Oh my dear lord i haven't updated in like a year D: I feel very bad and so i have written a slightly longer chapter for you lil smidges today! Hope you enjoy it and please let me know what you think through a review or show your support through following or favouriting!

Disclaimer: No matter how much I try to find the Tardis and and go back in time so I can be the one to create Ouran, alas I still do not own it.

On that depressing note, ON WITH THE STORY!

Chapter 3

Kyouya was in a bad mood. A very bad mood indeed. He never meant to snap out at Tamaki like that but the words he had been dying to say ever since the engagement simply escaped his lips without warning. A small sigh left his mouth as he sat on the edge of his bed, laptop at hand and glasses discarded to one side. He closed his eyes and massaged his temples soothingly. Well done Ootori…way to successfully hurt the blonde idiot's feelings and guarantee yourself a torturous makeup session in which said blonde idiot will tell you how much he cares about you, his best friend, then most likely squeeze you to death without realising every second of it is making you want him more and you must understand that you can never want what you want. Never have what you want. Not even you, Ootori.

He buried his face in his hands, mussing his hair and scrunching his face in an attempt to block the inappropriate thoughts that pursued him whenever he thought about his best friend. A ridiculous fantasy…that's all it is. He lay back on his pillows, awaiting the oncoming horde of worried messages and voice mails from the one he could never have. He supposed he would have to apologise sooner or later. But it could wait.


Hikaru arrived at the Board room just over 30 minutes late. The selection of fashion designers gathered around a long oval shaped, polished, wooden table looked up in silence at the panting figure before them. Some resumed conversation, while others raised an eyebrow in silent scrutiny. He walked towards his designated spot and examined his company. To his left was a highly flamboyant man with spiked blue glittery hair and jeans so tight it should be illegal. Shudder. To his right was a….a what exactly? The figure was so covered in feathers they looked more like an ostrich than a human being. Dotted around the table were several other colourful people, and at the head of the long desk was the 'big business'.

Her eyes were the first thing Hikaru noticed; piercing, icy, blue and yet they burned with such passion that one would never dare look away. She was dressed in a smart original tailor-made skirt suit of a cool grey, almost silver that fitted perfectly to her slim frame. No doubt one of her own creations, Hikaru mused. She wore a creamy, silk, laced shirt that certainly fitted where it touched and indeed did little to hide her voluptuous figure. Her shoes were delicate stilettoes of a deep red- contrasting magnificently with her eyes, yet matching her striking facial features. Hitomi Okajima's lips were of a crimson red and her rich brown hair was pinned intricately, yet efficiently, on top of her head, leaving her crisply cut bangs to rest neatly below her ears to frame her jaw. Hikaru mussed his hair and smiled coolly, a glint in his eye. Her piercing stare softened ever so slightly.

"Care to explain yourself?" She spoke. "You are, after all, thirty…two minutes late."

The Hitachiin looked at her. He felt bitter, but did little to show it. "My…deepest apologies, Okajima-senpai. My flight was delayed." He lied smoothly.

Hitomi Okajima eyed him suspiciously for a moment. He gave a mischievous smile. Silence.

"Very well. Seat yourself, Hitachiin Hikaru."

With an undetected smirk, he complied. Was it just him or had she let her eyes linger on him…a little too long?


Tamaki's sweet moments of bliss were short lived. While he was fantasising about his wonderful wife-to-be, he could not shift a constant nagging in his brain concerning a certain raven haired man with glasses. With a sigh he sat up in bed, a concerned expression etched across his face. He twitched where he sat, hand subconsciously reaching for his cell-phone…

In a sudden burst he grabbed it jabbing the numbers on the keypad and forcing the phone to his ear. I have to call him he's probably angry but I have to call him what if he doesn't want to be my best man any more oh god I don't know what I would do this is a disaster where is Antoinette when I need her please pick up, PLEASE PICK UP- Beep. "You have reached the voice mail of Ootori Kyouya. Please leave a message."

This went on for another hour-each time leaving the former host club king more and more distraught- until, after the 27th rejected call, feeling lost and exhausted, he dragged himself to the one place he knew would make him happier (as it led to the one person who would forever make him happier); Haruhi's house.


Haruhi waved Ranka off with a sigh and was surprised to find a flustered Tamaki leaping from his car just behind.

"HAAARUHIIII!" Tamaki sang, his mood instantly lifted at the sight of his beloved. She smiled at him, laughing to herself at the puppy dog look on his face.

"Hey Tamaki." She smiled into his chest as he bounded towards her and clutched her to him. "I wasn't expecting you today. Any particular reason for your visit?" Haruhi gave a small chuckle.

Tamaki frowned slightly and looked into her eyes, gently lifting her chin up to face him. "Do I need a reason to visit the woman I love? She is after all, so very dear to me…" Haruhi was entranced by the intensity of Tamaki's gaze and the surprising lack of distance between their faces.

As Tamaki held Haruhi ever so slightly closer, slowly leaning in, Haruhi uttered "N-no. No reason at all…I…" In that second the blonde haired puppy beamed and closed the distance. Haruhi never thought she would get used to the feel of Tamaki's lips on hers. There was something about him that made every kiss and every touch feel brand new all over again. He held her so delicately as if she could break at any moment and stroked her hair with tentativeness so uncharacteristic of the bumbling idiot king she knew. As they broke apart she looked up at him and away. "You know those host club tricks of yours don't work on me…not at all."

Tamaki smiled and blushed, dragging her inside her new apartment. "But you fell for me didn't you! I knew it all along that you would!" Haruhi's eyes widened as she pushed away from him and sweat-dropped, remembering her earlier admittance of love.

"OH HARUHI YOU DON'T KNOW HOW CUTE YOU ARE!" Tamaki burst and spun her around.

"TAAAAAMAAAAAAAKIIIIIIIIII!" Was all Haruhi could screech as he chased her round the apartment, only to end up cuddled on the sofa, watching a movie.


Kaoru and Renge left the fashion event in fits of hysterics. Both had had a little too much to drink and they clung to each other as they tumbled into the Hitachiin vehicle. "AHAHAHA! OH KAO-KUN THAT WAS SO FUNNY! I CANT BELIEVE THAT DESIGNER THOUGHT SHE WOULD LOOK GOOD IN THAT OUTFIT! AHAHAHA!"

Kaoru guffawed uncontrollably "HAHA I KNOW! THAT ORANGE JUMPER- AHAHA -AND THOSE FISHNET TIGHTS- HAHAHA -WHAT WERE THEY THINKING!?" As they collapsed into their seats, the chauffeur set off back to the Hitachiin residence at Kaoru's request. Renge, suddenly serious, muttered "You're so funny Kaoru…thankyou. For everything." He smiled up at her, as he had managed to find a way of resting his head on her lap. "Hey what brought that on? Heh.. I'm a Hitachiin twin. Funny is what I do!" Kaoru winked, "You're…I guess you're pretty cool yourse-"

As he rose to sit up, clumsy lips met his.

NAWWWWWWWWW :3 well thats the end of another chapter. Let me know what you think! ;)