Okay so I know I haven't updated in a long time, (years!). I go to college now. And with all of the stress I find myself turning back to fan fiction and writing in general. Go to my profile if you're interested in the big old rant about it. I'm re-posting this as a separate story. Same title, same basic storyline, but more detail, better plot (hopefully) better characters (hopefully). Better writing and story over all hopefully.

Once this has caught up to where the original is, I'll probably delete the original.

Right! I present to you "Sakura no Tenshi" can be translated as "Angel of Cherry Blossoms" or "Cherry Blossom Angel"

Thank you to anyone who still gives a shit!


"Inner Sakura"



On an unusually clear night, you could see the Third Hokage looking out over the city of Konoha. He could feel something in his old bones. There was a disturbance somewhere very close.

"Hokage-sama, there is someone here to see you." Hiruzen looked over his shoulder to see Shiranui Genma and a young girl with a hood over her head. She lowered the hood to reveal a long rosette mane, tamed back into a braid and wide, bright mint green eyes. She looked more fairy than human. An ethereal glow seemed to emanate from her, as if her chakra were pulsing, pushing it's way out to make itself known.

"Haruno Sakura? What are you doing here at this time of night? Are you excited about becoming a genin tomorrow?" he smiled, for Sakura was among his favorite students. Always happy about her "Sasuke-kun" and he knew for a fact that, one day, she would be a strong kunoichi. He nodded towards Genma who respectfully bowed in return and closed the door behind him.

"I'm afraid, Lord Hokage, that I'm here under more pressing matters." Sakura's voice was not the high pitched whine it normally was. It was not the voice of a pre-teen girl, focused on cosmetics and crushes. Her voice was weary, stretched thin and so low Hiruzen almost had to strain to hear it.

At these words, The Hokage's face turned grave. He searched Sakura's face and saw the fear in her eyes. This was what he had been anticipating. He knew.

"What's wrong Sakura? You look pained, in a way."

Sakura hesitated to answer and instead fiddled with a diamond ring on a chain around her neck. Turned in the light, red flashed.

"Well, it's like this…


The Village of Hidden in the Leaves. War torn and battle weary. Rain poured down, obscuring everything. Thunder boomed and bleakness pervaded the air. You could faintly make out a figure in front of the memorial rock with a smaller figure beside them.


"Yes Satoshi-kun?"

"He's here."

As he said that, a cloaked figure appeared before them.

"Sakura-sama, Satoshi-kun. Tsunade-sama wishes to see you."

The emerald eyed beauty turned her head at him and pushed a pink lock out of her face.

She turned once more to the memorial that held so many names dear to her. Names of people that were taken away from her and her son in the war.

"You know it won't help right? Standing here day after day. It won't bring them back. It won't bring HIM back."

"I know."

"Then why?"

"For my son!" she cried out uncharacteristically."For my son." she said again in a soft undertone.

She reached out and stroked his head, pulling him close. Turning around, she said,

"Come let's go."

When she turned around, she resolved to walk away from all of this. From the weakness that she so despised and that threatened to consume her.

And when the lightning struck, you could make out the name:

Uzumaki Naruto

"You wanted to see us Tsunade-sama?"

"Yes. Sakura, are you sure you want to go through with this. Have you even thought of your son's feelings at all?"

She turned her head and stared at the boy who had remained silent all this time.

"You need to tell him. He's old enough to know the truth."

"It's already done. How could you think that I wouldn't tell him? I keep no secrets from my son."

Tsunade looked between Sakura and the boy who if not for his eyes, that were identical to his mothers, a beautiful emerald color filled with the same longing and loneliness that few could understand, she would mistake him for his father at his age.


The door slammed opened revealing a panting Hinata and her disgruntled daughter.

"Sato-kun!" Hyuuga Suzume cried out and engulfed her best friend and first love in a big hug.

"Ack! Suzu-chan! I can't breathe!" His face was tinted pink and he was trying very hard to be strong and not show any feelings for the blonde-haired girl.

"Gomenasai! we tried to come earlier but we couldn't" the silver-eyed woman replied

Sakura nodded understandingly, giving her own best friend a hug.

"It's okay Hinata-chan I'm just glad that you're here."

"Sakura, it's ready."

