Well, this is a story that I had in the back of my mind for a while, and it is starting to affect my other stories. I can't concentrate on them with this one constantly being on my mind, so I went ahead and posted the first chapter. The story came to me when I played Dishonored and Darkness II, and then watched one of my Naruto DVDs. So, I'm not sure how fast I'll be able to post chapters, being as I want to make sure to update my other stories too. I apologize if they do not come very fast.

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto, The Darkness I & II, nor do I own Dishonored.


Chapter 1

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Everything is dark, and then a figure steps forward. Johnny Powell.

" Okay, you know how this story starts. In the beginning, there was s***. Literally, nothing but void and darkness. That's how The Darkness liked it. It wasn't until God decreed "Turn on the lights" that things got nasty. Start out small: A planet here, a sun there. You know. Next thing you know, there are humans, and cows, and then stuff running all over the place. Needless to say, The Darkness was pissed. From then 'til now, The Darkness tore its way through world, inhabiting one human host after another. Each thinking they were its master. But you can't own The Darkness, The Darkness owns you.

Fast forward to one Jackie Estacaudo. You know 'im. His girl's brains got blown out, got pissed, and then started killing everyone using The Darkness. You know how it went, one thing lead to another, things went to s***, and now Jackie's trapped in hell with The Darkness. The Angelus, using Jenny as a medium, was released back into the world. I bet you're thinkin' "Hey, light is coming back into the world and The Darkness has been sealed away! Isn't that a good thing?" No! It is not a 'good' thing! It's the opposite! It's a pretty f***ing bad thing! That would be like telling you that the world being set on fire and then being thrown into a black hole is a good thing! The Angelus doesn't care about the humans or anything! All the Angelus cares about is getting rid of The Darkness.

With it out of the picture, guess what it gets to exterminate next? Us! There have only been two or three people in the entire history of mankind that did not have sin! You know what that means? F***ing game over! We are now up to our eyeballs in s***, and it doesn't smell good! No s*** smells good! If you think it does, well, you're nasty. I-I-I'm getting off track! The Angelus is going about, killing everyone! What the Angelus didn't know, was now God was pissed with her. Seeing that his vessel of light was indeed corrupted, God did the one thing the Angelus did not expect. He reset the world, and took her out of it.

If I'm correct, she was sealed in a part of hell that was specially made just for her and was turned into a ten-tailed monster. That sucks. What? You wanna know what's the point of the story if the world has been reset? Well, shut up! I'm getting to that part! People are so impatient! Now, a far less known being is called the Outsider. A being that was created from a fragment of The Darkness.

Well, if you ever heard of the story about how Corvo was betrayed, twice, framed, twice, and then had to face down the entire nation in order to get back the Empress's daughter, Emily, then you should know about the Outsider. What you don't know is that, after Corvo died in his old age, his spirit was kept by the Outsider. The Outsider knew that one day Corvo would be an invaluable asset to him, and he was right. Wha- Shut up! I'm getting to the point! S*** you people are impatient!

Okay well, before the Angelus was going around slaughtering everyone and God reset the world, the Outsider came and took a few, 'key' figures that he knew would be valuable to him in the long-run. Now, here comes the good stuff. The Outsider knew that the only way to bring back The Darkness was if a host was found, and the only way for a host to be found is if they found someone with a piece of The Darkness inside of them. Bad news? Jackie was the last one, and even if he did get some random hooker pregnant the world was reset, and all the people were wiped off the face of the earth.

So, the Outsider did the one thing he knew he had to do. He placed himself into the Soul Stream. What's the Soul Stream? It's a river made entirely out of newborn souls... And a few reincarnated ones, but they've been cleansed entirely of sin and memories, so it doesn't matter. Anyway, when he did that, he put himself in the position of being born into a human body. That way he could make a connection to The Darkness that is trapped in hell. When that happens, The Darkness will make whoever the Outsider became its host, and it will be unleashed back into the world again.

Okay, I'm going to fast forward a bit more. We are at the point where the Angelus, or the Jyuubi, as everyone keeps calling it, has escaped hell. Pfft, what a suck-a** name. Now this sage dude has just came up to her and wham! He sealed her inside of himself. Fast forward some more, sage dude is really old. He's worrying about what Jyuubi is gonna do once he dies, so he gets an idea. He separates her soul from her body and shatters her soul into nine pieces. He even goes a step further and seals her body into the moon! Way to kick a** sage dude! Alright, one last fast forward.

