Hey guys! in very excited to write this story! There will be yaoi in this story later I promise! Most of the story will be in Light's pov, I may throw some L pov in later though.

Summary: Light likes L, L seems oblivious. will light get his wish of L liking him back? L and light are high schoolers!


(Light's pov)

Oh god don't look at him! I said don't you idiot I thought to myself attempting to tear my eyes away from the most perfect, yet most unusual person I have ever encountered. unfortunately I couldn't keep my eyes off him resulting in a very uncomfortable gaze when he made eye contact with him.

This magnificent person had a mess of black hair sticking out in all directions atop his head, skin so pale it almost glowed, he always wore a baggy white long-sleeved shirt and baggy unflattering jeans, the things he eats are appalling-I have only ever seen him eat sugary, unhealthy, sweets, and he sits in the weirdest way I could possibly imagine. So why did I like him? He was the most intelligent person I have ever met. He is a year my younger and I I can sit and speak with him for hours on end.

I have even found myself-more often then not-very attracted to his odd appearance ans strange eating habits. I don't know what happened to me. Two months ago I was at the top, I was happy, girls swooned when I flashed my million dollar smile, I was always surrounded by friends, I was happy. Well, thought I was happy.

Two months ago everything changed. I was partnered with a certain raven haired boy and he blew my mind with his genius and I haven't been able to think about anyone else! I realized is was all a show, the friends, the girls everything. and then I started to get bored with all of it. I found myself needing someone with a brain to talk to. luckily for me I was going to be partnered with him For the rest of the year.

I got excited to see him, I found myself feeling so many emotions at once and I was very hard not to just blurt out how much I liked him. This was very strange for me you have to understand, I was amazingly talented at masking any emotion i may have and I haven't been attracted to anyone since grade school, so when this creature walked into my life it was an insane turn of events. I went from the perfect person in all aspect, but I lead a very boring life, to someone who had no control over his emotions and thought about one and only one person at all times.

The person who is doing this to me is the one, the only, brilliant L Lawliet.

Yay! chapter one done! I hope you like it so far, this was a very short chapter I know. I will update soon and the upcoming chapters will be much much longer! I swear! please review, Love you all!


P.S. if any on you are from the UK I would love to chat with you! Please I have some big questions I can't seem to find answers to! This has no time limit or anything. anyone at all any time please PM me and we can talk.