Final chapter-
Hello everyone- especially my followers. I'm sorry to say that this will be the last chapter of 'Look After Her'. I've simply lost motivation with this story and have left it too long to complete. I am so sorry for everyone who expected the full 14 chapters from me, but this will be the final chapter for this fic. I am to write a few one shots in the future in order to regain my ideas and motivation. Thank you for everyone who has supported this fic, and I dedicate this last chapter to everyone who has read this. Thank you so much and I hope you enjoy it!

The waves crashed against the large boulders that lined the beech in front of the spa. Rain hammering down on the glass windows as dark brown eyes gazes through.

Last night after Gray and Erza's drunken state- competing in a drinking competition much to Lucy's dismay- the group had sat down and flicked on the TV. Wendy sat in between Lucy and Levy sleeping peacefully, sharing a blanket whilst drinking hot chocolate. The drunkards now competing again but with colouring books (the aim to be the person who coloured the best wined. Happy being the judge of course).

"Welcome to the news at 10. Tonight we are experiencing freak weather conditions around the coastline tonight, magic accidents further up the coastline seem to be the cause of this phenomenon. This weather is predicted to last around a month, any holiday makers in the area are advised to leave and go home in case conditions worsen."

"Are you kidding me? Go home? We've got three days left!" Lucy sulking, blowing her hot chocolate and taking a sip.
"Wouldn't surprise me if Gray and Erza caused these 'accidents'. But we best leave whilst the weathers not too bad." Levy said, cuddling the sleeping Wendy.
"I suppose you're right. We best start packing in the morni-".

"What was that?!" Lucy said stumbling up from her sitting position. She stood up to see the remains of one of the spa's fancy gold vases on the floor, completely smashed to pieces.
"Are you kidding?!" Lucy smacked her hand onto her face.
"Lushy! It wasn't me!" The blue cat hid behind a drunken Erza's head, giving the most innocent big eyes he could.
"Of course not… Of course not… Ugh… Levy-chan? I have an idea to keep these two lunatics under control!" Lucy said as she turned around to see her best friend turn around with an expression that speaks 'Go on'.

"Can you make two cages and put these two in? I can't be dealing with this all night!" Lucy pointing to the drunkards now rolling around kicking each other shouting nonsense.

"Of course, Lu-chan. Could you do me a favour and take Wendy to her bed? I think Charle is already in there asleep."
Lucy nodded, walking over to pick up the small mage. She tucked her arms underneath legs and back, gently lifting her up and carrying her to her room. Happy jumped onto Lucy's shoulder as he look back and threw a cheeky grin in Gray's direction, only for Lucy to hear "Yow daym cat come bayk here!"

Lucy shacked her head as she opened the door to the room and setting down the girl on the bed, wrapping her up in her blanket and moving Charle to cuddle with her. The sight looked appealing and lovely to Lucy- a small girl that she loved so much and felt that she had to protect her with a motherly instinct. 'Hah… Maybe one day I- we may have our own daughter… Me and Natsu…'

"Lushhyy… You're red, are you okay?" Whispered Happy from her shoulder.
"I'm fine Happy-"she rubbed the sensitive spot behind his ear "-now let's go to bed. We have to pack in the morning because of this stupid weather!" Lucy turned to walk out of the room, glancing back at Wendy fast asleep in bed. A smile graced her face as she slowly closed the door and turned to see Levy's work of art- the two caged beasts and a quite proud looking Levy. Lucy gave a thumbs up to Levy as Pantherlily climbed onto Levy's shoulder with a proud look on his face.
Lucy smiled at Levy and then waved goodnight as Lucy headed for her bedroom.
"Lewy! I order yow to let me owt!" Erza mumbled as she drifted off to sleep. Lucy giggled and walked to her room. She flopped onto her bed, happy bouncing to the side onto the bed. Sleep got the better of the two quickly.

So here Lucy is now, sitting staring out of her bedroom window. The suitcases were packed already, Erza and Gray made a speedy recovery as always and had packed their cases as well.
"Oh sorry Levy-chan. Just day dreaming a bit, I can't believe we have to leave already"
"I know it's so stupid! But, on the other hand you get to see Natsu soon!"
"That's one thing to look forward to! And you Levy-chan, seeing the wonderful Gajeel! Haha!"
"Lu-chan! Let's just get out of here and go back to the guild!"
"Haha, you're right. Lets' get going"

Lucy walked out of the room and grabbed the handle to her suitcase and rolled it out. She felt really relaxed after this holiday, she admitted that she loved the holiday but she missed Natsu and his crazy antics.
With Happy wrapped around her neck, she joined the rest of the group as they walked towards the train station.
The journey seemed so fast to Lucy. Erza and Gray had played a game of chess, Erza demanding that it would increase Gray's brain capacity as she thought he was lacking in intelligence. Levy had been teaching Wendy about have literature has hidden meanings hidden throughout them, and finding them was like a great big treasure hunt.
All the while Lucy sat staring out of the window, stroking the blue fur ball now asleep on her lap- it reminded her of Natsu and how he would go to sleep on her lap.