It's October tenth, the Outsider has finally been born. He looks nothing like himself. Looks way better if you ask me. Before he looked like that guy who plays that pirate captain. You know with the boat called the Black Pearl? Yeah that one. Off topic again. Corvo is watching him carefully, mainly because there is a huge a** fox coming towards the village that the newlyborn Outsider is currently residing in. Bad. Timing.

Anyway, his 'father' has just grabbed his sister and is heading in the direction of the giant animal. The people are calling it Kyubi. It's one of the soul fragments of the Angelus, s***, Jyuubi. Um, did I forget to mention that... the newborn Outsider has a twin sister? I did? Well he does. Also, his mother is in critical condition right now, but she's expected to pull through. Back to the carnage. The Outsider reborn's father is heading right for it on top of... I-is that a frog? God help us all. Mankind is relying on frogs to save them. And people called me crazy! N-n-now the guy just did this weird-a** thing where he summons the reaper, it eats his soul, the Kyubi is now inside of.. Nami? Is that her name? Right. What's the boy's name then? Naruto? ...Why? What do you mean you don't know? R-right sorry, I was talking to ... i-it doesn't matter.

So, Nami is being brought back to the hospital, the demon has been stopped, their mother, Kushina? Kushina. She's been stabilized. Now the three will be together as a family. Great, fantastic! Wrong! This, will only get worse before it ever gets better, because-"

An old, grey minion in torn robes walks up next to Johnny.

"Evil always finds a way."

" Gah, Gnarl! This isn't your story! G-go back to Overlord!" (A/N: I do not own Overlord.)

Gnarl chuckled, but left anyway.

" Right, where was I? Oh yes! It will only get worse because The Darkness, always gets what it wants. And what it wants, is suffering."

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Hospital Room

Nami was being examined thoroughly, the staff making sure that nothing was wrong with her or the seal. Meanwhile, with no one noticing, a man wearing a metal skull mask was silently creeping away with Naruto. Corvo was taking him to be branded with the mark of the Outsider. It would not be an easy task for him, seeing as it is him giving the mark to the Outsider reincarnated, but it would be done. He darted through the dark alleyways, the night making a perfect shroud for him, until he came unto an altar made of whale bone.

He had made the altar one week before Naruto's birth, and it was a bit crude looking, but it would do. He placed the babe on the alter, and began to chant. It took all of ten minutes before Corvo finished the chant, and a symbol appeared on Naruto's hand. With his mission accomplished, all that was left to be done was to deliver Naruto back into his room at the hospital without being detected. It was embarrassingly easy. The staff was still focused on Nami. Corvo placed Naruto on the small, hospital bed that he had been on before, and then slipped out into the night. It wouldn't be until years later that Naruto would see him again.

Time Skip - Four Years Later

A small, little Naruto was walking hand-in-hand with his twin sister Nami. Nami and Naruto looked exactly the same, for the most part. The only difference was Nami's hair was long and smooth compared to Naruto's short, messy hair, and Nami had whisker marks on her cheeks that Naruto lacked. Naruto and Nami both wore the standard blue sandals that everyone seemed to wear (does anybody else notice that in the series? I mean sometimes they're black, and some have slight differences like heels and having higher tops, but everybody wears pretty much the same shoes. There is one rich shoe salesman out there, somewhere), but Naruto wore orange overhauls with and a black shirt, while Nami wore an orange, cotton dress that had small, red spirals all over it. They both smiled and sang little nursery rhymes, happy just being in each others company, when Naruto suddenly got a face full of water balloon. Naruto fell on his bum, drenched, and started to cry. Nami looked from her brother to the snickering boy who had thrown the balloon. Kiba Inuzuka was his name. Nami huffed and puffed out her cheeks, before blowing out the air and marching right over to Kiba. The boy didn't notice Nami until he got a face full of something else. Nami's fist. The boy fell back and glared at her while rubbing his sore nose. He got back up, ready to give her a punch as well, when he heard a voice that made his heart sink. His mother's voice.

Tsume: Kiba Inuzuka! What have I told you about picking on girls?

Kiba: B- But mom!

Tsume: No buts! I'm sorry for how he has behaved, Nami.

Nami: Thank you Ms. Tsume, but I think he should apologise to Naruto for throwing a balloon at him!

Tsume froze in fear as her eyes landed on the still sobbing form of Naruto. The boy always made her and the rest of her clan uneasy. His very presence made all the dogs in her compound ill, and even some of the clan members started to feel sick whenever the boy was around. It became very apparent to them that the boy was not normal, but to what extent was unknown.

