CD: Hello everyone. CD is back with another chapter. I know it has been AGES since the last chapter, sorry about that… College and whatnot…
CD: Uhhhhh, Sorry Mew. Don't hurt me! I was busy! I have a life outside of you!
CD: Oh Crap….. Well, while I run, I have to say I don't own Gamefreak, or Pokémon, or anything related to the franchise. *CD runs away, trying to get away from Mew*
Mew: Oh you're not getting away that easily
Mew gave a small giggle when she heard Ash say "Let's do it!" It made her feel a lot better. She couldn't explain why, it just did. Mew then teleported all of them inside of Iris's room, and proceeded to put them in bubbles.
Axew and Iris were out cold. Ash didn't realize that Mew made their bubble a little bit smaller, like the size of a Pokéball. She then opened up a little pocket, seeing as she is Mew; it didn't matter, and placed them in there.
"Why did you do that to Iris and Axew?" Misty asked.
"It is simple. Iris caught Ash and he is now her Pokémon, I caught Iris, she is now my Pokémon."
"I see. Wait, does that mean that you own Ash now seeing as you own Iris?" Misty asked.
"Misty, Ash still belongs to Iris, you are over thinking things."
Misty just gave an aggravated look towards Mew, which just made Mew chuckle a little.
Ashchu just smiled at the bickering Pokémon and trainer. For once, it wasn't him making Misty upset, and he liked being on the other end. Pikachu also chuckled a bit when watching this.
Mew then looked at all of them and said "are you ready?"
Ash, Chu and Misty all nodded their heads in agreement.
Mew's eyes started to glow a light blue color, and as quick as she said her name, they were all teleported out of the Pokémon center, with the room locked, and the keys back on the rack of Nurse Joy's desk.
Meanwhile, at the bottom of the Tree of Life, our old hero Brock could be found looking for sick Pokémon. Brock's dream was to become a Pokémon doctor, and part of his research was to find and cure sick animals in the field. He decided to come to the Tree of Life, at least the base of it, because that is where he knew the most Pokémon could be sick or injured?
"Day three and still no sick or injured Pokémon… Maybe I was wrong when it came to picking here," he said feeling a tad bit sad, "but I can't give up though. What would Ash think?"
"Yea Brock, what would I think?"
Brock turned around and saw two Pikachu's looking at him.
"All of this walking sure has got me seeing things…" Brock said to himself. "I must be going crazy if this is what I am hearing now."
"No Brock, you're not going crazy," Misty said as she came out of a bush.
"MISTY! How did you…. Why did you…. What are you doing here? How did you find me?"
"Simple," Misty said, "Mew teleported us."
"Oh crap, I forgot he wasn't in the room when I gave the memories back… Now I have to do it again…" Mew said floating out of a very high bush.
"Mew, Brock was with us the last time we were here." Ashchu said.
"Yea, I know. But I think it is fair that he remembers those times also regarding Mewtwo. I mean, it was a big…"
"Mewtwo, Team Rocket's clone of you right Mew?" Brock said as he interrupted the legendary.
Mew looked a little confused. "Uhm… yea, how did you know that?"
"Really? Ash, Misty and Pikachu didn't tell you about the time we battled with Mewtwo in Johto? That has never slipped my mind. I hope that I can meet him again. His love for the clones and all Pokémon now really was inspiring."
Ash gave Brock a confused look. Misty had filled him in on the adventures of when they were together, but failed to mention this to Ash.
"Ash, don't tell me you forgot Mewtwo. How could you forget that whole battle? It was amazing. One of the greatest battles and one of the greatest powers I have seen yet."
Misty and Pikachu sweatdropped. Mew looked at Misty and simply said "You saw him again?"
Misty replied "Yea, I kind of forgot to mention that to you Ash. Sorry about that. I still can't get over Brock's corny joke he made about his frying pan."
Brock fell over anime style. "Is that all you remember from that?"
"Kind of."
Brock face palmed. "Wait, Pikachu should remember it, he was there."
Everyone looked at Pikachu.
Pikachu, who was admiring the Tree of Life, how green it was, how much life it had in it, the shear beauty of the tree, how the sun was just setting at the right location to really showcase the tree, that he didn't hear the conversation. Ash ran up next to his best friend and asked "Chu, what are you looking at?"
"Look at it Ash. No matter where we have gone, this is still one of the most, if not the most beautiful places we have been. The fact that we were invited back by Mew herself is an honor. I just hope that Brock and Misty will be fine this time."
"From what you told me about the last time we were here, I died?"
"No, you were going to, but then Mew saved you. Hehe, that is funny. The two times we met Mew, you "died" both times."
"Oh great, third times the charm. Promise me that you won't let me "die" this time."
"Don't worry, I won't let you."
"Thanks Chu."
"No problem Ashchu."
Brock and Misty were confused as to what was going on between the two Pikachu's. They only heard one side, and that was Ash's. Misty was a tad bit confused, seeing as Ash said "third times the charm" and "won't let me 'die' this time." She asked Brock, who quickly filled her in.
Mew remembered the last time Ash was here. Pikachu and her had so much fun together. But Ash. There was something about him that she couldn't forget. The love he shared with all Pokémon, not just his own, was something that not many people or even Pokémon had. Mew then looked at Misty and Brock and said "Wait, weren't we going to ask Pikachu something?"
Pikachu looked over, thinking that he heard his name. "Pikachu, why didn't you fill in Ash about the last time we saw Mewtwo back in Johto?"
Pikachu looked a little nervous. "Pika-Pika Pikachu PikaPi. PiPika PikachuPi PikaPiPikachuPi. (It was a dark time that I don't want to remember.)" Ash understood what Pikachu was trying to say to them and translated it. Misty was a little confused. "How was it a dark time? You were fighting your clone, and then you were working with him. You helped him understand what was right."
Pikachu didn't say anything back. "Misty, it is much more than that," Brock said, "think of it this way. You were fighting a clone of you. The same everything, you knew each other's moves; you know everything that you would know. It was a fight between science and nature. Not a lot of people or Pokémon would want to remember something like that." Misty seemed to understand, and Pikachu went back to looking at the view.
Mew looked at her guests and said "Why don't we make our way up to my room now."
"Mew, but what about those white blood cells? Won't they try to attack us again?" Brock asked.
"Oh don't worry; I got a plan for that."
Mew: That's it? Almost a year of being on hiatus, and that's it? YOU END IT THERE? REALLY? OUT OF EVERYTHING YOU COULD HAVE ENDED IT ON, YOU END IT THERE?
CD: Mew, calm down. I wanted to get a chapter out, seeing as it was almost a year of being on hiatus, and I hit another bump of writers block… Sue me.
Mew: Fine, if you insist…
CD: Mew, what are you doing? Mew, no. No. NO!
*Mew places us in the middle of a court room*
Bailiff Mew: All rise for Judge Mew.
*Everyone rises*
Judge Mew: Please be seated. Now, CD, you are on trial for being a lazy author. How do you plead?
CD: Not Guilty!
Judge Mew: Liar. *Pulls rope to release trap door*
CD: What? *falls*
Mew: Case dismissed. Bring in the dancing Corphish.
Mew: Thanks for reading this chapter. CD will be making a better effort to make more chapters soon, but until then *waves her little Mew paw* Byeeeee!
CD: *very faintly heard* That's so adorable!