Bondage for the Soul

Hetalia: Axis Powers AU

RusAme [Russia and America]

Authors: Mishasfan and VoltageSama.

A role-play converted into a readable format; Furthermore, this is an AU so Russia and America are not Nations- They go by Ivan Braginsky and Alfred Jones.

Chapter 3

"Don't Talk About My Purple House."


"The Chair"

Alfred's heart felt like a drum within him, the meat and condiments of his beloved cheeseburger giving him just enough confidence to stand up straight as he walked, attentive to the Russian's instructions.

Ivan opened the same door for him, but he nodded to Alfred. "Wait here, while I go and ask if a room is open..." He walked off without a consent, as he always used to being the dominant one.

Alfred nodded, shuffling from one foot to the other as Ivan walked away, leaving the blonde only able to imagine what was about to come.

Ivan came back and shook his head, "Nyet, That is no go, all the rooms are taken for the night." He rubbed the back of his head. "We... We can go to my house? Are you, did you drive? I did."

The shorter blinked. "Nah, I rode my bike." He said, smiling.

Ivan blushed, "... A motorcycle bike or a city bike?"

Alfred puffed his chest out proudly. "Dirt bike."

Ivan smirked; he thought it was incredibly cute-but not sexy at all. "Good for you, I have an SUV it can fit in." He patted him on the shoulder, and leaned in to kiss his cheek. "Let's go then."

The boy saluted halfway, running over to get his bike and bringing it back quickly, putting it in the SUV and clambering in himself.

Ivan helped him with his bike, and turned on the car as he had the seat pressed all the way back. He looked to Alfred, "You can bring your seat back if you need too." He knew they were both tall, and it would be nice for a change. Soon, he was moving on. A few minutes later, he drove to a cozy and quaint neighborhood, and much to Alfred's surprise, pulling up to a lilac painted house. "Don't talk about my purple house." Is all he muttered.

Alfred's heart sped up as they reached their location. Here he was, alone with a man he had just met... And they were about to go into his house.

Nonetheless, he had to stifle his laughter at the color choice.

Ivan got out, and told Alfred to wait. To his surprise, he opened the door for his new lover.

Alfred blushed modestly, hopping out of the car gracelessly and almost falling to the ground. "Whoa, thanks, ah, sorry." he mumbled sheepishly.

Ivan smirked, and held his hand as he walked up to his house only to pluck his keys from his pocket and open the door. It was a quiet home, filled with homey amenities and warm furniture; it was like walking into a Russian home in America with the crazy art and ridiculous rugs. He smiled at him, and kissed his cheek again. He led him to another room across from his bedroom, and held a hand on the doorknob. "Don't be intimidated by what you see in here, okay? We're going gentle, and not doing any of that... really weird stuff right now."

Alfred licked his lips, nodding and concentrating on the hand in his, complete trust emanating off of him in waves as the doorknob turned.

The back of Ivan's neck stood up as he opened the door, and there lay his own personal pleasure dungeon to a newcomer to the scene. It seems like all the Russians had the toys. There was a well-placed bed with some weird contraption for a headboard; a pleasure bound chair, and a sex harness. A few other unmentionables, but the blackout curtains and CD player with rolled upset of knives, whips, rope, and everything else at his disposable showed his keeps.

Alfred took in a shark intake of breath, his eyes widening as they scanned the room full of things he had never seen before. He felt a shiver go down his back as he spotted one thing after another, imaging what they did, and what he user would feel...

Ivan nodded. "... Erm... I won't ask 'Any questions?' because you will have many." He leaned his head to the side, "But I will ask, if you're still interested-"

The blonde mimicked Ivan's head motion, before speaking confidently. "Yes."

Ivan chuckled, "Okay... I don't want to make you scared, of course." He knew he changed his demeanor once he started this kind of thing, so he wanted Alfred to be confident with him. "Ah, I won't ask you to be naked- However, I have outfits- Unless, you want to wear a PVC suit? It requires me to ... rub lotion on you, and put it on. Skin tight, you see."

What was a PVC suit? "Uh, do whatever." He said unsurely. "You know what you like, so try it with me and we'll see if I like it too?" It seemed equal enough.

Ivan nodded, "You'll have to be naked. Are you... okay with this?"

"I'll be fine." Ivan could probably hear his heart at this point.

Ivan nodded. "... Do you want me too- help? Or, you get naked on your own?"

"I can do it..." Alfred smiled gently, nodding to himself.

"Unless... You want to help me, I guess. Heh, but they're just clothes."

