This time, Blaine had really outdone himself. He had made it his mission to comfort Kurt and he accomplished this by sending Kurt at least three texts a day. You would think this would be a good thing and you would mostly be right but neither Kurt nor Blaine knew the damage one of his texts were going to cause. It was a day like any other.

Blaine texted Kurt saying: 'Good morning gorgeous x' and Kurt started the day by blushing profusely at Blaine's text.

Blaine's second text came around lunch time as usual and read: 'Hope your day is totally awesome x' and Kurt smile lit up the cafeteria as it had always done.

Kurt's reply simply was: 'a certain bully disappearing would make my day better :/ x' and Blaine's reply would unknowingly change Kurt's life forever. One word was all it took. What word could do such a thing you ponder? That word is 'Courage'.

At that precise moment, Karofsky decided that throwing a banana with the word 'fag' scribbled on it was the best idea. Fuming with rage, Kurt jumped up from his seat and tore off after Karofsky. He found him in the locker room, his own hands shaking.

'What is your problem?' Kurt demanding seething.

'You mean aside you sneaking in here to look at my junk?' Karosky sneered.

'Oh yes every straight guys nightmare that all us gays are out to convert and molest you, well guess what ham hock, you're not my type?' Kurt ranted breathlessly.

'That right Hummel?' Karofsky said, hurt lurking in his murky eyes.

'I don't dig on chubby boys who will be bald by the time their thirty!'

'Don't push me hummel!' Karofsky shouted, bashing the locker with his fist.

'You gonna punch me? Do it, it wont change who I am', Kurt said, closer to Karofsky.

'Get out of my face!' Karofsky roared in desperation, fist shaking.

'You're just a scared little boy of how incredibility ordinary you are!' Kurt said, tremors wracking his frame.

Karofsky surged forward and planted his lips onto Kurt's, hand grabbing his face roughly. He moved to kiss him again and Kurt pushed him away. Karofsky fuming kicked a locker and tore out of the locker room like a criminal leaving the scene of the crime. Kurt sunk to the ground as he felt a piece of his soul wither and die.

Kurt texted Blaine in a haze asking if he was free to talk. His insides were crawling and his brain was trying to escape his body like trapped butterflies burning in acid. Blaine came online straight away and they chatted for hours. Blaine tentatively asked if Kurt wanted to hear another fanfiction. Kurt agreed, wanting Blaine to replace the fog of Karofsky that still lingered.

Blaine: I sense your nerves and hold you tightly

Blaine: I kiss your cheeks, your nose, your forehead.

Blaine: You tremble as I kiss your lips softly

Blaine: I lie you slowly on the bed and cover your body with my own

Blaine: I whisper in your ear how we can wait

Blaine: You say you're ready and I kiss your throat

Blaine: I stroke your hips and tease your waistband

Blaine: I litter your collarbone with love bites, marking you as mine

Suddenly it became too much, tears flooding Kurt's face. I will never have someone make love to me. I will always be tainted by Karofsky's memory. He has ruined me.

Kurt: Sorry Blaine I have to go.

Before Blaine could reply Kurt signed off and flung himself onto his pillow, grief threatening to crush him. The next day Blaine texted him 5 times and got no reply, regret plaguing his heart as he thought he had offending his beloved Kurt. Kurt however slumped deeper and deeper into pain, the light that Blaine had once provided being strangled by the night of Karofsky

A/N: hey guys im back! i had a lot of problems with this chapter, hope it turned out ok in the end! guys i have my first boyfriend ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh so yeah and klaine are engaged ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh xxx