Sakura turned around and saw that on the floor of the Hokage's office, Tsunade had drawn a circle surrounded by ancient runes and marked with two wings on either side. As Sakura looked at that, she felt the urge to run. She could see only the bad memories which she would have to relive.

Whirling around, she crashed her son in a tight embrace.

"Sato-chan, take care of your aunt and Suzume-chan okay? Help your Grandma Tsunade okay? I love you."

"I promise Kaa-san. I love you too."

A smile appeared on her face and, for a moment, she looked like the twenty seven year old she might have been.

Stepping into the circle, she vaguely heard Tsunade say an incantation and feel the wind swirling around her. All she could think was:

It's going to change. Everything's going to be different. I can stop this war from ever happening.

(End Flashback)

"That's what happened. Tsunade-sama's jutsu allowed me to travel back in time to stop what happened from happening. At the same time, it transformed my body into my twelve year old self."

All this time, she had played with the diamond ring around her neck and had not looked at the Sandaime. Now she looked up to see him with his head in his hands and his eyes closed. She could see the worry lines etched on his face.

"Who is the father?"

This question came so suddenly that it threw her off. Of all the questions she had thought that he would ask, she didn't expect this one.

"Excuse me?"

"Your son. Who is the father?"

She looked down, reluctant to answer this question.

"I would rather not say until the right moment if you please." she said while clenching the ring tightly in her fist.

"I understand. Meanwhile, I will make sure that everything will be taken care of. You, Uchiha Sasuke, and Uzumaki Naruto will be put into Squad 7. Would you like me to tell any of the jounins?"


Her outburst surprised him. She looked rather wild for her hair hung around her face and her eyes were wide with shock and defiance.

"None of the jounins must know. I don't know how many repercussions will be made with only you knowing and I don't want to completely destroy the future and accidentally make it worse!" By the end of this speech, she was breathing hard.

"Yes things must change, but I want things to go as close to the original as possible with some exceptions. Uchiha Sasuke-kun must never get bitten by Orochimaru, you mustn't die if we can help it, and Uzumaki Naruto should stay alive!"

"Yes," he said quietly, "I understand."

She could not look at him any longer for his gaze seemed to pierce her, as if he could read what she was thinking. So she turned to leave and said,

"It's good to see you again sir. I best be getting home. My parents are probably worried."

And with that, she walked out of the Hokage's office. He watched her walk down the road and muttered to himself,

"I wonder."

The next morning…

"Sakura! It time for school! You don't want to be late!"

"I know! I'm coming!" she shouted back at her mom.

I wish she would stop treating me like a child

Shannaro! She used to treat us like such children!

Where have you been for the past ten years?

What I can't have a vacation?

Truth be told, she had kind of missed her Inner. She gave her someone to argue with.

Checking herself in the mirror one last time, Sakura took in the figure staring back at her. She hated her twelve year old body. She hated the flat figure, yes. But most of all she hated the weakness of this body.

Even though she had retained all of her knowledge of medical jutsus and battle experience, none of it did any good if her body couldn't handle it. Her chakra coils were pitiful and her physical muscles even worse.

She needed strength. She needed change. And that change would start now with her physical appearance.

She still retained her shorts, changed to a black color replacing the forest green, but no longer was she wearing that hideously impractical red dress. Instead she had replaced it with a crimson skirt, the white Haruno circle proudly displayed. Both sides were slit high on the thigh in order to give better range of motion during training or battle.

Her top now consisted of a white highnecked vest with crimson stitching and was cropped at the top of her stomach showing the mesh shirt she wore underneath. This vest also had attached to it an overly large hood that hung down her back. Her arms stayed bare save for a small pouch strapped to her left bicep carrying poisoned senbon.

And her shoes? She replaced the typical open toed ninja sandals with white ankle boots. Tsunade had long taught her how to fight with heels and these had wicked sharp ones.

Feeling confident, Sakura pulled on a new pair of black gloves as she stepped out the door.

"I'm leaving now!"

Walking along the streets, she ran into none other than Yamanaka Ino.

"Well, well. If it isn't Little Miss Forehead. New clothes? I don't know why you even try. It's not like Sasuke will notice you."

"Good morning Ino."

Not wanting to get into a fight with her this early in the morning, Sakura gave her a curt nod and walked right past her. Ino took this as a challenge and started walking faster towards the school. Not wanting to miss a chance to pass up a chance to show up Ino again, Sakura smirked and sped up.

