Chapter 1:

Our story starts with Ash, Pikachu, Cilan, Iris and Axew were all walking down road heading towards Opelucid City, where the gang needs to get supplies. Pikachu is riding on Ash's shoulder and Axew is riding along in Iris's hair.

"How much further till we get to Opelucid City" Ash said.

"Not much further, just over this hill" Cilan said.

Just then, the bushes started to rustle next to Ash, but no one but Pikachu heard it. Pikachu look at the bush and said "Pika-pika," getting the attention of Ash. All of a sudden, a figure jumped out and greeted the gang.

"Hey Ash, long time no see," Lilly, the Pokémon Magician said.

"Hey Lilly, it has been a long time. Gathering more ingredients for your potions?" Ash said.

"Yea, you never know what you will find in bushes, but sadly, nothing was in this bush." Lilly said.

Cilan and Iris looked really confused. They both thought "when did Ash meet this chick?" Ash, seeing that they had no clue who this was, introduced them to Lilly, and explained that she is a Pokémon magician. Iris looked confused and said "Pokémon magician? What's that?"

Lilly explained "A Pokémon Magician is a person who can use Pokémon for science, and to make other things happen, like magic." Ash saw that they didn't really understand what Lilly was trying to tell them, so he explained it a bit better. "The last time that I saw Lilly, I was traveling in the Johto region, and I was with two other people, a guy named Brock, and a girl named Misty. Misty asked for smoother skin, and Lilly gave that to her, using bug Pokémon, which is the science part. Now…"

Cilan interrupted "So she uses 'spells' to get Pokémon to do what she wants?"

Ash answered "Not exactly. See, after this happened, Lilly said that she could get me in the mind of Pikachu. We followed the spell perfectly, until it turned me in to a Pikachu."

Cilan and Iris looked at Ash and said "WHAT? YOU WERE A PIKACHU?"

Ash answered "Yes, but it was for only a day. It was lot of fun, but it was hard."

Axew, who couldn't believe that a human as a Pokémon, even for a little bit, looked at Pikachu and said "Ax-ax-axew" Pikachu replied with a nod. Axew looked really shocked.

Cilan and Iris did get what Ash was describing to them, and said that it is cool that he got to be a Pokémon, no matter how long it was. That is when Lilly chimed in.

"So Ash, I was wondering if you wanted to be a Pikachu again. You see, I have been working on a stronger potion that makes the effects longer than a couple of days. If you drink this, you will be a Pikachu for two weeks."

Ash contemplated this, seeing as he was already so far ahead on his journey, and seeing as he loved his time as a Pikachu. He finally looked at Pikachu and said "What do you think Pikachu?" Pikachu looked at him and said "Pika-pikachu." Ash didn't know what he said, but he knew what he meant. Ash looked at Lilly and said "I will. I will try the potion."

Cilan looked very intrigued, while Iris looked in disbelief, like it was ever going to work.

Lilly looked at Ash and said "You will? That is awesome! Now, just like last time though, I need you to use Pikachu's thunderbolt on the potion." "Alright," said Ash," Pikachu, Use Thunderbolt!" Pikachu used thunderbolt, and the potion started to smoke all around Ash.

A few moments later, all that they could see was a Pikachu wearing Ash's hat. Ash said "did it work?" Lilly replied with "Yep. You are now a Pikachu again. Hope you have fun!" And with saying that, she used a spell, and vanished in to thin air. Iris looked at Ash, and could not stop staring. She thought "But… But…. He was human just a few moments ago….. How could this happen?" Cilan also had that look, but he was more accepting of it, seeing as well, it happened. Ash said "why are you all staring at me? I may be a Pikachu, but I am still the same Ash." Cilan said, "You know what, you're right. It looks like it is noon, if we hurry, we can make it to Opelucid City. Pikachu hopped on to Cilan's shoulder, and Ash asked Iris if he could hop on to hers. Iris responded "Uhhhhh….. Sure Ash…" still stunned at what just happened.

After a few more moments had past, Iris began to think that Ash is a wild Pokémon now, does that mean he can be captured? She quickly asked if that was possible. Ash responded "If that happens, I will remain this way forever, with no hope of changing back after two weeks have ended." "How do you know all of this," Cilan said. "Because I tried that last time. I wanted to see what it was like in a Poke ball, but Lilly stopped me due to the fact that I would have been a Pikachu forever." Cilan thought to himself "How many different adventures has he been on?"

Pikachu spotted Opelucid City over the horizon, and said "Pika-pi! (Look, the city!)." Ash looked over at Pikachu, and thought "Did I just understand him?" Ash looked over at Pikachu, and just shook it off, thinking that he was hearing things.

Cilan said "Look, I can see the city!" and everyone look happy and amazed at the city. As they made their way down the path, Team Rocket decided that they wanted to make their entrances.

(Cue Motto of Team Rocket. Author is too lazy to write it out seeing as they keep changing it!)

Jessie said "Hand over that Pikachu, or else." Iris, who didn't want Team Rocket to find out that Ash changed in to a Pikachu, hid him in her hair, seeing as that's where Axew is always hiding. Pikachu got behind Cilan, and he called out his Pansage. Pansage used bullet seed, and knocked out Jessie's Woobat. James was looking around, and mentioned to Jessie that he couldn't find Ash. Jessie thought that this was predicament. Jessie said "Where is that twerp with the hat?" Iris said "I don't know." Jessie immediately called her a liar, and this gave enough of a distraction for Pikachu to use thunderbolt, and sent them flying.

Iris said "Well, looks like they are gone, again, and Ash, sorry for forcing you in to my hair like that. I didn't want Team Rocket to see you like this, seeing as you don't know any moves to protect yourself in case they do get you." Ash said "Iris, your right. All I know is agility and bite; this is not a good thing. If I'm going to be a Pikachu for two weeks, I need to know how to defend myself in case anything happens. (Looks over at Pikachu) Pikachu, will you help me train?" Pikachu said "Sure, anything to help you Ash! (Pika-Pikachu)." Ash looked over at Pikachu again and said, "Can you repeat what you just said?" Pikachu said, "Sure, anything to help you Ash? (Pika-Pikachu?)." Ash looked over amazed! He understood what Pikachu said! Ash said "Oh no, this didn't happen last time!" Cilan looked over at Ash and said "what do you mean?" Ash looked at Cilan and Iris and said "Last time I was a Pikachu, I couldn't understand Pikachu. I understand what Pikachu is saying now." Iris, looking baffled, asked "wait, does that mean that you can understand any Pokémon?" Ash said "Yes, I can understand your Axew, Cilan's Pansage, my Scraggy, and any Pokémon in the world!" Cilan said "Ash, no need to worry about a thing. It will be over in two weeks, and you can go back to being a normal human again." Ash replied, "Maybe you're right. Let's just go to the city for now."

The gang made it to a Pokémon Center, and spent the night there. They all shared a room, where Pikachu and Ash got a bed all to themselves. Cilan made sure that all empty Poke balls were kept away from the room, just in case Ash decided that he really wanted to see what was inside a Poke ball.

The same night, Lilly was overlooking her spell book when she looked at the same spell she used on Ash earlier that day. "Oh no, this isn't good!" she said as she closed her book, and started heading back to Opelucid City before Ash and friends deiced to leave…