Ivan tilted up his chin. "They are far from just clothes, Alfred..." He pressed his groin to Alfred, and ghosted his lips on top of him. "They are shreds of material keeping our flesh from touching and souls colliding..." and he kissed Alfred. It was slow and slight at first, but he held his lower back as he kissed him deeper.

Alfred immediately felt as though a spike had been driven through his stomach, the area turning and churning as the both of them kissed deeply, Alfred struggling to catch up with the more experienced man. It was absolutely thrilling.

Ivan pulled away from him gently, as he was blushing hard. He slowly lifted his fingers to Alfred's shirt, and moved it off gently. Staring at the man's body, he could only have a pleased expression as his fingertips ran over the tight flesh.

Alfred panted, having just received the most mind blowing kiss of his life, and coupled with the absolutely smoldering gazes and touches dancing over his upper torso. He kept his eyes locked with Ivan's, biting his lower lip between his teeth and pulling his trousers down past his knees, stepping out of them and standing only in his boxers in front of the Russian.

Ivan lifted his chin, and kissed him deeper. "I want to let you know, I might say some things that embarrass you. It is, well, demeanor changes when we do this thing. If you are too scared, what would you like our safe word to be?"

Alfred nodded determinedly, his lips already wet and shining from the two kisses they had shared. "Hero." He breathed, feeling the cool air wash over his legs like a gentle breeze. He felt mildly exposed, and he wasn't sure how that, in turn, made him feel.

Ivan nodded and patted a place on the bed for him to sit. "Da... Let me get the suit." he knelt as he opened the closet, which only had more toys. Also, in the corner there was a box of XXL condoms, only to make Alfred wonder more. He brought out a slick black and rubber looking piece of cloth. It never looked like it would fit anyone much less Alfred. Also, some lubricant oil as he nodded to him. "Ready? I only have black." he pouted, he had been wanting red.

"Yep!" The blonde agreed once again, his voice steady, although he was mildly concerned about the conforms and the size if the rubber suit. But he was ready anyway.


He trusted this man.

Ivan chuckled, "I'll let you... Take off your boxers." he smiled, and stood beside him. "I won't even look, if dat is what you prefer..."

"If I was uncomfortable with having you see me exposed, I wouldn't be here." Alfred mentioned lightly, before sliding his thumbs under the elastic lines in his boxers, bringing them down his - rather plump, he had never been proud of the only bit of weight he couldn't seem to diminish- Rear end and down his long legs until he was completely nude before the Russian.

Ivan blushed more, but smiled as he ruled his fingertips up his legs. "You are beautiful, and handsome, Alfred..." he kissed his calf.

Alfred blushed, sliding his hand through Ivan's pale hair. "No one's ever said that to me before." He murmured softly, each separate part of his skin unconsciously tensing under the foreign touch.

Ivan smiled and slipped the oil onto his foot, and started to stretch the spandex across his foot. "It is tight, restraining... But it will conform and make your body tingle soon."

Alfred nodded, keeping still as the fabric was stretched slowly over his body, making him squirm as the circulation was restrained to his body bit by bit.

"...feels weird." He said softly, paying attention to the different tingling sensations throughout his body.

Change that last word to frame I'm bothered

Ivan chuckled, the suit was in parts. There were the thigh highs and he helped Alfred slip a G-string on, and then followed him up with a bondage male corset, and PVC gloves that went past his triceps. Ivan stared down at his now dressed pet, and his eyes glazed over with lust. Biting his lip, he nodded and attempted to control the hard on in his pants. "... I apologize for it taking too long. I wanted to be gentle with you the first time. How does it feel?" he eyed him with full attention.

Alfred was hot with a sort of pleased humiliation, the bondages sliding against his skin easily with the lubricant that had been applied. His eyes were slightly glazed over from the pressure at points he wasn't used to, each area hyper-aware of its senses.

"It's hard to explain." He said, looking down at himself. "It's... Very different from anything I've ever done..." He shifted, moaning a bit as a sharp tingling feeling shot through his limbs.

Ivan nodded. "let me get dressed..." he started to unbutton his shirt, and sighed when he realized something."shit... I left it in the dryer." he walked out of the room, leaving Alfred alone for a few minutes. Only to return, heavy boots were heard through the house as a new man emerged through the door. Purple glazed eyes met with the baby blues, as black leather chaps along with those military laced boots, and a top black harness exposed his back, and a large hard on hung out as his genitalia was exposed. "I'm not sorry you're seeing my privates, but I could not fit into anything as of what you gave me earlier." His voice was deep and smooth but it had a spark of command at the end of each phrase. "We begin da?"

