I'm testing the waters with this fic (so to speak). I've had this idea in my head for a little bit and while I'm trying to focus on my other stories in progress, this one just wouldn't let me concentrate on my other stories, so I just had to get this out. So I'm putting this out to get some feedback on if this worth me devoting time to as well. So please R&R and let me know :)
Note : "_" = talking '_' = thoughts
Disclaimer – Yeah, I don't own Glee, because if I did it would be far better show and I'd have the guts to explore a relationship that has so much subtext, it's cruel to deny it exists.
Chapter 1 – No Place to Call Home
Quinn lay on her bed, still in her Cheerios uniform from school, too tired to change out of it. School today was disastrous, slushied in the morning by Karofsky, who loudly announced her pregnancy in the middle of hallway…
Quinn walked hand in hand with her boyfriend Finn Hudson down the hallway for McKinley high school. She had to stifle a yawn as he went on about some awesome kill streak he had achieve the night before on some military game she could really care less about. She smiled and nodded at all the right moments, like the dutiful girlfriend, but really she just wanted him to stop talking about kill things in some virtual world, it was giving her a headache and she had enough to deal with. They turned down the hallway to their lockers, when someone suddenly blocked their way. It happened so quickly, there wasn't even enough time to react…
Quinn gasped as the cold liquid struck her face. She tried to close her eyes, but wasn't fast enough because she could feel her eyes burning as the foreign liquid got her eyes, making them sting painfully. She already felt disgustingly sticky from the heavy syrup used in the drink. She was too shocked to say anything or even move initially, but she wasn't stupid, she knew exactly what happened, she just didn't know the culprit.
"What's the deal man?" Finn asked in shock, dropping Quinn's arm from his.
"The deal? The deal is that you're secret's out, Fabray." Karofsky said smugly.
Quinn's eyes widened and she unconsciously backed away, 'How can he know?'
"Miss President of the Celibacy Club isn't setting a very good example." He sneered, turning his attention to the blonde cheerleader, before laughing. "Getting knocked up at sixteen knocks you off the top of the pyramid doesn't it, Preggo?" He exclaimed, causing those who hadn't stopped to watch the slushy attack to stop and watch the scene going on.
Quinn could feel her cheeks burning as she reared her right hand back and slapped Karofsky as hard as she could. She sprinted off to find the nearest bathroom, before Karofsky could regain his senses.
~end flashback~
'I didn't think so many people actually read his blog.' She thought to herself, which brought her to her next humiliation …
Quinn shoved open the bathroom door with a satisfying boom. The loud noise made some girl who was fixing her makeup in the mirror jump. Even covered in sticky syrup Quinn stared down the confused girl, "Get…out." She said dangerously, prompting the frightened girl to run out of the bathroom. She kept her features hardened until she heard the door click shut. She immediately turned to the sink and turned on the water, cupping her hands under the running water and splashing her face. She hazarded a glance at herself in the mirror above the sink. Her face was still smeared with red syrup and her hair looked even worse. 'I look disgusting.' She thought and reached up to touch her hair. She cringed at how sticky it felt, 'I feel disgusting…' She thought and closed her eyes tightly as she felt them fill with unwanted tears.
"You need to get that out of your hair, before it gets worse."
Quinn froze, she didn't even realize someone else had entered the bathroom until they spoke and from the first word, she knew exactly who was in the bathroom with her and she couldn't help thinking that God must really hate her. She quickly reached over and grabbed a couple paper towels and dried her face before turning to the intruder, "What do you want Rupaul?" She asked, venom just dripping off her words.
Rachel didn't even flinch at the other girl's insult, "I saw what happened with Karofsky." She said and grabbed a handful of paper towels herself. "I've become something of an expert when it comes to cleaning up after a slushy attack and I thought you could maybe use a hand because I know how hard it can be to get out, especially the first time."
"Why do you care? This should make you happy. It seems karma is finally coming back to get me." Quinn said and turned away from Rachel, not wanting her to see how hurt she was. She leaned over the sink and firmly held on to the sides of the porcelain for support as her body shook. She distantly heard water running, but she choose to ignore it and the other girl. The water stopped after a few seconds, shortly afterward Quinn saw a hand in front of her holding some dampened paper towels.
"It's easier to get it off with these." Rachel said simply. The tiny diva didn't say anything for a short time, but Quinn could feel her eyes were still on her. "Do you have another uniform you change into or at least another top?"
"You would like that wouldn't you, freak." Quinn snapped at the other girl angrily.