The train sounded its horn in a loud blast, waking the beautiful blonde from her sleep.
"Come on Lucy, we're home now." Erza offered her hand to the blonde as she pulled her up from her seat. The group got off the train, pulling cases behind them.

"Wow! It feels like we haven't been to the guild in ages!" Wendy said, pulling her case behind her with an ear to ear wide smile on her face.

"Yeah, it feels great to be back home again!" Said Gray as he threw his bag over his shoulder.

"Just no fighting as soon as we get back, Gray. We need to start training immediately!" Erza stated marching straight behind Gray.

"Hey, Lu-chan! You're really behind, are you okay?"

"Huh. Sorry guys, I'm really tired I didn't get much sleep last night with all that rain hitting the window"

"I advise you to go home and rest Lucy. Regain your strength ready for training!" Erza said nodding her head.

"For once I agree Lucy, you look like shit anyway." Gray said looking at Lucy.

"Gray! You can't treat a lady that way!" Erza shouted grabbing her sword and aiming for Gray, ending up in the two running down the road- Gray screaming like a little girl.

"Lucy-san, Erza-san is right. I think you should go home too and rest"

"Wendy's right Lu-chan, get some sleep!"

"Sigh… I suppose your right guys, say hello to everyone at the guild for me please! And Happy you go too, I know how much you've missed everyone!"

"Are you sure Luchy?" Happy asked flying in front of her with a questioning look on his face.

Lucy nodded and waved her friends away. She watched her friends walk back to the guild, her suitcase rolling on the cobblestone pavestones. The fresh smell of Magnolia wafted around her nose, the feeling of being home was something she missed. The weather was warmer than what the last day at the spa had been, making her feel warm and cosy inside.

Her house was in view now, Mavis how she had missed it. She slid the key into the keyhole and the lock clicked open, allowing her entrance into her small apartment. Not much had changed, slight bit of dust layered on her table but that could wait until tomorrow when she had the energy.

She crawled out of the clothes, leaving her just in her underwear 'like I can be bothered to get into clothes. It's only me tonight anyway'. She snuck underneath the quilt, she forgot how comfy it was!

'Natsu will be home in a few days, it won't be long… I can see him again…'

The midnight moon shone over the city. Two shadows walked through the deserted streets, tired moans crept through their mouths. They trudged further down the road before turning to each other, exchanging looks and nodding, walking their separate ways. The small one of the two shadows made its way down Strawberry Street, picking out one apartment in particular. A small leap was all it took for the shadow to land on the window still, sliding the window open.

The moonlight reflected almost perfectly off his salmon hair. He slung his feet down off the window sill and let the window close behind him as he slugged towards the one place he really wanted to be, Lucy's bed. He lifted the cover and slumped down in to the bed making himself comfy.

'Was there always a big cushion in Lucy's bed?'

He turned his head to see the beautiful blonde herself. He smiled gently and snuggled up to Lucy, wiggling his arms over her belly. Gosh how he had missed the scent of her, she smelled absolutely radiant. Natsu nuzzled his face on her hair and slowly drifted to sleep.

What he missed was the smile Lucy had on her face, one of love and adoration.

"Welcome home Natsu. I missed you…" Lucy whispered as she flipped herself around to cuddle into his arms.

"I missed you to, weirdo…"

The next day at the guild was a strange one. Gray had demanded a job with Juvia- according to Cana, Gray said he wanted to get to know his partner better while earning money at the same time. No one bought that though, everyone knows what he's up to, and it's about time.

Erza was sat eating her prized cake that she had waited all week for, only for it to be ruined by a messenger pigeon surprising landing on her cake, smushing under its weight. Just before she was about to smash the poor bird to death, she caught glimpse of the paper on its back and proceeded to read it. Mira seemed to notice the way Erza secretly smiled at the paper, completely forgetting about her beloved cake- but then again Mira seemed to notice everything.

The absence of a certain girl and boy was another thing that Mira didn't miss. In fact the guild was glad to have peace for a day without the fighting that Natsu always brought with him.

At Lucy's apartment the two mages laid in bed, sleeping like they hadn't slept in months. All the time while being tangled in each other. It didn't help that Natsu was dribbling on Lucy's head, but that was something to deal with later.