To Ino it would seem as if she disappeared when in truth she had sped up too fast for her to see. Arriving at the school in under a minute, Sakura found she was early to class. She walked in to find it empty, save for the Uchiha prodigy himself.

His dark eyes took in her new clothing but he made no comment. It unnerved her.

She cringed and reluctantly made her way towards him.

"Good morning Sasuke-kun!" she crooned to him in a bad imitation of how she used to act around him.

He raised his eyebrows at her odd behavior, but said nothing.

"Ehehe.": sweat drop: "Okay then."

She sat down and tried to quietly wait for the other students to arrive. Tried being the operative word. His presence wasn't exactly make for the most relaxing environment. Soon she was whistling, humming, singing softly under her breath, among other things. Without thinking, she started playing with the ring around her neck.

Sasuke saw this and immediately grabbed her hand. Pulling up the ring to the light, he stared and then snarled at her,

"Where did you get this?" The look on his face was one of absolute fury and hatred, which was not one seen often at this age. But from her time it was all too familiar a sight to the rosette. Her heart broke at the way his young features twisted with unfamiliar, yet oh so familiar, rage.

He shouldn't have a reason for this. Not yet. Annoyance, yes. Anger, yes. But the look on his face was one that was only seen with the mention of Itachi's name.

"Sakura! I'm not going to ask you again! Where. Did. You. Get. This?" with each word he shook her and waited for an answer.

"Forehead girl! Get away from my Sasuke!" the moment was broken by a panting Ino at the door. Sasuke quickly let go of Sakura's wrists and stepped away.

Ino looked between them, thinking that she might have interrupted something important. Narrowing her eyes at Sakura, she pulled her towards the hallway.

"I'll be right back Sasuke-kun! I just have to take care of something!" looking back Ino threw a flirty wink at a still fuming Sasuke who completely ignored her.

Once they were out in the hallway and out of earshot, Ino rounded on Sakura.

"What the hell was that all about!? You were all over Sasuke! Don't even try to deny it Sakura! Sasuke-kun's mine! You hear me?" The blonde was nearly incandescent with her own rage. Where Sasuke's rage seeped darkness and horror, Ino's burned with righteous indignation. Periwinkle blue eyes demanded an answer and Sakura set out to give her one.

"No! Listen to me you Pig! If I want hang around with Sasuke-kun I will, but frankly I don't really care!"

She stalked off leaving a confused Ino standing alone.

Maybe I shouldn't have yelled at Ino like that.

Shannaro! She deserved it! That Pig! How dare she try to challenge us!

Besides that, Sasuke-kun really scared me. I guess he had a right to though.

Yeah. It's been ten years since we last saw him. And even then, it wasn't much.

Ten long years.

While she was thinking, she didn't notice that a figure had come up to her.

"H-hi Sakura-chan! Good morning!"

Standing in front of her was a blushing Uzumaki Naruto.

"Naruto? What are you doing here so early?"

"It isn't that early. We have about five minutes left to get to class. Um, c-can I walk you?"

Sakura felt bad for Naruto. She knew that at this age, he had a crush on her. His whiskered cheeks were stains red and it was all she could do to not give him a giant bear hug and smother him with "I'm sorry"s.

"Naruto... I know you like me."

"What are you talking about Sakura-chan? You're crazy! Hahaha!" he rubbed the back of his head and tried to stop blushing. The sight only made Sakura's heart constrict even worse.

"Naruto don't lie. I don't like you like that."

Naruto's face fell and it took all she had not to sweep him up in a big hug.

"But just because I don't like you like that doesn't mean we can't be friends?" She looked up into blue eyes shining with hope. "Okay?"

"Okay Sakura-chan. Dattebayo! And if we're friends, maybe you'll find yourself falling in love with me!"

She rolled her eyes at his persistence but smiled anyway. Knowing where his feeling should lie, she decided to lead the conversation in a different route.

"Say, Naruto? I know someone else who'd like to be your friend. Why don't you try being nicer to Hinata-chan? She would definitely appreciate it."

His nose scrunched up in confusion.

"Hinata? That's weird. She's weird. She always acts funny around me and she never talks to me. It doesn't seem like she wants to be my friend at all!" He huffed a little at that, sure in his supposed knowledge of the Hyuuga Heiress's feelings.

