I'm really sorry guys, I haven't updated in like three months. All I can say is that I was really lazy, and I got really distracted with stuff. Check out my profile for more details. I got a laptop though, so I should be able to update quicker once I can figure out how to download Word. Also, Huntress101 gets a fluffy gilbird plushie because she correctly guessed how the bathroom door opens! Another thing is that I totally forgot how small airplane bathrooms are, so we are going to pretend for the story's sake the bathrooms are slightly bigger. I have no idea where I'm going with this story, so it would be super helpful if you gave suggestions? Maybe? On to the story! (It's crack. Just warning you.)

Matthew heard a click come from the bathroom door and froze. He pushed Gilbert off of him and stared at the door. "The fuck, Birdie?" Gilbert asked, his eyes still hazy. Matthew tapped the door with his finger and it swung open. He turned around with a huge grin and said, "The door's open! We're released from hell!" Gilbert leapt up and shrieked "No way! Whoooooooooo!" Matthew burst into giggles. "Gil, you look funny." Gilbert just shrugged and sauntered out the bathroom door, after checking to make sure Ivan was nowhere near the door. Once they both standing in the aisle, they looked at each other, grinned, and screamed together "WE HAVE BEEN FREED FROM THE DEPTHS OF HELL!" Gilbert looked at Matthew and smirked. "Race to the seats, Ja?" Matthew grinned mischievously and shouted, "GO!" He took off with Gilbert right behind him.


Lars, Antonio, Romano, and Ivan all stood up from where they had been hiding, (behind the seats). Romano face palmed and said, "I forgot the bastards were drunk." Lars ignored him and sent a death glare towards Ivan. "You made a kiss the key?! What the hell!" Ivan just shrugged. "It was good on the tape, Da?" Raivis giggled and said, "That's... Surprisingly romantic." At this, the entire group went pale and looked to Ivan to see his reaction. Ivan smiled childishly, placed his hand on Raivis' head, and proceeded to crush his spine into oblivion. Romano smirked and muttered, "Poor bastard." Lars shook his head and said, "We should order some coffee for them so they don't terrorize the plane." Antonio pouted and said, "But it's so much fun watching them make fools of themselves!" Russia answered with, "Da, we should let them be for a while." Nobody really wanted to argue with Ivan so they let it be.


Matthew dove into his seat, gasping for air. "Ha! I-" Just as Matthew was about fish his wonderful sentence, Gilbert slammed into him and said, "I wasn't really trying anywaaaay! Let's do something else." Matthew, still being drunk and not having the best mental capability, answered with "We should play Miss Mary Mack!" Gilbert looked confused made a what the hell birdie face. Matthew violet eyes widened in horror. "You've never played Miss Mary Mack?! Where was your childhood?! Alfred and I used to play it all the time!" Gilbert laughed manically and said, "My childhood was obviously too awesome for this game! Kesesesese!" Matthew just shook his head sadly. "What you do is you place your hands like so and than you clap my right hand…" Once Matthew had finished showed Gilbert how to do the clapping motions, he began to sing the song. "Miss Mary Mack, Mack, Mack, All dressed in black, black, black…"


Lars, Ivan, Raivis, Romano, and Antonio all stared in shock as they watched our lovely lovebirds playing Miss Mary Mack. "No fucking way! Those bastards are actually playing a child's game! What shit was in your vodka?!" Ivan was just looking confused, as his own childhood was spent alone so he never learned any hand games. Antonio just laughed at Romano and squealed, "Lovii! We haven't played that in ages!" Romano turned as red as, well, you know, and shrieked, "Bastardo! I never did any of that girly shit with you!" Antonio laughed again and hugged him, remembering the good ole days when the only curse word his dear Lovi knew was bastard. Suddenly they heard over the airplane speaker a piloty voice say, "The seatbelt sign is on. We are going through a rough patch of turbulence and all passengers need to be fastened in as soon as possible."


Gilbert and Matthew stopped their intellectually stimulating game of Miss Mary Mack and fumbled to fasten their seat belts. Seeing as they were drunk, a stewardess came by and helped them, also bringing the great gift of coffee with her. Matthew and Gilbert saluted her as she walked on, calling her the great coffee knight. Matthew turned to Gilbert and asked him confusedly, "Where is Lars? Didn't he sit next to you?" Gilbert turned to look at the empty seat next to him and shrugged, saying, "Hell if I know." Matthew rolled his eyes and replied sarcastically, "Wow Gilbert! You're such an awesome help!" Gilbert puffed his chest out and smirked, "Ja, of course Birdie! The awesome me knows everything!" (The coffee hadn't quite worn in yet.)


After they heard the announcement, everyone immediately began argue over who sat where. You see, dear reader, Raivis' and Lars' seats were in the back, and they were currently in the front. The group had decided that Raivis was going to sit in Ivan's lap, Romano was going to sit in Antonio's lap, and Lars got the third seat because he has no love life. Of course, Romano was throwing a fit because he didn't want to sit in Antonio's lap. "But Loviiiiii!" Spain whined. "You never sit in my lap! It's not like I have STDs or anything!" Romano turned red, (such a shock), and sputtered about how "stupid Spainards have no filters and should die in a hole." Or, yah know, something like that. Ivan became fed up with all the whining and glared cheerfully at Romano. "We should all be friends and get along, Da?" Romano shivered and sat down in Spain's lap without anymore complaints.