Tsume: We need to go. Goodbye Nami.

Tsume quickly grabbed her son and jumped away onto the rooftops before Nami could stop them. Nami huffed again, before walking over to her brother and helping him up, and then giving him a big hug despite his wet clothes.

Nami: It's okay, Naruto! Lets go home and get mom to put you on some more clothes, then we can go to the park!

Naruto: *sniffle* O-okay Nami.

Nami and Naruto held hands again and walked back to their house. It wasn't anything great, just a normal house. After Kushina had finally been released from the hospital, she had been forbidden to tell anyone who the father of the children had been, and would instead say it was a ninja that fell in the Kyubi attack. So of course, Kushina and her children were not allowed to stay in the Namikaze estate, but it would only be until the children were old enough to fend for themselves if Iwa tried to send ninja after them. So, the children were forced to bear the weight of being called b******s by the adults and being ridiculed by other children. There were those that were nice to them, but there were still more that hated than loved. The twins made it back home, there mother coming from out of the kitchen to see why they were back from the park so soon. She dropped the dish towel she had been drying her hands with when she saw Naruto and rushed to him.

Kushina: What on earth happened?!

Nami: Kiba threw a water balloon at Naruto, and then his mom comes and ran away with him!

Kushina: Darn Inuzuka's! Why must they bother you two so much?

Naruto: D-don't worry, mommy! They leave Nami alone; it's just me they pick on.

Kushina: *sigh* I wish I knew why. Every time I try to get a straight answer out of one of them they just side-step the question and make up excuses to leave.

Naruto: Can you help me change clothes, mommy? I still wanna go to the park.

Kushina: Yes, of course!

Kushina picked up her son and walked upstairs with him to the twin's bedroom. After she got him dried off and changed into a clean pair of clothes, the twins left again to the park, saying goodbye to their mother. If only they knew it really would be the last time they see their mother alive.

Meanwhile at the Inuzuka Compound

Tsume was in the birthroom with her son, looking at all the newborn puppies there. In particularly, they were looking at a litter of mix-breeds. They had managed to get ahold of a spotted hyena, and had mated it with one of their hounds. This resulted in dogs that had the jaws of the hyena and it's spotted fur, while the rest of the features were of their black-furred, wolf-like mother. However, there was one that was more like the father than anything. This pup looked exactly like its father, the only thing inherited from its mother being her black fur. Kiba looked at the pup, which was about a month old, and pointed at it.

Kiba: Mom, why does that one have creepy eyes?

Tsume followed the path of her son's pointing and looked at the black pup with the red, glowing eyes.

Tsume: It happens sometimes, pup. We have made a pact with dogs, and our dogs come from hounds that have a strong connection with nature, but not everything about nature is good. Sometimes we get pups that have a strong connection to the darker side of nature. We call them Hellbeasts, seeing as their unfit for the name 'hound'.

Kiba: Shouldn't we kill it?

Tsume: Our pact forbids us to harm any canines, no matter what. It will die on its own anyway, seeing as all of our hounds must find a partner and make a connection in order to live.

Kiba: What if it makes a connection?

Tsume: It won't. The pups never seem to be satisfied with anyone they see.

As Tsume and Kiba were talking, Naruto and Nami had walked past their compound, heading towards the park, and all the animals inside were affected by Naruto's presence. The puppies began to squirm and whine with their mothers, all except for the little black hyena. It turned its otherworldly eyes to the door that had been left cracked open, and snuck out of the room. It wasn't even hard for it to sneak out of the compound, for Naruto's presence dulled all of their senses. It then went off in Naruto and Nami's direction.

Once Naruto was far enough away from the compound, everyone began to go back to their business. That's when Tsume noticed the black pup was missing. She looked around a noticed the door had been left open. Cursing, Tsume ran out the door and followed the scent of the little animal.

With Naruto and Nami

Naruto was playing in the sandbox with Nami, trying to build a castle, but instead ending up with hills. That's when Naruto felt something nudge his back. The small boy turned around to see a small, black puppy, looking at him with its red eyes. Just as Naruto and the puppy made eye contact, Tsume had come from around a corner and froze. The illness in her gut was increased by ten-fold as she witnessed a connection being made between the pup and Naruto. She stood there for only mere seconds, before turning and running back to her compound. What she had saw was an ill omen.

Tsume arrived back at her compound and had gathered everyone into the meeting room, telling them of what she had witnessed. Afterwards, one of the elders spoke. An old man with a beard that was about a foot long, whose name was Rinpo.

