New Degrassi story everyone; read, review and enjoy!

Title: Those Little Things.

Summary: "It's Campbell Saunders' first day of high school and well, with four years of insaneness ahead of him, how would he mange? And what about that girl staring at him during class?" Camaya.

Parings: Camaya (obvi lol), maybe mentions of Zori and Jatie.

Rated: K+ for now, but I'm posting it as T because I'm paranoid.

This story is mostly told from Cam's POV.

Anyway, y'all know what to do from now. :)

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Those Little Things; one.


There are 24 hours in a day. 7 days a week. 52 weeks in a year, which equals to 365 days. Simple math, I know. But, here's a problem. I have 1460 days. And if you're Einstein, you'd get four years after a few seconds of calculation. If you're like me, google would of helped you out.

Well, that's all it takes. 1460 days of misery. In simple terms, High school.

You'd probably guessed it. It's my first day of high school. So if I make it throughout today, I'd have 1459 days left. Perfect. Notice my sarcasm..

I sigh and get out of bed, realizing I gave up on my plan to wake up extra early. Oh look, there's the nerd in me. I hopped into the shower, feeling like I'm in heaven as the warm water hits my skin.

And (again), I must of lost track of time because, "CAMPBELL SAUNDERS! YOU'RE GOING TO BE LATE FOR YOUR FIRST DAY OF GRADE 9!" My mother yelled. I rolled my eyes and hopped out.

"YEAH, DON'T WANNA MISS YOUR FIRST SENIORS VS FRESHIES DAY, KID." My older brother, Justin, who was a senior by the way, yelled. I gave him the finger through the floors and changed quickly, so that I wouldn't have to hear my mom, or Justin, comment.

Coming down the stairs and entering the kitchen, I grabbed a bowl of my favorite cereal and ate. Justin kept smirking at me and I was so nervous I could be sick. What is he up to now?

Finally, I couldn't take his stares anymore. "What?!" I yelled, startling my mother. Once Mom looked at us, Justin removed the smirk and replaced it with a frown.

"Mom, Cam's just screaming at me!" Justin said. I rolled my eyes. He's freaking three years older and he comes up with an excuse like that? My mother however, believed him. (Not surprising, to be honest)

Mom glared at me and when she wasn't looking, Justin brought back his evil smile. I wanted nothing more than to punch him. Keep calm, Campbell. It's not worth it.

After a few minutes, Justin checked his watch and looked at me. "Alright loser, time for school." He put his bowl in the sink and I put mine as well. Grabbing my bag, I waved at my mom. She gave us our lunch bags and kissed us both.

"Good luck guys! Love you!"

Justin waved at her and we got into the car. Once I buckled my seatbelt, Justin turned to me, "We're going to pick up Chloe and then head to school."

I nodded. Chloe was Justin's girlfriend for three years so far. They were on/off most of the time, so I wouldn't call it a happy relationship.

I plugged in my ear buds to my IPhone and played music as Justin drove. Eventually, we arrived at Chloe's house, where she was standing there with a short skirt and a tube top.

Justin looked (more like glared) at me and I didn't even need to question. I sighed and got up, now sitting in the back while Chloe takes the seat in front. Once she got in, her and Justin started to make out and I looked away, my cheeks turning red.

I never kissed a girl before, and haven't been exposed to many stuff, so all this kissing is new to me. After a few moments, I coughed loudly and they separated.

The ride to school was horrible. I'm going to start taking my bike everyday from now on. It's "Does this skirt make look me like a slut?" (Yes Chloe, it does.) and "You're such an idiot, Justin."

Soon after, thank God, I saw the big school called, "Degrassi" and looked around for my best friend, Zig Novak. I finally spotted him, talking to a boy I haven't met before and I got out of the car.

"See ya, Loser." I heard Justin call out. I ignored him, however, and ran to Zig. "Dude!" I yelled. Zig turned around and grinned. We did our special handshake and gave each other a brief hug.

Summer was lonely without Zig. After graduation, Zig and his family went to Russia to visit his sick uncle. He stayed there for the whole summer, leaving me to hang out with Justin and his stupid friends.

"Campbell Saunders, my man! How was your summer, bro?" Zig asked. I smiled, "It was okay." I noticed the boy standing awkwardly there and I gave him a small smile.

I jerked my head at Zig, waiting for him to introduce us. "Oh! Sorry." Zig apologized. "Cam, this is Zack, Zack, Cam." We shook hands and Zack was being called by a couple of girls, he left and gave his farewell to us.