Rachel put her hands on her hips as she said, "I'm just trying to help you here, so can you put aside your aversion of me and accept it? I know you may not believe it, but I consider you my friend, I consider everyone in glee my friend and a friend helps out their friends."
"We're not friends and I don't want your help." She said and strode past Rachel, not missing the hurt on her face as she walked past her intent on heading to the Cheerios personal locker room.
~end flashback~
Quinn could feel am uncomfortable knot in her stomach as she thought about that interaction with Rachel. She'd been overly harsh to the girl and as had become common place she felt like shit after the fact and yet she still continued to be cruel to her, like she couldn't stop herself. Rachel always just takes whatever she dishes out, but the hurt she saw on the brunette's face at that time…it was hard to forget. She didn't know if guilt was a symptom of pregnancy, but it sure felt like it to her.
Her day only took a turn for the worse, when she learned that her boyfriend told his mother about her pregnancy…
Quinn had just finished putting her history book away, when a pair of arms wrapped around her shoulders from behind. She grimaced inwardly. She really didn't want to feel suffocated in his arms, so she put her hand on one of her arms and freed herself. She closed her locker and turned around, giving him a peek on his lips before leaning against her locker. "Hey, Finn."
"Sorry I didn't do more this morning, you know with Karofsky…" He said, mumbling the last part of his sentence.
She froze for a second, not really wanting to remember the incident, but she came to her senses after a few seconds, "I can handle Karofsky." Quinn said as confidently as she could.
Finn let out an audible sigh, "Oh good, cause you know he's a linebacker and he'd totally kill me in practice." Quinn couldn't suppress a glare at that comment, causing Finn to clearly become uneasy, "Uh…yeah…so there is something I should probably tell you…" He said trailing off.
Quinn eyed him curiously, he was nervous, she could tell and worry washed over her about what he was going to tell her, "W-What is it Finn?"
He rubbed the back of his head, another sign that he was nervous, "Well, I was in my room singing to myself. Actually, I was singing to a picture…you know the one you gave me of the…sonogram. Well, I didn't realize it, but my mom had come in at that time and I kinda told her about…you know the baby."
Quinn looked horrified at his confession, 'How could he be so stupid?' "What if she tells someone? What if my parents find out?"
"She won't tell anyone Quinn, I promise. Besides, she said she'd be supportive of us." Finn said, trying to sound reassuring.
Quinn took a step away from him and shook her head, "Do you have any idea what'll happen if my parents find out like this? They'll kill me."
Finn took a step toward his girlfriend, making up the distance she had created, "Come on Quinn it'll be fine, I promise."
"You can't promise me anything…especially when you can't keep it." Quinn said and took another step away from him as he reached out to her with his hand. "I need you to leave me alone for a little while, Finn." She said taking one more step, before turning away from him, hoping this would conclude their conversation, but of course nothing was going her way today.
"Come on Quinn, they're going to have to find out eventually."
"And why do you think you get to decide when that is?" Quinn spun around and asked.
"Maybe because I'm the dad." He replied as the warning bell sounded, for the final period of the day.
Quinn took a deep breath to try to control her emotions, only being partially successful, "We are not going to have this conversation in a hallway at school. I am not happy with you right now, so if you know what's good for you, you'll go to class without another word just like I'm about to." She said and turned around again, thankful to not hear another word from her boyfriend.
~end flashback~
She knew Finn wasn't the sharpest tool in the box, but she thought he had enough brains to keep this to himself, but of course she was wrong there. She sighed and recalled her last incident at school…skipping out on one of the things she really did love…glee. Of course, that ended up resulting in one more altercation with Berry.
Quinn was nearly successfully out of the building, when God decided to add a cherry atop her already horrible day.
She didn't know why she bothered to stop, maybe she was a glutton for punishment? So, of course she turned around and faced the tiny diva.
"Aren't you going to come to glee?"
"No." Quinn said simply and turned around again. As she started to walk again, she heard the other girl speak up again.
"You don't have to be embarrassed. No one in glee will judge you. You don't have to be afraid of rejection or anything in there, we'll stand behind you. I know that you're scared about what will happen now…"
Quinn shook her head before the brunette could finish a cut her off, "You have no idea. You don't know what I'm feeling."
Rachel bowed her head slightly before looking resolute as her eye connected with Quinn's, "I'll admit that I don't know what it's like to be in your exact position, but that doesn't mean that I don't understand you are feeling. I know exactly how it feels to be on the bottom of the social ladder, to be slushied…"
The blonde cheerleader looked down at the mention of being slushied. She had to ease the guilt she felt, so she did something she never thought she'd do, she apologized to Rachel Berry. "I'm sorry for how I acted earlier. I just wanted to properly apologize." Quinn said and looked down, frowning slightly, 'the knot is still there'.
