Author's notes: Yeah I know it's been awhile, this story hasn't been on my mind lately, sorry:( But I've been trying to finish up school. And yes I have written a couple of one-shots now and then. But they were supposed to get my mind off school. I've been trying to get ready for finals, but luckily I had some extra time to spare and written this on the side.

But you should all thank Snown'flowerz and ayoungwriter, they were the ones that kind of inspired me to contiune to write.

So here's a shout out to ya!

Snown'flowers: I don't want you to die, or lose hope. So no more tears:) This is for you.

ayoungwriter: I just loved how you started the review with darling. I laughed so hard, I don't know why. This chapter's for you too!

So without anymore questions.

Here you go...

Session 2: How We Met

Yeah, how ya doing!

It's Jack again, talking to uh-imaginary object…

What is wrong with my life…

Anyway, last time I talked to you, oh 'journal' of mine. I told you how I was going to meet this girl, I've talking about.

Well the official meeting of how we met is the fault of my dear friend Peter Pan.

Some of you may have heard of him.

The boy that never age, lives in Neverland, fights evil pirates, gets all the ladies.

Basically he's like me except a ginger.

Peter and I became friends quickly as soon as we realized we both like pranks.

Personally I see nothing wrong with them, unlike 'some' people…oops I meant bunnies.

And neither does Peter, so we like to pull as many as we can, every time I visit.

And this time it was going to be one of our greatest pranks ever!

So I thought…

Jack grinned, so excited for the main event that was going to unfold.

He flew all the way up into the air, pulling his staff up in front of him. Santa taught him had, to open the dimensions so he could access the world easier.

He pulled his staff over his head, thinking the happiest thought he could think of. He never understood why it was always happy thought that got him to open the portal. But he learned a long time ago, never to question it. The Moon has his ways of things, and that was just the way it was.

He thought of Jamie and Sophia, then his staff launched an icy blue light. Lightening the skies, to open a yellow circle.

Jack smiled as he flew in.

Once he did he heard the music.

One of the princesses usually sang in the world of Disney. Jack never knew why, but he liked their voices, he was actually really great friends with the princesses. But much to his luck, he knew he never had a chance with any of them, some were already married, and some just had scary princes. That and he never found any of them, well…exciting.

They were great attractive girls, but none of them had this spark. He didn't even know what he meant by that, but he wanted a girl to spark a fire in him. Challenge him, make him smile, make him spark. The princesses never had that, well he thought Mulan had, kind of. But he didn't really want a girl who could beat his ass, that and her boyfriend, was really scary looking when he glares at you.

But this time, they all were singing together.

Usually they one of them just sings alone, sometimes Cinderella, Snow White, maybe even Tiana. But this time they all were singing.

Must be a special occasion.

He shrugged flying the direction, Peter told him to go. He ended up at a large tower that looked kind of crooked and old, but cozy. The tower was in the middle of nowhere, which is funny how Peter wanted to be in this place.

Tink, tink, tink.

He smiled, knowing he wasn't alone in the air anymore.

"Hey Tink." He muttered,

Tinkerbelle smiled, zipping up in his face letting out a little wave, before she kissed his cheek and flew away. Jack shook his head, she was the cutest thing in the world, but put her in a room with another female, the pixie goes crazy.

"Hey Jack!"

He looked beside him, seeing Peter already caught up to him with Tinkerbelle at his side. He wore his usually style, red messy hair, green shirt and hat. Though this time, he took Jack's advice and wore jeans, instead of his green tights.

Jack tried hard not to flushed, trying to forget the memory of their talk about how tights on a boy wasn't in the style now of days.

"Sup Peter!" Jack smiled, still flying as high as he can. "What's the plan?"

They took turn planning each other's fun times. Last time it was Jack, now it was Peter. Peter smiled, glad it was his turn. "Well this tower's pretty new."

"New? It looks pretty old to me."

"Well it's the newest thing I found lately. And I thought we could have some fun."

"Oh and what is it this time?"

Peter nodded to Tinkerbelle, which she took as indication to fly away. Jack didn't know why she flew away, but he assumed she was preparing the main event. "I brought the Lost Boys with me today." Peter laughed, "We thought we could make a water slide!"

"And how we gonna do that?"

"We use some of your ice magic to make a slide starting at the window of the tower to whatever. Add a little of Tink's pixie's dust to cool the cold and hardness. I get water and tease old bat Hook, then pour the water on the slide. And then poof water slide!"

It sounded fun, Jack didn't see anything wrong. So he formed his ice at the top of the tower starting at the window, ending to the lower of the ground. The tower was very tall, so there was a highly good chance that one of them could get hurt. But Jack and Peter shrugged it off, they done worse before.

Jack stared at the tower; Peter said it was the newest thing he found. Which was a little off the Disney folk knew every place in Disney. This tower looked too old to be new, but how come Peter didn't know if it existed before.

Curiosity got the best of him, as he slowly flew into the window. He was hesitated at first, not sure what he would find. Surprisingly it looked…cozy.

He stared in awe at the paintings on the wall they were beautiful and detailed with care. But the main painting that caught his attention was the one in the center.

It was a painting of a girl who faced her back to him, staring up in the skies at glowing lanterns. But her hair was so long and blonde that it was practically glowing gold. He stared in awe as he walked forward suddenly he felt something jiggled at his foot. He stared down, looking at the chains that were tied to one of the wooden walls. It trailed all the way up to the, a knife that was lying carelessly on the floor.

What the-

He thought; he stared at the knife closely. Wondering what kind of place is this? Did the knife had blood on it?

Then something brown caught his attention.

He looked in the corner, was that…hair

"What are you doing in my tower?" An unfamiliar voice, caught him out of his thoughts. He stared gawking, at the girl who called him. She was beautiful was short brown pixie hair, light creaming skin, pulp pink lips, but what caught his attention more was her eyes. Her eyes were sparkling green eyes her eyes were the only thing kept him speechless. As he kept on staring, he felt something sparking in him.

The girl was angry and without another word or indication, she smacked him hard with a frying pan.

Then everything went black.