Hello, FanFictioners! This is my first fanfic, and its about... Well you will see... My friend, Blacklist1000, and I hope you enjoy this piece of fiction!


Crete, Third Age

Thunder rumbled across the skies. Clouds, blacker than night itself, rolled over the sky. Lightning flashed across the world, momentarily granting light to the darkness that shrouded it. The seas were in turmoil. Waves crashed on the shore, each bigger than the last. It was as though the state of the world was being reflected in nature.

Many believe that the Third Age was the Golden Age, but it was not so... The atrocities committed were ridiculously outrageous. Kronos, or Saturn, as he was later known, was a cruel ruler, and had already swallowed five of his children, in an attempt to safeguard his throne.

A cry ripped through the turmoil of Crete. In a cave in the mountains, Queen Rhea was undergoing labour. Her sixth child, Zeus, was out playing in the rain, marveling at the lightning. Her midwives did all they could to alleviate their Queen's pain. As she gave birth to her seventh child, she gasped, immediately overwhelmed by the power he possessed. She knew he would be instrumental in securing the fate of the world later, but could not determine when. She knew of one person who could though, but it would mean abandoning her youngest son for a very long time. She might even fade before she saw him again.

A sob escaped Rhea's lips as she realized this. But she knew it was necessary. So, she fed her son, and kept his existence a secret for a while, even from his own brother, Zeus.

A week later, she realized it was the spring equinox, her most powerful day. She made sure her sons were asleep, and went outside. She stood tall, in her twenty-foot form and burst into her true form.

In a powerful voice, she shouted in Ancient Greek, "I, Rhea, Queen of Heaven, Titan of female fertility, motherhood, and generation, call upon my ladies the Fates!" In a bright flash that illuminated the night, three wizened ladies stood there - one holding a ball of yarn - Clotho, the 'Spinner', the other a pair of knitting needles and a measure - Lachesis, the 'Apportioner of Lots', and the third a pair of huge gold-and-silver scissors - Atropos, the 'Cutter'.

"We know what you wish of us, Lady Rhea. We will help you reach our Lady. It is the only way to protect the Master of Fate," said the Fates in unison. It sounded like one voice tripled, eerie, casting an impression of immense power laced in their words.

Rhea was shocked. She did not expect her son to have such a powerful domain. She quickly regained her composure and asked the Fates what she must do.

"Embrace your true form, and sacrifice a portion of your energy to her. If your cause is true, your intentions pure and your devotion full, she will come to you," said the Fates in unison.

Rhea, shining brilliantly in her true form, her presence masked by the Fates, opened her barriers, and called out with all her strength and energy, sacrificing it to her. Suddenly a vortex, like a helix, appeared in front of her, all the light gone from it, and from that portal stepped a woman.

She was breathtakingly beautiful, there was no doubt about it, but she radiated an aura of crushing power. Rhea lost her true form, and buckled to knees at the sheer power radiating from the woman. She wore a black Greek chiton that flowed with dotted specks, and moving circles. With a jolt, Rhea realized that they were galaxies, planets and stars. Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed the Three Fates bowing as well.

"Lady Chaos. Grandmother. I apologize for disturbing your slumber. But I have a feeling that my son…"

"You are correct, granddaughter. I will take in your son. Your husband will be defeated by his children alone."

"Thank you grandmother." Rhea said. She gave Chaos a bundle of clothes.

"What will his name be?" asked Chaos.


Please Review, we look forward to seeing your response to our ideas... Thank you so much,

knowitnone, signing off