Rachel shook her head, "It's okay, you were just lashing out, I know that and I just happened to be the one in the closest proximity to you at the time."
Quinn bit her lip to prevent herself from saying anything to refute that, because she knew it wasn't completely true. Rachel was always her target. From the moment she met her, she had an unnatural and truly unfounded desire to pick on the petite diva. 'Who am I kidding? I've gone far past picking on her, I bully her.' She thought shamefully. She could feel her eyes fill with tears once again; she was really beginning to hate how she felt like her emotions were constantly in overdrive. She closed her eyes for a moment and took a deep breath. She quickly wiped away the tears that escaped her eyes before opening them again and focusing on the girl in front of her once more. She was about to speak when her eyes locked with Rachel's and the words caught in her throat. 'Why do her eyes have to be so pleading…and caring?'
Rachel took a step toward the cheerleader as she spoke again, "Please just come to glee. I promise you won't regret it, everyone just wants to show you that they want to support you, well you and Finn."
Hearing her boyfriend's name brought her back to reality, prompting her to close her eyes turn around, "I can't. If this gets back to my parents, they'll burn me at the stack. I have to make sure they don't know." She said and began to walk away one more time, with no intention of stopping this time.
The blonde cheerleader faintly heard Rachel say her name, but she didn't even hesitate this time, she simply kept walking.
~end flashback~
'Why did she have to be so damn nice?' She asked herself and turned on to her side. Her vision blurred causing her to reach up and clear her vision with her hand angrily, 'I don't deserve her kindness.' She thought bitterly. Her eyes stubbornly filled with tears again. She didn't bother trying to do anything to stem her tears this time, since it likely wasn't worth it. She simply continued to lie there, until a wave of nausea hit her. She quickly got up and rushed into her bathroom, which was on suite to her room, thankfully.
Quinn used an arm to brace herself as she leaned over the toilet and emptied her stomach. She cringed afterward and touched her stomach with her free hand, still feeling queasy. 'Whoever thought of the term morning sickness, they were full of it. It's more like any time of the day sickness…' She thought bitterly, when she felt it.
She frowned as her hand found the small bump in her abdominal region. It was small, barely noticeable really, but it was there, a cold reminder of worst mistake in her life. She flushed the toilet and went over to the sink. She washed her hands and filled a disposable cup with water and drank it, in an effort to get the sickening taste out of her mouth. It took a couple more cups before she was satisfied. She was about to leave the bathroom, when she paused in front of her full body mirror. She turned to the side and examined herself, 'You can't even tell yet.' She thought to herself. She hiked up her uniform top and exposed her stomach, before looking at herself again. She could see the small bump clearly without her clothes obscuring anything. She touched her baby bump and smiled sadly, "I'm so sorry that you weren't the result of better circumstances. I wish…" She stopped, hearing the door to her room being opened. She hastily pulled down her top and stepped out of the bathroom. Quinn saw her mother standing in the doorway, looking even more inebriated than when she got home.
"Y-Your…Your father wants to speak to you….downstairs."
Quinn nodded, "Alright, I'll be down in a few moments, I just need to wash my hands, mother." She went back into the bathroom and turned on the sink, washing her hands as she said she was going to do. When she stepped back into her room, her door was still open, but her mother wasn't there any longer, though she didn't really expect her to be. She took a deep breath and proceeded to exit her room to see what her father wanted.
She made her way downstairs and headed into the living room, where she saw her father pacing in front of the sofa her mother was sitting on. An overwhelming sense of fear struck her as she set foot in the same room as her parents. She looked at her mother one more time, before focusing on her father, "You wanted to see me, father?"
Russell Fabray stopped and looked over to the entryway, "Yes, there's something I want to ask you about."
The teen took a small step forward, "What is it Daddy?"
He grimaced as his daughter addressed him, "So, I happened to paying for gas at the gas station down the street and ran into Mrs. Hudson…"
Quinn blanched at the name, 'Please…don't tell me…please.'
"She told me the most preposterous thing…" He paused for a moment and studied his daughter. He laughed humorlessly before speaking again, "She seemed to believe that you pregnant."
Quinn stared at her father, unable to find her voice. 'How could this happen so fast? What am I going say?' She could feel her eyes were swimming with unshed tears, but she still couldn't speak, she felt like she was suffocating, her chest felt tight and she was sure she was close to hyperventilating. 'Why? Why was this happening?'
