North was glad to see Nora was still alright with her little friend. The yetis were able to set her free and Phil carried her in his arms.
"North, what about Christmas? You have to deliver the presents."
"It is already done Nora, do not worry. We are getting you and your friend out of here."
"Santa?" North looked at Tina who was staring at awe. This person was fucking Santa Clause…and was Russian. She now has seen it all. Nora couldn't help but smile at Tina's little moment. "Holy fucking shit, you're fucking Santa Clause."
"Aww how nice that we're all together." A voice replied from the darkness. "It's a little too happy for me, if you don't mind." Pitch stood where Nora laid before.
"Pitch!" North stepped up, pulling Tina behind him making sure she was in no harm's way. "Do you realize what you have done? Kidnapping not one but two humans, this time you have gone too far!"
"Oh please North. That is but a tease. After all, your Guardian is not less guilty than I. No Guardian shall fall in love with a mere mortal, and you know what as well as I do." North said nothing to defend his friend, the boogeyman was right this time. "There one was a time, I fell in love just like your rabbit did when the world was younger. In fact we conceived a child together but they both were taken from me. It was unfair to me and to her, we just wanted to be together. Why should your rabbit have the right for love when I was in his position?"
"Pitch, this was a misundersta"-
"Never was this a misunderstanding, North! If I couldn't have her, then none of you should have your own!" Pitch brought out his dark sand covered scythe and his nightmares came out from the shadows. Matt grabbed Tina to protect her and North stood his ground for battle. Pitch jumped up and swung his scythe down, North crossed his swords to block his attack as sparks flew.
"Pitch, we understand your pain. We all lost someone we love." North deflected another attack. "But this is not the way!"
"You know nothing!" Pitch spun around and swung his scythe, making North dodge out of balance and falling to the ground. Pitch used this opportunity to strike North down but a boomerang came out of nowhere and struck Pitch in the face.
"G'd Day mate." Bunny stated. If Nora had cat ears on her head, they would've perked up. Never in her life was she so glad to see Bunny along with Jack, Sandy and Tooth came from behind. Pitch ordered his nightmares to attack the Guardians and now this was a real battle! Phil place Nora and Tina under Matt's protection to aid his master in battle.
Tina stayed by Nora as they watched the battle. "N-Nora. None of this can be real…can it? Santa Claus, The Sandman, the Easter Bunny…all fighting the boogeyman…how can this be real?"
Nora was about to answer her question but at the last minute realized a nightmare was about to stomp her down, Matt realized this and punched the nightmare away to let them escape. Nora pulled Tina away but realized two other nightmares were in front of them. Nora pulled Tina behind her and grabbed the biggest rock she could find. If she was going down with her best friend, she wasn't going down without a fight. Choosing the nearest nightmare she bashed the rock against the nightmares neck but was only managed to scrap barely a scratch. It didn't stop her though, she smashed the rock against the nightmares time and time again until they were nothing but floating sand. Suddenly Nora paid attention to the battle once again. She noticed Bunny was fighting Pitch this time, everything disappeared around her and she wanted Bunny to be safe. Bunny wasn't strong enough to handle Pitch alone. Pitch's power was too strong for him, possibly he wanted Bunny dead for something Pitch couldn't have.
Bunny found himself against the wall facing Pitch. He couldn't escape at all. Pitch brought back his scythe and brought it down on Bunny. Bunny raised his boomerangs in defense, but something hard came in between so he couldn't raise his arms. He looked up and saw Nora hovering over him with her body.
"Nora? What are you doing?" It wasn't until then he realized, she was barely breathing and her eyes were widen with shock. She looked down and saw the scythe sticking out of her stomach. Pitch was astonished at what he did. He let go of the scythe and it reduced to dust. Nora didn't feel any pain surprisingly but she also didn't feel any strength. She kneeled down and leaned against Bunny who caught her.
"Ever since…you turned human…I…actually missed your fur, Bunny."
Bunny held on to Nora and leaned forward to lay her on the ground. He looked at her wound, a few drops of blood were simmering out but mainly it was surrounded by black sand. "N-Nora…t-this…I'm sorry. I promise I'm going to get you out of here. Just hang on for me."
"Why are you apologizing? If…you aren't hurt then there's nothing to apologize for."
Pitch took a step back, he just realized what he just did. His nightmares stopped attacking and the Guardians were confused as to why. Jack flew towards them but once he saw Nora's wound, he froze. "Bunny..."
"Jack! Jack what can I do? This…Nora…what can I do? North!"
North couldn't answer, he didn't know how to answer. Bunny glared up and Pitch and let go of Nora for just a moment. Pitch didn't have time to react when Bunny pounced on him, Bunny was too quick. He punched Pitch with every ounce of strength he got. Pitch failed to fight back. How could Pitch do this to Nora? Out of everyone why her? Why couldn't it be him? Bunny grabbed his boomerang and pressed it against his neck.
"You piece of crap! I should end you for what you did!"
"Bunny enough!" North yelled at him.
But he didn't listen. Bunny was about to pummel him but a bright white light cut in between them. It felt as if Pitch was pushed back and Bunny was thrown across the room. Tooth and Sandy flew towards Bunny to help him up. They looked up and on the roof there was a skylight., the white full moon shone brightly through the hole and created a barrier between them and Pitch.
"Manny?" Tooth asked. Bunny didn't question it for one minute. He jumped back up and tried to attack Pitch, but the white light didn't allow him to trend closer. Bunny kept banging against its force field first with his fists then his boomerangs. But nothing was working. Sandy came over and patted Bunny on his shoulder, telling him enough is enough. Bunny glared at Pitch, he just wanted to kill him but he knew Manny wouldn't let him. Bunny stepped back to breath it in deeply and put away his boomerangs.
"We're leaving."
"Bunny." Jack tried to talk to him.
"I said we're leaving!" Bunny went to Nora once again and picked her up in his arms. He walked away holding Nora to himself. They all hesitated for a moment but followed his example, leaving Pitch to be with Manny. They managed to get outside, it was softly snowing around them as the Christmas winds softly blew. Tina held on to Jack's sleeve and covered her eyes, she couldn't bare to look at her best friend. It was too horrible in her eyes.
Nora looked up at the moon and smiled; "Bunny…I just realized something. Its Christmas."
Bunny stopped walking and looked at her, he kneeled down to sit her on his lap. "Yes, it is. I guess I forgot."
"This is a funny way to spend it together huh? I expected it a whole lot different. I thought North would finish delivering the presents…and we would all be around a big Christmas tree and we would all dance together and exchange presents."
"We-We still can, Nora. Just hold on a little longer ok? We'll throw a big party and everything, just…" He noticed her skin was turning into a bright grey color that was coming up from her arms and spreading through her shoulders.
"It's ok Bunny. I don't mind this. I oddly don't feel cold, I feel rather warm."
"Heh, I guess I'm your new winter jacket." Bunny joked for a second.
Nora grinned and leaned her head against his chest as the grey color spread to her neck and up her cheeks. She raised her gray hand to his face and cupped his cheek. "Bunny…" She didn't speak anymore as her hand dropped on her lap and the grey color completely covered her. Bunny's tears fell on her face when he exhaled her breath for the last time.
"Nora…" Bunny snuggled his nose against her cheek like he usually does but this time he didn't hear a giggle from her. "Merry Christmas…"
^-^...you may now...cuss me out...THANKS FOR READING