Alfred was also very fully hard at this point, not to mention stunned. The Russian... The Russian was huge. And oddly different at this point, his violet eyes harder than they had before. If anything was to be pointed out, he looked absolutely sexy. Alfred nodded slowly, his lips pressed together tightly in order to restrain the sounds he might make if he said anything. The outfit he had on was so odd, and he was so hot, and Ivan, oh, that man...

Ivan reached for his hat near the light switch, and placed the final piece on his own head as he snagged the police cat tight. He didn't wear his scarf, which made himself feel vulnerable. Ivan walked slowly to him, and kissed his forehead as he lifted up his chin. "You are going to be a good pet tonight, da? No more trouble out of you." His grip tightened on his cheeks, and pinched them together as he smirked playfully down at him.

Alfred smirked. "I wasn't... Aware I w-was being troublesome in the f-first place." He stumbled over his words. That was the first time Ivan had called him pet... He would never admit it, but he liked it.

Ivan chuckled. "You are cute, and you will do well lyubit." His eyes scanned the room, "I'm considering what to do, da... I know what I'm doing." he smiled and tapped the chair for Alfred to sit in. It was a simple chair.

The blonde walked over to the chair obediently, sitting down on it cautiously. It was just a simple chair indeed. Hmm. "You have all these names for me, should I call you something?" He inquired, squirming a bit in the chair.

Ivan chuckled. "Vanya... Or master." he brought out some rope as he began hog tying Alfred to the chair. Each leg was unable to move, and his hands were tied behind his back. "The more you struggle, the tighter the latex will pull... The more pleasure." then out of his bag came the esteemed red ball gag.

Alfred wasn't sure about the chair, it wasn't comfortable at all. The restraints were semi tight until he stupidly decided to see if he could break them, making them tighten and making him whimper almost inaudibly.

Suddenly something he didn't recognize was revealed and pressed against his mouth, red and unfamiliar. He squirmed again, his noises now muffled by the object in his mouth. It was horribly uncomfortable and humiliating and absolutely and irrevocably arousing. All he could do was raise his eyes to his master, silent and waiting.

Ivan kissed his temple, sliding a crop gently across his thighs. He nudged the crop underneath his ball sack, and rolled them around underneath the leather. "Lyubit..." he stared down at him, and leaned over as he rubbed vase line on Alfred's rosebud nipples, and clamped light pressure then medium pressure, as nipple clamps were hugged around his sensitive organ.

Alfred gave another muffled moan and a yelp as his balls were fondled slowly, before his sensitive nipples were tightly pinched, bringing tears to his bright blue eyes as he tried not to writhe against everything going in around him. It was a stunning mix of pain and pleasure and discomfort that was so mixed the boy couldn't distinguish the difference.

Ivan chuckled darkly, and slid fingertips up his body as he made the clamps jingle a little. Alfred noticed the g string having a weird boxy feel since he put it on, but never questioned it until now. Ivan had a remote in is hand, and he stood before the sitting man, his erection at eye level as he flipped a switch. Light vibrations traveled up Alfred's length and between his ass cheeks against his entrance as he was tightened and unable to jerking it off. "Scream for mne.."

Alfred did just that, letting out a loud, keening moan as pleasure shot into him like a bullet when the G-string started to move, the American himself not being able to do anything but sit there. He arched upwards once, causing the clamps to pull down and tingle as Alfred mewled again, unable to move at all other than to throw his head back and make little to no sound.

Ivan looked right into the closed eyes waiting for them to open. "You react well. You'll let yourself go sooner or later... Maybe you'll have cum all over those panties, how embarrassing, you'll be covered in your own cum." licking his lips, he touched Alfred's nose as he went to the kitchen, leaving Alfred alone for a minute or two as he came back with a cup of ice. He bent over, plucking a cube from the cup as he ran the old sensation over Alfred's already clamped and sensitive rosebud.

Alfred's eyes shot open this time at the new sensation, the inside of his 'panties' wet with pre-cum and perspiration as his chest was abused with the cold water and continued to be clamped. He had no idea the buds had ever been so sensitive, and each of them were tested with this new method, each of them getting hotter and colder in a tango of horrifying pleasure, as all the while he couldn't touch himself or take anything off. It was agonizing torture, and... He found himself loving it. The gag in his mouth was wet with saliva, Alfred moaning and exclaiming around it, muffled "Vanya's is 'mster'" tumbled past his lips until he felt, perhaps, he wouldn't be able to take it anymore. He... He was going to cum all over himself...