Rinpo: Now, Tsume, we know that Naruto isn't normal. We each feel an illness that grips us when he is near, but what does a connection with a Hellbeast need to worry us so? I know that this is the first time in Inuzuka history that a Hellbeast has chosen a partner, but we now at least don't have to care of it anymore.

Tsume: Rinpo, you don't understand! When a link is made, an Inuzuka always feels what kind of link it is. They'll usually give off the feel "This is master" or "This is my partner", and sometimes even "This is my friend" or "This is my mother/father".

Rinpo: And what connection did you feel?

Tsume: ... "This is god."

As soon as the words left her, the room was in an uproar. An ill omen of the worst kind. During all the commotion, they didn't notice when a few of the Inuzuka's slipped out.

With Naruto and Nami three hours later

The twins were walking back home with Naruto carrying his new puppy in his arms.

Naruto: Do you think mom will let me keep him?

Nami: Of course! So, what-cha gonna name him?

Naruto: ... I like Guhenki.

Nami: Well, that's an odd name, but whatever!

The two kept walking, and stopped in their tracks when they noticed that their home was on fire. They also noticed their mother was on the roof of their house, fighting three men and two women. They couldn't see much, but what they could see was that their mother was losing. ANBU had just arrived, but they were too late. As they began to douse the flame and a few going to aid Kushina, a kunai was imbedded in her chest. She lopped off the man's head with her sword as he shoved it in, but it did little to change tha fact that she was going to die. Kushina had taken down two men and one woman, but that ment there were two left. Before the two remaining ninja could attack, the ANBU had intercepted them. The two were brought down and taken away to be interrogated. As the flame died down, one of the ANBU, whom had silver hair and was wearing a dog mask, carried Kushina out of the flames.

Kushina: D-Dog, let m-me talk to m-my children. O-one last time.

Dog: Kushina, you can talk to them after I take you to the hospital.

Kushina: Y-you and I both know t-that I won't live long e-enough to make it t-there.

The Dog ANBU nodded, and brought Kushina over to them. He carefully set her on the ground, and watched as the twins ran over to their mother.

Nami: Mom!

Naruto: Mommy!

Kushina: H-hey there, my little a-angels. You know t-that mommy loves you both v-very much, right?

They both nodded, tears welling up in their eyes. Kushina raised a shaking hand, and rubbed Nami's head, before she rubbed Naruto's.

Kushina: I-I'm sorry, but you'll have to t-take care of each other w-without me.

Nami: Why?! Where are you going?!

Naruto: Don't leave us, mommy!

Kushina: I'm s-sorry, babies. Promise me t-that you'll always l-look after each... other.

Kushina's eyes closed as she let out a long breath, and she grew still. Nami and Naruto began to cry, with Nami going and shaking her mother's body.

Nami: Mom?! Mommy?! Why are you sleeping?! Wake up! Wake up!

"Kill them!"

Naruto looked around for the voice he heard.

"Make them suffer for taking her!"

Naruto let go of Guhenki and gripped his head in pain as he fell to his knees. This did not go unnoticed by the Dog ANBU and his sister Nami.

Nami: N-Naruto? What's wrong?

"They stole her from you!"

Nami: Naruto?! You're not going to leave me too!

"They'll come back and take your sister! Go! Kill them!"

Suddenly, Naruto was enveloped in darkness, and tentacles were sprouting from his back.

Naruto: FOR NAMI!

Naruto's voice had become demonic, scaring all the people there. Guhenki sat there wagging his tail, and Nami, even though she was terrified, lunged at her brother and hugged him as tight as she could.

Nami: Stop it! No more! No more!

Seconds passed, but the darkness soon started to vanish as the tentacles slowly receded back into his back. Naruto panted hard, and then started to sob and hold his sister. Naruto looked at the Dog ANBU, fear in his eyes.

Naruto: Don't let them take Nami! Don't let them come back and take her! You just can't!

The Dog ANBU looked at Naruto, before nodding. He signaled for another ANBU to come and take Kushina's body to be taken care of. Naruto let go of his sister and picked up Guhenki, who was still happily wagging his tail, and then the twins were picked up by the Dog ANBU. He took the twins to the Hokage, whom he relaid the details of what had happened to. The ANBU sat the twins down as the Hokage dismissed him. After he was gone, the Hokage looked at them and sighed.

