The Last Straw : Canada

Canada is fed up with constantly being ignored, underestimated, and unnoticed. He is going to get revenge on them all. Starting with the two men who raised him and influenced him the most. Part one of the Snapped! Series.

Chapter I

Canada was morose. Even though his brother and their parents were over at his house having a good time, he wasn't. No matter how hard he tried to start up a conversation, or comment on what one of the said, he was ignored.

"So how's the weather in France? It's getting a bit warmer than usual in my country..."

"Very nice. Nice enough to go to the beach-"

"It isn't that hot, frog. I was just over there a few days ago." England snapped

"I'm the one who lives in France, non?"

Canada tried to interject. "It actually is pretty warm in France-"

"Whatever. I was just there." England retorted.

"At least in France, it doesn't rain so much." France muttered in disgust. While the two argued back and forth, America looked bored. He was obviously no longer interested in what was going on and got up to go to the bathroom. Canada cleared his throat, as he was anxious being left to their arguing parents. The yelling continued and got louder. Canada started to become nervous. Soon, they were hitting each other, rolling around on the carpet like little children. Canada attempted to get them to stop.

"You guys-"

"Stupid Frenchie!"

"Old man!"

"Cheese – eating frog!"

"You guys-" The lame insults continued until Canada attempted to yell the loudest he could ( which still wasn't too loud, but loud enough for them to stop ).

"Stop fighting!" Canada yelled. The two men looked up at the angered Canadian in confusion.

"When did you get here?" England asked.

"I was the one to invite you guys over in the first place!" Canada fumed. At that moment America burst in the living room.

"Do you have any extra toilet – paper?" He asked. Canada shot him a look.

"Calm down, ma cherie-" France soothed.

"My name is Canada, " Canada hissed. France frowned. " But you probably didn't remember it. Of course I don't expect you to anyway."

"Uh, bro? T-p?" He reminded him impatiently.

"Upstairs, second door to the left." With that, Canada gave his parents a nasty look before heading into the kitchen to make supper.

After Canada's little outburst earlier, France, England, and America were unusually quiet. They had not seen him so upset in a long time. Or at least they couldn't remember it...

Canada came out with the dessert, which were crepes, showing some of his French culture. France smiled a bit uneasily at the boy.

"They look magnifique, Mathieu," The Frenchman commented. Canada's mood brightened a bit, hearing that France used his real name. America was shoving food down his throat while England looked pleased as well. Maybe things would go well tonight. The family feeling more relaxed, they started chatting happily. England kissed both France and America on the lips affectionately.

"You guys are too much!" England giggled. France noticed that England looked a bit dizzy.

"Are you okay, mi amour?" France asked. America seemed to be as dizzy as well.

"We are the best... just the three of us..." America slurred. Canada glared at him.

"What about me, Alfred? Aren't you forgetting someone?" Alfred frowned, then shook his head.

"Nah. I don't think so." France and England were making out at the dinner table. Alfred groaned.

"Hey, you guys forgot about me?" He whined. England kissed Alfred on his lips while France was kissing England's neck. Canada's face grew hot.

"You guys..." They ignored him.

Then the three fell to the floor, unconscious.