this story is about the recovery of whats left of the platoon,i hope you enjoy!

kero was laying in dororos arms in their bed. he tossed and turned remembering the burning pain from the shot. he remembered the attack... he awoke suddenly and screamed. he started panicking and shouting. dororo hugged him and he realized he wasnt in the attack,it was all over... dororo rubbed his back while kero sobbed. "it over now,dont cry im here..." kero layed back down. he curled up in dororos arms and they fell back asleep. kululu was in his lab sobbing his eyes out. giroro...was gone...

he sniffled. he heard footsteps,he felt someone touch his shoulder and looked up. he saw the pink headed girl. she smiled and wiped his eyes,and gave him a hug. "you dont need to cry,kululu..." she said in a calming tone. he wrapped his arms around the girl. she heard hiccups and sobs. she rubbed his back.

the devious keronian was sobbing loudly now and he couldnt controll himself. the girl kept hugging him tightly. his little body was puffing from sobbing. natsumi heard her brother fuyuki walk in. "hey sis,what are you doing?" he looked over at the spot where she was hugging the sobbing keronian.

"kululu,are you alright?" he didnt answer he just kept sobbing. "he's a little upset..." natsumi said quitly. kululu squeased her tighter. fuyuki walked over to his sister. "kululu...loved giroro..." natsumi whispered to fuyuki. he looked over at him,his face was buried in natsumis shoulder and his arms were wrapped around her neck while he stood on his chair. "do you need any help,sis?" "na ill be ok..."

"alright then.." fuyuki went back to his room as kululu's sobs got quiter and quiter. he went in and saw giroros tent with his gravestone by it. he sighed, kululu had always dropped massive hints like, blushing and being extra nice to him. his sister had always liked him and she was planning on telling him when he came back wich would make him so happy... he walked up to his window. he remembered giroro petting his cat mrs furrbottom. he remembered how seargent and giroro wear best freinds. he remembered dororo sobbing when kero died... he ran to kero's room.

he opened their door quitly and seeing kero laying in dororo's arms. kero opened his eyes slowly. "fuyuki dono." "im sorry,did i wake you?" kero slowly moved out of dororo's arms and stood up. "no...its ok.." "i...i just..." fuyuki dropped to his kness and hugged kero while he sobbed. "i remember you beind dead and i thought that you would never come back, that i would never see you agin.."

kero hugged him. "im back now,everything is alright..." fuyuki wiped his eyes and stood up. "i know but,im scared that youll leave me agin... kero smiled,"i wont leave,i promise..." fuyuki smiled, "I need to go now,gunsou." fuyuki yawned. "goodnight,fuyuki dono..." kero got back in dororo's arms and fuyuki walked back into his room.