is mostly told from Cam's POV.

Anyway, y'all know what to do from now. :)

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Those Little Things; two


After that encounter with Maya, my head couldn't think straight. Is this what crushing meant? I smiled and clutched my math binder, excited that it's one more period until lunch. I'll be waiting, Maya Matlin.

"Dude, are you still thinking about Maya?" Zig asked from beside me. I looked down and shook my head. "Nope." I said, while popping the 'p'. If only he knew..

"Liar, Liar; Pants on fire!" He teased and I laughed.

"You know, I never understood what that meant." He waved me off and I sighed, my mind already on Maya Matlin.

"Dude..dude..CAMPBELL!" Zig yelled and I blinked. I looked at him and raised my brow. "Do you ever stop talking?"

"Fuck off." he cursed and snapped his fingers, as if a light bulb went off. (And with Zigmund Novak, it's highly unlikely that he gets ideas)

"I know how can I get Tori to be my girlfriend!" I nudged him to elaborate and he looked at me with a smirk. Oh no.. "We are going to have a double lunch date!"

"Excuse me?" I said, confused.

"You know, Me and You, Tori and Maya, Me and Tori, You and-" I stopped him from trailing off, signaling that I understood. He closed his mouth as we sat down in our math class.

"I don't know about this Zig," I admitted. I mean, it would keep my nerves down, considering that I'll feel as if it was a friendly hangout and not a date. But I really wanted to get to know Maya.

"Please?" Zig pouted and I rolled my eyes, nodding and starting our "Do Now problems" written on the board.

Oh well, I'm taking one for the team here.


I happily stood up, gathering my things and ignoring my math teacher as I exit the room, walking to my locker. Zig went to his, saying he'll meet me and Maya at lunch and hoped Tori would be there as well. I rolled my eyes because he was far to lovestruck about this girl.

I grabbed all my books I needed for the classes after lunch, then my lunch bag, of course, and closed my locker. I walked no more than two steps when I felt someone jump on my back.

"Hey Campbell!" said the mysterious person. I smiled a bit, recovering from the scare. She laughs and gets off me. I turn around to see those beautiful blue eyes again.

"Hey, Maya," I whispered, staring at her. We made solid eye contact for about a few minutes, until I broke away, due to my blushing.' Nice Job'


"So.." I mimicked and she struts her tongue at me. I smirked at her and she asked, "How was the rest of your morning classes?"

I replied back, "It's good. You?" I was only trying to be nice, but to be honset I just really want to get to know her. She shrugged, "Okay."

Things had gotten quiet and awkward. The late bell rang, but Maya and I stayed, staring at each other. She started to smile, which only caused me to smile back. Eh, it's lunch now anyway and I would stay here standing with her all period if I want to.

"Come on," She whispers, grabbing my sweaty hand. "Let's go to lunch." I nodded and we went.

I'll admit, I never knew that we would be holding hands after a few hours of meeting, but Maya just has that effect on me.

We reached the cafeteria, and damn, it was crowded. Maya squinted her eyes, looking for someone. I guess she found who she was looking for because, "Tori!"

Tori looked up from her lunch and smiled at her. The table was empty, besides her of course. Maya, still tugging onto my hand (not that I'm complaining), pulled me over to the table.

As soon as we reached Tori, Maya smiled gratefully. "Thanks for saving us seats, Tor. Without you we would be eating on the floor." they laugh and I stood there, allowing them to converse.

As soon as they stop laughing, Tori glances at me. "Cam? How was your summer?"

I smiled politely at her. "It was good."

Tori nodded and then glanced at our hands, "And this is..?" she pointed. Maya and I both looked down, and I guess she forgot that our hands were glued together -(not literally, but..)- because she pulled away, blushing. Tori smirked. Dammit Tori.

"Awwh, are you two dating?" Tori gushes and I clear my throat, looking around, trying to find a distraction. Maya shakes her head and it became awkward for a few seconds. That is, until Zig came along with a smirk. I could of sworn I heard Maya let out a sigh of relief.

