Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, quotes, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners and are simply used under 'fair use'. The original characters and plot are the property of the author and TV Show (Law and Order SVU). The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended. This story is for legally recognized adults.

Story summary: Bella Swan is bright girl with big dreams until one day her dream is turned into a nightmare. She turned herself into a hermit too scared to even leave her home until Edward Cullen; an Italian crime boss gives her an offer that she can't refuse.

Info: AH/(very) AU. Possessiveward/Mobward etc. ExB. Rated M for cussing, violence and future adult situations.

Authors Note: I'm sorry that I haven't updated in a while. I have two jobs and those two jobs take up the majority of my time. So I apologize for heartedly. I'll try to update every one to two weeks, but no promises. THANK YOU once again so much for following this story or adding me to you author subscription. Also, please review! More reviews means faster updates!


Chapter 3: Loyalty Broken (Edward's Pov; Edward's Age is 17)

When I was a child my father once told me that family is everything and without it we would have nothing. Sadly now that isn't the case. My family is more divided now than ever and it's partly my oldest brother Jasper fault and…mine. The reason why is because my brother is becoming a cop and I gave him the idea to become one. Being from an Italian family and the most feared mafia group in the Chicago area, cops are never to be trusted and according to my father my brother has now been included in that group. As soon as my brother turned 18 and told him of his plans, my father kicked him out of the house and told him that until he realized where his loyalties lie, he wasn't allow back into his house or to be part of the family. That day broke my mother's heart. I tried to tell him that it wasn't all Jasper's fault, but no avail; he didn't want to hear it.

"He has made his choice," he said in angry overbearing tone as he threw Jasper's bag out the door. His light blue shirt was hanging outside of his slim black pants. My mother held onto Jasper as if it was her last breath. I watched as tears fell furiously down her face. The guilt was overwhelming.

"Don't worry Mom," Jasper tells her as he looked at me. "I'll be okay." He pulled away from her and gave me a hug next. I hugged him tightly. I could feel my mother's tears soaking a spot of Jasper's white shirt. I wanted to tell him that I'm sorry for encouraging him. We've talked privately before about what he wanted to do with his life, but when I found out it was this at first I was floored. I told him that our father would never approve of this and would probably disown him. He agreed with what I was saying, however, he wasn't changing his mind. He explained that he wanted to do something meaningful and help people, but also that he was tired of living lie. I told that whatever he chose I would support him.

"I'll help you out," I whispered to him. I could feel him shaking his head back and forth.

"Nah…don't worry about it, I've got plenty of money in the bank that can help me out," he whispered back quietly.

"I'll figure out a way to keep in contact with you," I told him. As he pulled back away from our hug, I watched him nod his head as if it was a silent agreement between the two of us.

"Tell Emmett that I said goodbye," Jasper says softly to my mother, who was still standing next to me. Emmett, the second oldest, was out of the country handing some minor problems with our weapons dealer. Someone was stealing several machine guns from our company in Russia and Emmett was offered to go find out what the hell was going on. Emmett loved killing people and getting into fights with others especially Russians, but when we fought amongst ourselves he hated it. Boy was he going to be in a surprise when he got home.

"I will," she says sniffing.

My father's blonde slick hair went unmoved as he turn back around from the door, his deep blue eyes were hard as ice as he stared at the exchange between the two of us.

"I'm sorry son, but I have to do, what I have to protect this family. And if it means losing you then so be it," he told Jasper with no remorse.

"I understand. I knew the consequences when I signed up for the Chicago Police Academy," he replied. Jasper walked over to my father, opened his arms and tried to hug him. My father went unmoved. It was if he couldn't bear himself to do it.

"For God's sake Carlisle, hug your son," my mother cried out to him as she wiped her tears away. He sighed and slowly put his arms around Jasper. Jasper gently squeezed him tighter, however my father didn't return the favor. Jasper let go and turned, and waved one last time at me. I slowly waved back. Jasper turned back in front of the door and walked out. Carlisle slammed the door behind Jasper and stomped over towards me.

"If you EVER talk to him again, you're dead to me too," he said in a threatening voice. I stood there stunned in silence and watched him walk away toward his office. My mother ran sobbing in the other direction, her green dress flowing from running away, tears were still streaming as she ran. I don't know how long I stood there. Guilt was an emotion that I was told never to feel.


"If we don't kill him, whose is he going to hurt next?" Carlisle asked me once after torturing a former employee who had gone rouge on us, he threaten my father by saying he was going to the cops and spilling out all of our secrets about where all of our illegal weapons and drugs were. The guy was tied up sitting a chair with knife wounds all over his body. We had to put tape along his mouth because he was screaming so loudly.

"The family," I replied.

"Exactly," he said smiling at me and handed me a revolver he had stashed in a gun holder inside his suit jacket. "You know what needs to be done."

I held it up in front of this guy's face; my hand was shaking as I held it. Carlisle stood closer behind me and whispered in my ear. "Don't think about it, if you do it will take you longer to get over it."

"But what about his family?" I asked. "Won't they be sad?"

"Yes," he said truthfully. "But he's the shithead who made them that way…by threaten us. Do you want our family to be hurt?"

"No!" I said shaking my head side to side.

"Then you can't feel guilt, you have to turn off all of your emotions and think about the people who matter the most to you, which is the family."

I gripped the revolver tighter and gently squeezed the trigger. The bullet flew out of the revolver and slammed into the man's head. The man's head bobbed like a bobble head for a moment then stopped. I dropped my arm down and Carlisle gripped my shoulders.

"Good job, son," he said proudly. "I'll take care of the rest." I watched as he grabbed a gasoline can and dumped it all over the guy's body. He calmly pulled a match from his pants pocket and lit it up. He then threw it on the guy's lap and the guy body burst into flames. I stood there with him watching as the flames danced around his body. I remember the smell of charred skin hitting my nostrils. I wanted to throw up, but I didn't. I had to stay strong in front of my father.

I had nightmares over that incident for over a week after all I was only 13 at the time. Plus, I had only gone practice shooting with my brothers and father. My brothers both said that nothing prepares you for the real thing and they were right. I wasn't prepared, I was freaking out, but Emmett always says that you'll get over it after awhile.

(End of Flashback)

And after a month it did began to feel normal to me, however, part of me is worried that I'll become monster. Jasper was the one who always kept me calm and now since he's gone whose going to keep Emmett and I level headed when it came to our enemies? Emmett and I both loved to shoot first without asking questions and now since he's gone were both fucked.

How did this turn in to a fucking mess? Oh, wait it's my fault.