Sherlock unwrapped his arms from around Joan and leaned back a little. Joan turned to face Sherlock. A million thoughts raced through Joan's mind at once, but when Sherlock's lips touched hers, all thoughts disappeared. The only thing that she could think of was Sherlock's lips pressing against hers. One moment Joan was staring at Sherlock's lips, the next Sherlock leaned towards Joan. Joan leaned towards Sherlock slightly and pressed her lips against Sherlock's. It sounds cheesy but Joan really did see fireworks. Kissing Sherlock was the best feeling in the world. His lips were strong but he was being gentle. Kissing Sherlock made Joan feel like this was her first kiss. Magical and new. Each time Sherlock pulled away, Joan's lips tingled and she yearned for more. Joan smiled with each kiss. Nothing felt better than having Sherlock's lips against hers.
Slowly her senses came back to her and Joan realized what was happening. She let the alcohol and her feelings get in the way of her profession. Joan quickly pulled away from Sherlock.
"Sherlock," Joan whispered. "This was a mistake."
Sherlock stared at Joan in bewilderment for a moment and then composed his face.
"If that is what you feel, Watson, then I will not disagree with you," Sherlock said.
Joan just nodded her head and began to stand up.
"Let me help you, Watson," Sherlock said while trying to help Joan stand.
"No, I'm fine. I can stand on my own," Joan replied.
Joan stumbled up the stairs to her room leaving Sherlock standing in the living room looking after her.
"Watson, the storm has cleared. We are to meet with Gregson in an hour," Sherlock woke Joan up the next morning.
Joan pulled the covers over her head to block out the sunlight.
"Never again will I let you convince me to drink," Joan moaned.
"Ah, the after affects of alcohol. Or rather the after affects of an experiment," Sherlock chuckled.
"What are you talking about?" Joan asked turning towards Sherlock.
"Watson, the drink you consumed last night was in fact not alcohol but a concoction I created to taste like alcohol and have the same effects as alcohol. I placed it in a whiskey bottle to see if it would fool you," Sherlock stated happily. "And it did."
Joan sat up and glared at Sherlock.
"You mean to tell me that you gave me fake alcohol?" Joan asked angrily.
"Yes, that is precisely what I am telling you," Sherlock replied.
"You gave me fake alcohol, got me fake drunk, and now I'm fake hung over. This is just great," Joan said angrily. "I'm glad I can amuse you."
"This was not for my amusement, I can assure you Watson."
"Then what, Sherlock? Why?"
"It was just an experiment, Watson. Now get ready. We have to meet Gregson soon."
"No. You can go meet Gregson. I am staying here," Joan told Sherlock angrily.
"Fine, Watson. I get it," Sherlock said. "You're upset with me. I'll go. I'll bring you back some breakfast."
Sherlock closed the door to Joan's room and left the house. Joan pulled back the blankets and sat up in her bed. How stupid she was for believing that Sherlock would really have alcohol in the house. Where was her brain last night? She should have thrown the bottle away right when Sherlock brought it out.
She didn't have time to think things through. She was cold and wanted a fast way to get warm. As Joan laid back down, she threw her arm across her face.
As realization hit her, Joan's headache lessened. She was able to think more clearly and dissect the events of the night before. The one time in a long time she allowed herself to drink she practically threw herself at Sherlock. And it was all fake! Joan couldn't believe that Sherlock had the audacity to use her a guinea pig.
There was no hope that Sherlock forgot what happened between them last night. He seemed to not want to bring it up when he came in to her room this morning. Why did she let herself get into this situation? Did he find it amusing that she has those kinds of feelings towards him? If only she knew what he was thinking. Maybe if she could just explain. No, that would make things worse. Maybe she could just pretend that none of it happened. Have a fake black out to go along with everything else. It might work.