"Tori? Tori Santamaria?" Zig said, acting as if he's seeing Megan Fox. I rolled my eyes. Is it just me or is this Romeo and Juliet, version two?

"Zig?" Tori squealed. She ran at full speed towards Zig, knocking Maya in the process. Maya almost encountered a nasty fall, until my hero instincts had clicked and she ended up falling straight into my arms.

"Oh!" she gasped as she landed. I guess she was expecting a hard fall. She looks up at me and blushes. How adorkable.

"Hey, Maya." I whisper, teasing her. She rolls her eyes but not before muttering a simple thanks and got up, her heat radiating to me, gone.


Tori wrapped her arms around Zig. Zig turned red and Maya pretended to vomit. I whispered to Maya, "A little too much love there, eh?" She nods and we turn back to Tori and Zig.

"How are you?" Tori asked, after attacking Zig with hugs. Zig smiled, "It was good. Russia was amazing."

They stared at each other and Maya coughed. "Can we eat now?" Tori blinked and nodded, her face turned a beat red. Zig glared at Maya and she playfully returned it.

I laughed at Zig and we went back to our table. I opened my lunch bag and frowned. Mom knows I'm allergic to peanut butter. She must've gave us the wrong lunches. It didn't make sense.

My mother is those over protective parents who would call an ambulance if you gotten a paper cut. She wouldn't just make a mistake like this. I looked at my bag, to see Justin's name marked off and my name instead, written in messy handwriting. That can only mean one thing.

I looked up from the table, hoping to find my brother. I see him walking to a table with cheerleaders, with my lunch in his hand. I stood up and walked towards him.

"What's wrong?" I heard Tori and Maya question. I gave them a small smile and walked over to the table. The cheerleaders gave me looks as if they wanted to make out and the boys.. well..

They looked like they wanted to kill me. Oh well, it sure isn't my fault I was born beautiful. Blame the genes.

I coughed, making the table go silent and glared at my brother. He smirked at me and continued to talk to Chloe. (if you didn't remember, his slutty girlfriend)

I put my fist on the table and a jock who was probably 7 feet high, had muscles like The Rock, and who's face looked really mean stood up, glaring at me.

"What's gotten your gay freshman pants in a cock twist, fag." he said and I looked down, thinking I'd rather eat the peanut butter and die at this very moment.

Justin spoke, "Kevin, relax. It's just my baby brother.." I rolled my eyes and Justin stood in front of me. The whole table seemed to get bored because they went back to their original conversations.

"Baby brother?" I almost yelled. "You're three years older than me. Not that much of a distance."

He rolls his eyes and muttered, "Whatever. What do you want?"

I glared at him. "You and your sick mind almost gotten me killed," I said while shoving the lunch bag in his face. "I know it was you who switched the names because I'm pretty sure mom wouldn't even go near my lunch with peanut butter, so admit it."

Justin laughed and I looked at him like he was insane. "Cam, bro, just chill."

He took the lunch bag from my hands and tossed it in the trash, then stepped on mine with his foot and smirked. "Well baby bro, now we're even."

Giving him one last glare, I shoved him and went back to my table. Maya looked at me with concern and I shook off. She offered me some of her pizza and I declined. I lost my feeling of hunger anyway.

I sighed, knowing that I won't get to know Maya that well today after all. Bummer.

It was 3 and the bell rang. I ran from Health to my locker and walked outside. I saw Justin waiting for me and I rolled my eyes. I decided that I rather walk home.

"Cam, my car is this way!" yelled my brother over the sea of students. Pretending I didn't hear him, I continued walking. I guess he gave up because I heard his car drive away, I scoffed.

I haven't seen my brother acting like such a dick. Ever. Last year he was voted "Top Nicest" for his junior year. Then he started doing weed when Mom left us alone and I guess it changed him.

That's the only change I'll ever hate so far, I guess.