Chapter 1: New Life, New School

"GOOOHAAAN, YOU'RE GONNA BE LATE FOR SCHOOL", said a loud but familiar voice. It was his mother, Chi-Chi, calling for him to hurry up to get ready for school. "Coming!", yelled Gohan. Coming down the stairs was a 5'9 teenager, slender but built under the clothes, running out the house and greeting his mother. "Oh, my Gohan is going to high school, if only Goku was here to see this", said Chi-Chi sobbing at the same time. "Mom it'll be ok, you still have Goten and I'll write to you ok, I promise", said Gohan consoling his mother. Goten then comes out saying "Brother, were going to leave without telling me goodbye". Looking down at his brother, looking just like Goku when he was a kid "Of course not squirt, I was just about to call for ya, I promise I'll come visit you ok", patting his little brothers head. "Gohan", said Chi-Chi,"You should get going, you're going to be late for your first day of school". Gohan looks at his mother and nods,"Right". He then flies off waving goodbye off in the distant, "Man this uniform is stiff", thought the young teen. He was wearing a green suit, with a button up white long sleeve shirt, and a tie. "Geez, why do I have to wear this", Gohan said to himself. He finally makes it to the bus stop, undetected and lands. Gohan stands at the bus stop, looks left and right for the bus, but does not see it. "Did I get here in time", Gohan says to himself, while looking at his watch. Gohan then thinks back on how he even knew about this mysterious school. He remembers his mother coming home, with a very happy expression, talking about how she found a school for Gohan. The Youkai Academy, school for the most gifted of kids, and, if possible, even more happy when he got accepted. Gohan then chuckles a little when coming out of the memory. He then hears a motor on the way, he looks to see a bus coming his way and knew exactly that it was the bus he was waiting for. As soon as the bus stops and opens the door, Gohan walks up and into the bus, hopping to meet cheery, happy, bus driver. But soon his face fell and he sweat drops seeing the bus driver. The guy had creepy glowing eyes, creepy smile...and creepy mustache. "Going to the Youkai Academy?", said the Bus driver. Gohan gulped and nodded his head. "Well then, take a seat kid", the driver said in a chuckle. Gohan took a seat,"Whats with this guy, I got a weird feeling from him". "You sure you know where you're going kid, Youkai is a scary place". "Yes", said Gohan, wondering what he meant by scary place. Goku sat back and closed his eyes, last thing he heard was the driver chuckling.