So Gina really wanted to go to the fair.

And since it was really quite stupid to go alone, Suze was going to come with her. It wasn't really an option - even if Suze complained she hated it and not wanted to go, she would be obligated to attend because she was Gina's only close friend and vice versa.

She was fiddling with her nose ring while walking through the grounds of the fair - it was a mostly-unconscious habit, and it was probably better than biting her fingernails or something.

A bright tent, if a bit shabby, caught her eye, a few rides away from the Ferris Wheel.

"Suze," she nudged her friend, who was glaring off in the distance of an empty seat in the carousel. Suze looked up.

"Hm? Can we leave now?"

Gina just rolled her eyes and dragged her shorter friend (quite a few people were shorter than Gina, seeing as she was nearly six feet) near the tent. They both saw the swirling purple sign jutting out from the tent, advertising what it was supposed to be.

"A psychic? That's lame, Gina. No offense."

She just shrugged and dragged Suze in by her elbow, and grinned at the lady dressed in shawls occupying the tent, taking a seat in one of the faded velvet chairs and leaning forward, eager to hear her fortune, while Suze stood awkwardly in the doorway, giving the psychic a look of disdain.

A pretty pointless drabble, if you ask me, but this is just to kickstart my imagination. First thing written for the abnormally tiny Mediator fandom.