"Is it true, are you pregnant?" Russell asked angrily. "ANSWER ME!"
Quinn jumped slightly at her father's booming voice. She was truly always scared of the man in front of her, but at that moment she was downright terrified of him. She took an unconscious step back and painfully swallowed the lump in her throat, "Y-Yes." She said barely a whisper, but she knew he would hear her.
"You sinful little slut!" He yelled cruelly, he appeared to shake in rage as he spoke again, "Get out of my house!"
Quinn looked at her father as she tried to control her tears, "D-Daddy I…"
He stepped closer to his daughter, "GET OUT!" Russell roared and raised his arm.
Quinn immediately flinched away from her father. She closed her eyes tightly, expecting to be struck, but after a couple seconds she didn't feel anything, so she hazarded opening her eyes. Her father had his arm extended and his forefinger pointing at the front door. His arm was shaking, as was his other arm that was firmly at his side. She took a step back from him, not knowing what stopped him from hitting her, but from the looks of him she didn't want to push her luck further. She looked over to her mother sitting on the sofa across from her, but she didn't even to want to look at her, having her eyes fixated on the carpet beneath her feet. Quinn struggled to hold back a sob as she took a step toward the house's front door. This wasn't her house anymore; her parents had made that abundantly clear.
"C-Can I at least get some of my things?" The teen asked apprehensively. She looked between her parents, hoping for some kind of response. She was surprised to see her father move toward the sofa her mother sat on and take a seat.
Russell leaned forward and held his face in his hands for a moment before his eyes focused on his daughter again, "Ten minutes. You have ten minutes to get your stuff and then I want you out of my house. I don't want to ever see you again, you or that sinful thing inside of you." He said and returned to the same position he had when he sat down.
Quinn bit her lip painfully and ran upstairs as fast her legs would carry her. As soon as she made it to the top of the stairs, the dam finally broke. She could barely see what she was doing, but she knew she had to hurry. As soon as she entered her room she grabbed her Cheerios duffle bag and immediately went to her dresser and emptied the top drawers of her bras and panties, when her phone beeped, alerting her to a text message. Out of habit more than anything she pulled out her phone and looked at it. She squeezed the small object tightly in her hand when she read what it said on the screen, '1 message; Finn'. She had to resist the urge to throw her phone; she really didn't want to deal with him at the moment. He was the reason for her current predicament. If he'd never told his mother about her pregnancy it wouldn't have gotten back to her parents, at least not yet, she would have had more time. She cursed silently and shoved her phone back into her purse; she was running out of time.
Quinn quickly went over to her closet and grabbed as many articles of clothing as she could, trying to select as many dresses as she could, they would take up less room than a two piece and space was precious in her duffle. When her bag was nearly full she looked around her room to see if there was anything else that she absolutely couldn't live without. It only took her a couple seconds to conclude that everything else was expendable. She threw the duffle bag over her shoulder and walked out of her room. She hurried down the stairs and walked past the entryway to the living room, pausing for a moment to look at her parents. Her mother was in a similar position from how she last saw her, but now she had a glass in her hand, only then did Quinn notice a bottle of wine sitting on the coffee table. 'Why am I not surprised?' The blonde thought to herself, before her eyes fell on her father. He was in the same exact position he was in when she went upstairs. She wouldn't have been shocked if he was counting the seconds down for the time he allotted her. She closed her eyes for a moment and took a breath as she opened them again, she saw her father staring daggers at her.
"What are you still doing here?"
Quinn didn't say anything to him; she simply lowered her head, swallowing the lump in her in throat again as she quickly made her way to the front door. She fumbled with the door knob for a second before opening it and running to her car. She threw her duffle on the passenger seat and turned on her car and quickly pulled out the driveway, without any destination in mind.
End Ch.1
I'm only using some of the basic canon elements to make this story, but it will not follow canon. I've had so many different story plots I considered doing, I really love the 'On My Way' stories, but there are so many of them that I didn't really want to do another one. I love future fics as well, but ended up not wanting to go in that direction either.
I do want to stress again, that I am writing my other stories as well, this has just been in my head for some time so I just wanted to get it out. I also want to stress, this story isn't likely to be updated very frequently. Anyone who has followed any of my stories knows that I'm not very fast when it comes to updates, so I'll apologize in advance for that. As I said in the opening comments, let me know your thoughts on this story, interesting enough? R&R if you would be so kind :D