Zig looked hesitant and like he wanted to say something, but kept quiet. "Zig? What's wrong?" I asked. He sighed and stared at our friend, Tori, who was in the middle of a huge girly group, laughing.

I smiled. "You like Tori?" He nodded shyly and turned red. I patted him on the back, signaling he did good. Tori is pretty cute. I had Home and Careers and Science with her, she was a good friend.

"You gotta ask her out!" I told him and the late bell rang. He laughs. "I'll ask her out when you have the courage to even talk to a girl." I blush and playfully shoved him.

"Shut up."

We got our schedules, realizing we had every class together, and walked to first period, ELA. Ugh.

"Oh great. We have to read and write at 8AM. Lovely." Zig muttered. We entered room 145B and noticed everyone talking, and some throwing paper balls at each other.

Zig and I sat down at two of the available empty desks and started talking about our summers. Then, what changed me next was that a girl entered the room. It wasn't just any girl either. She was really cute. Her blonde hair was in curls, her curves were in the right places, and she had nerdy glasses on. Hmph, maybe the girls in this school aren't like Chloe Locklear.

She noticed Tori and waved at her. Tori waved back and they shared a hug. My eyes scrunched up. I've never seen this girl before, did she even go to our school? How did she know Tori?

I felt a nudge beside me and I looked up to see Zig with the biggest smirk on his face. "You're so digging Maya Matlin."

Her name ringed. Maya Matlin... Maya Matlin... Maya... Matlin.

I looked down, because the red cheeks were back; Ugh, second time today.

Zig nudged me again and I muttered a weak, "Leave me a lone." He laughed and said somewhat louder than before. "You're so digging blondie. I say go for it."

Still confused as ever, "How do you and Tori know her?" Zig answered my question by saying that Tori and Maya always went to the same summer camps every year, and her family recently moved from Vancouver. During the summer, when Zig was in Russia, he skyped Tori a lot and she introduced him to Maya. It made sense.

"People, people." A woman, about 40-ish with shoulder brown hair and glasses said while clapping. She went to her desk and grabbed her mug before taking a sip.

She smiled and introduced herself. "Hello everyone. My name is Ms. Dawes and I will be your english teacher for the year! I also teach grade eleven advanced english, so if you're lucky, you'll see me again tomorrow. "

Everyone nodded and she continued, "So.. We're going to go around the room and talk a little bit about ourselves. Here, I'll start. My name is Ms. Dawes and I like to read the Harry Potter series. I am a capricorn and I am x years old." The class laughed and a girl started.

"My name is Mariah and I.." I stopped listening after that because I'm so nervous. I never done one of these before and I'm scared that I'll look like a nerd and embarrass myself in front of that girl. Look at that, Cam. You haven't even talked to her yet and you're caring about what she thinks.

Zig nudged me and I looked up to find everyone staring at me. It's my turn.

I stood up and stuttered, "My name is Campbell Saunders but you can call me Cam. I'm 14, turning 15 in May. My favorite sport is hockey and I have a older brother named Justin-"

"You're brother is the Justin Saunders?" A girl asked. I nodded and said, "Yeah. He's a senior."

"He's so hot.." I heard another girl say. Why am I not surprised? Ms. Dawes rolled her eyes playfully. "Alright, girls, calm down. Thank you Cam. Next!"

The girl who was gushing about my brother went next and then Maya went. I was completely dazed by her.

"Hello." she smiled, with this adorable voice. "I'm Maya Matlin. I'm fourteen, going onto fifteen in July. I play the cello and my older sister would be Katie Matlin, the student council president." she mumbled while rolling her eyes.

After about a few more left, the bell rang.

"HAVE A GOOD DAY!" Ms. Dawes yelled. As I was exiting with Zig, I bumped into Maya, causing all her books to fall down. Nice job, rookie.

"I'm so sorry!" I apologized and bent down to pick them up. She helped, and laughs. "It's okay. You're the first person to help me today. I fell earlier and no one helped me, so thank you."

I became a little angry. The guys at this school must be such dicks.

"Well, they're jerks." I said and she blushes red. She continues, "I'm Maya."

"Campbell, but call me Cam." I replied and we shook hands. Woah. Okay, I can't be the only one who felt that spark..

"Hey.. uh.. if you want, we can sit together at lunch sometime." she asks and I'm pretty sure she's trying to cover her face, because of all the blushing. I didn't mind, it was cute.

"Sure." I said and the late bell rang. She said goodbye and walked in the opposite direction.. All I did was stand there, looking at her.

Zig smirked. "GET SOME CAMPBELL."

"Shut. Up." I said, a little bit of a smirk hinting my face.

I would never admit it, but I can't wait for lunch now.