Hokage: I'm sorry for your loss, but I need to ask you a few questions. The ones who attacked your mother were of the Inuzuka, do you have any idea why they would do that?

Nami: Well, when we went to te playground, Kiba threw a water balloon at Naruto's face, so I punched him..

Hokage: While I thank you for telling me the truth, I don't think that is the reason why they attacked and killed your mother. Naruto, the ANBU that brought you in here mentioned that you brought about some kind of dark power moments after your mother died. Do you know what it was and how you did it?

Naruto: ... I was scared... I was scared that they would come back and take Nami... There was a voice that said to get rid of them, so they wouldn't take Nami.

Hokage: And do you hear that voice now?

Naruto shook his head.

Hokage: I see. What about that animal you're holding? Where did you get it?

Naruto: It came up to me from behind while I was building sandcastles with Nami. Y-You don't think that's why they hurt mommy, do you?

Hokage: No, I don't think so, but I could be wrong. I've already sent for a meeting with the council, so I want you two to wait here while I go and talk to them. There will be guards outside the door if you need anything.

They nodded their heads as the Hokage got up and left the room. In the council room, when all of the members had gathered, it was chaos. Some were shouting that what they did was an act of greatness for the village, some said that the infants be put down as well, while there were others that shouted for the Inuzuka clan to be punished for this catastrophe.

Hokage: QUIET!

The room fell silent as they each turned to look at the Third.

Hokage: Why they did it doesn't matter as much seeing as the two remaining will be executed for killing a fellow shinobi. That is the law! What matters is what is to be done with the twins, and the first person to shout "kill them" will be incinerated on the spot by a well-placed, powerful fire jutsu! Do I make myself clear?!

They all nodded, and then the head of the Aburame clan, Shibi, spoke up.

Shibi: I could take them into the clan. When Naruto is around it seems our insects get excited and more energized, making it easier to perform more powerful jutsu.

The tired-looking head of the Nara clan, Shikaku, spoke up next.

Shikaku: Hey, that doesn't seem very fair. Whenever Naruto's around, our shadow jutsu become even more potent and easy to use.

Hokage: Why didn't either of you ever mention this before?

Shikaku: It was just a little over a month ago that I realized it.

Shibi: The same can be said for me as well.

Hokage: And how did you notice this?

Shikaku: I was training my son in one of our jutsu, he stunk at first, but when Naruto came over to our compound to play, I noticed that Shikamaru had an easier time using it. I tried myself and also noticed how much easier it was to perform while he was around.

Shibi: It was during a walk through town, when Naruto had bumped into me. I felt my insects hum, and I myself felt energized. I invited Naruto and Nami to play with my son at our compound, and noticed that upon his arrival, those who were having trouble controlling their insects for jutsu suddenly gained complete control over them, as well as more energy.

The Third Hokage sat in silence, thinking hard about what he had just heard. Could this be connected to the power he had shown after his mother's death? There was only one way to find out.

Hokage: I think I have found a solution. Seeing as it benefits the both of you, why not have joint custody over the boy? One clan will watch him one week, and then the other clan will watch him a week. How does this sound!

Shibi: ... It will suffice.

Shikaku: I don't think I'll be getting a better deal out of this, so yeah, I'm in.

Tsume slammed her fist on the arm of her chair and stood up.

Tsume: Hokage sama, there is something that I need to tell you.

Hokage: What is it Tsume?

Tsume went and relayed everything about what had happened with the pup that had ran away, including about how whenever Naruto is near them they start to feel ill.

Hokage: Hm, I'll inform Naruto not to walk near your compound then.

Tsume: Is that it?! Hokage sama, there is something wrong with that boy!

Hokage: Well until he starts sprouting demons out of his back (A/N:Lol), he and his sister will live with the Nara's and Aburame. I will also not allow his new pet to be killed, understand?

Tsume: Yes, Hokage sama.

Hokage: Good. Now, if there is nothing else to discuss, this meeting is over. Shibi, they'll come to stay at the Aburame compound first, so get everything ready. I have to go tell the twins about their living arrangements.

They all got up and left, each heading off towards a different destination. The Hokage went back to his office, and saw both of them had fallen asleep on the floor, the puppy lying on Naruto's back. The Hokage smiled at the innocent scene before him, and had two ANBU help him bring them to his home for the night. In the morning, the Hokage would tell them where they would be staying.

Chapter 1 - End

Well, there we go! How was it? Good I hope! I just love Johnny, I can't help but laugh at most of the crap the dude says and does in the game. I'll type another chapter, don't worry!