Hey, guys! I am so sorry it took so long, but unforeseen circumstances stopped me from being able to update. When I finally got the chance, now, to update I had a debate with myself as I am going overseas to Europe (SO EXCITED) for the next two weeks and won't be able to update and didn't want to start this only to let you all down by not updating for 14 days.

But the fact that I haven't posted it even though I promised I did won out, so here it is.


A tall, blond-haired woman with one black and one gold eye stared off at nothing, tapping her fingers on the table before her.

"Hmmm…" she tilted her head.

"Hmmm…" she echoed. A boy with messy black hair titled his head as well, but his ice-blue gaze was fixed pointedly on her.

"Hmmm…" she said again. A girl with blood red hair bounced in her seat lightly.

"Hmmm…" she was obviously getting on people's nerves. A boy with purple hair and black eyes gazed impassively at her, the only thing giving him away was the slight twitch of his left eyebrow.

"Hmmm…" she was doing it on purpose. Two identical, white haired people tapped their index fingers in unison.

"Hmmm…" she just had to have been. A boy with light green hair and brown eyes clenched and unclenched his hand.

"Hmmm…" there was no other way she could have this effect on everyone without it being on purpose. A girl with bright blue hair sighed heavily, blowing her bangs out of her eyes.

"Hmmm…" wholly, totally, cruelly on purpose. A girl with light pink hair gazed imploringly at the unresponsive woman.

"Hmmm…" sadistically on purpose. A muscle in the man with shaggy brown hair's jaw twitched.

"Hmmm…" irritatingly. A woman with long silver hair rolled her eyes in exasperation.

"Hmmm…" agonizingly. A girl with black and white pigtails lips became thin lines.

"What?!" on purpose. Eleven voices yelled at her at once.

"Why, in the name of all that is holy, did you call us all here, in the middle of several high paying missions, to listen to you 'hm'?!" The boy, no, young man, with black hair and icy eyes yelled, hands slamming down on the desk in irritation.

"It's been ten minutes and you haven't said a bloody thing!" The green haired one added.

"What is it, Luciana?" The silver haired woman pleaded.

"Oh, nothing." The golden girl at the head of the table waved her hand dismissively.

"Nothing?" The black haired one on her right asked dangerously.

"Well, I just thought…" she trailed off. "But no, nothing."


"I just mean, it might have been important but if you guys don't care…"


"After all, it's only the Grand Magic Games." She said as though it was the simplest thing in the world.

"T-th-the what?" he asked in shock, jaw almost audibly hitting the ground.

"Oh, yeah! Before I forget. Victoria!" she danced over to the silver-haired women who just seemeb to sit there, frozen in shock. "Congratulations! You're Guild Master!" she leaned in and kissed her on the cheek, as the magic binded the poor, unsuspecting woman to her new position in the Guild.

Luciana draped a white cloak over her body, giving her the impression of a child under a bed sheet pretending to be a ghost.

"I'm sorry, the what?" Adrian cried, eyes like saucers.

"Victoria's Guild Master now." Luciana said, as though it was nothing new to be surprised about and everyone should know.

"No, that's not what I- well, yes, but- I mean, didn't you just- and weren't you- huh?" he finally finished, unable to complete a coherent sentence. The girl grinned impishly at him.

She ran over and grabbed his hands, spinning the two of them around the room.

"Luciana…" he began his voice sounding strangled. "Did you just say what I think you just said?"

"Did I just say what he thinks I just said?" the gold-headed girl echoed, turning to the now uncovered Victoria, who was, the poor woman, still staring in shock at her former Guild Master.

Luciana let a piece of crisp white paper float to the table in front of her, and the woman snatched it up, growing paler and paler at her eyes scanned the page.

"Well?" The red haired girl demanded. "Who's it from?"

"The M-Magic Council." Victoria muttered in reply.

"And what's it about?" The green haired boy prompted, the blue haired girl smacking him lightly on the arm at his condescending tone.

"Yuki!" She hissed under her breath.

"Caroline!" He responded to his girlfriend in the same way.

"The Gra…" she muttered so quietly no one could hear her.

"The what?" The brown haired boy asked.

"Ren!" Melody scolded in much the same manner as the other girl. Her boyfriend hung his head slightly but refused to move his eyes from the silverette.

"The Grand Ma…" she mumbled something that resembled "Mahicd Fwamnez".

"What?" Kuro and Keita asked in unison, each lifting an eyebrow in a perfect mirror of each other.

"The Grand Magic Games!" Victoria screamed, practically bouncing off the walls in excitement.

"What?!" All but two yelled, this time a gold exceed joined in.

"We're going to the Grand Magic Games!" Luciana shrieked.

Adrian's head shot up, and he wrapped his arms around her waist and spun her in a circle, kissing her firmly but gently on the lips.

'Bleck.' A snarky voice echoed in her head, but she ignored it as they ignored the room erupting in cheers and excited squeals around them.

They were going to the Grand Magic Games!