"Trust me when I say Hinata wants to be your friend Naruto. She's just a little shy. I know. Why don't the three of us go to Ichiraku later? We can all get to know each other better there. My treat!"

His grin came back full force and Sakura nearly teared up at the sight. She had missed Naruto very much. They had been closer than brother and sister.

"But seriously Naruto, spend some more time with Hinata-chan. You never know, you might just end up falling for her."

"You know, Sakura-chan, you say the weirdest things sometimes!"

Sakura just smiled to herself and walked along.

When they arrived in the classroom, they found themselves surrounded by Sasuke's fangirls.

"No I'm sitting next to Sasuke-kun!"

"No me!



Mentally gagging at the attitudes of the fangirls, Sakura pushed her way through and announced,

"I'm going to sit next to Sasuke-kun and if anyone has a problem with it, tough luck!"

"Forehead Girl, no way!"

"You're not sitting next our Sasuke-kun!"

"All right! That's enough! Take your seats." A frustrated Iruka called out.

As he called the teams, Sakura put her head on her desk, already knowing who was going to be on what squad. As she was just about to fall asleep, she heard her name being called along with Naruto's and Sasuke's. Her head snapped up at the immediate uproar from Naruto not wanting to be on the squad with Sasuke and from the fangirls not wanting Sakura on the squad with Sasuke. Immediately iruka quieted the class down, leaving Sakura to doze off until lunchtime.

Sakura was currently brooding at the bench. She laid down on it just as she had fifteen years ago. Looking up at the sky she wondered. Feeling a presence, she looked up to see Sasuke leaning against a tree smirking at her.


"Sakura, your forehead's so big. It makes me want to kiss it."

(End Flashback)

Hehehe. I remember this. Naruto impersonated Sasuke so that he could kiss me.

Shannaro! If he thinks that he'll get away with this, he's got another thing coming!

'Sasuke' had walked up to her now.

"Sakura, your forehead's so big. It makes me want to kiss it."

He expected her to be screaming with glee, but was surprised when she said , "Naruto, I thought I told you to give up on me. Honestly, I think you'd be much happier with Hinata-chan."

Sakura smiled to herself and wondered if she was making too much of a difference. Maybe she should stop trying to interfere and just wait until the time was right.

No, she thought. If her experiences showed her anything is that things could not have gotten much worse. She was too hard on the Sandaime when she snapped at him. She would have to apologize later.

"Sakura-chan?" There was a POOF! And Naruto was standing in front of her. She jumped slightly. She had become lost in her thoughts and forgotten that he was there.

"What is it Naruto?"

"Do you really think that Hinata and I would be right for each other? I mean she never talks to me. She really seems to avoid me."

Oh Naruto! If only you knew.

"I don't know Naruto. I told you, Hinata's really shy. And who really finds true love at twelve?" Well, besides me anyways. "Why don't we all try being friends first?"

She sat there and talked to Naruto until the lunch break was over. Learned how to be friends with him again. Re-learned things about him, things that she hadn't known yet at that time in her life because she was too focused on Sasuke and never gave Naruto another thought.

In turn, she let him learn about her. About how she secretly wanted to be strong and be a kunoichi that people would remember for her kindness, compassion, and for being the best medi-nin in the village.

He grinned at that and announced that when he was Hokage, she would be the director of the hospital. She laughed in response.

They continued to talk and she unintentionally let things slip. Like the fact that she was scared. She immediately shut herself down. When he asked her of what, she wouldn't say. She looked at him and in those few seconds, he saw the broken soul that was left behind.


She quickly turned away and when she faced him again, the mask was in place and she was smiling.

"Come on Naruto! If we don't hurry, we're going to be late for class!"

She grabbed his hand and dragged him to the classroom.

Sakura-chan.. Naruto thought I'm going to find out why you're so sad. And when I do, I'll kill the person who caused it. Believe it!

Okay! Well, that's all for the first chapter. This has taken me a long time to get right and I've made A LOT of changes to the original storyline that i had planned years ago.

Review and Kiki-chan will give you a pocky!

The second chapter will be updated tomorrow morning because i just love you all and I feel guilty for basically uploading almost the same first chapter of the other story!