The Trap

"Like dropping a rock into a pond of water, isn't it obvious that you just caused something... They call it The Ripple Effect. One action can have many a consequence..." –LydeaBlaze (me)

Part 1: Ripple Effect

Kludd and his girlfriend, Nyra are in the throne room of the St. Aegolius Pure One Base. It has been a few months after her last husband's death and Nyra decided to be with Kludd… seeing as he came back and told her that he likes her. She then admitted that she liked him too. He had asked if he could rule the Pure Ones for her and she complied. She gave him the throne of the Pure Ones and he has been proving himself to her ever since that she wouldn't have regretted her decision. HE also was there during the dark nights after the fights. Nights where they all said goodbye to their leader, nights where tears were shed between two females especially. Nights where there was insomnia and the result. Kludd may still not be 18, but neither of them cares less how old each other are. Nyra herself is 26 years old now and she is as beautiful as an 18 year old. Curious yes, but if you descend from the lineage if a goddess, you are bound to be beautiful.

The two barn owls are playfully sparring with wooden sticks. The white barn owl dodging her loved one's attack. She hits him in the helmet and it slightly dazes him from the bang noise it makes. Since the night of the battle months ago, Kludd himself fought his dreamer of a little brother, Soren, in a burning forest. He broke his wing in the skirmish and he was close to falling into the burning flames below. He pleaded with Soren to help him, but he used that trick to seal his almost fate. He tried to throw his brother in, but as if karma was kicking his butt, he fell into the inferno below. Leaving the side of his face charred. A permanent scar.

Among the many scars earned that fateful night, Nyra witnessed her beloved husband, Metalbeak be killed with a flaming stick. That emotional scar sticks with her every time she falls asleep. Whenever she sees Kludd, since he dons the helm of Metalbeak, she sometimes remembers the sooty owl who she called her mate. She sometimes cries on those nights where she can remember things. It pains her to have seen her husband be killed in front of her and that she couldn't do anything to have stopped it.

Kludd picks up his stick and seeks a little revenge for what Nyra did. He playfully chases the white barn owl around the large throne room as she taunts him for every time he misses her or she starts to get fervour away. In the midst of their little game, Elanore, the general, enters wounded and limping. Nyra takes notice, gasps in horror, and runs over and kneels beside her as she examines her wounds. Kludd follows her as he notices the very hurt General Elanore. Nyra has a motherly instinct when it comes to this owl especially, as she had raised since her was nine. She is young and an ambitious general.

"Elanore, honey, what happened?" Nyra asks in shock

"Tyto Resistance, Nyra. They attacked us. A few soldiers died and a few are wounded." Elanore replies with tears in her eyes

"How awful!" Nyra exclaims in disgust "You are only young, dear and they did this to you?"

"Ramaxon Pettit." Kludd growls in disapproval, "He is worse than Bryony when it comes to Tyto Resistance Leaders. This is the eight time this month. He makes me want to yarp a pellet."

"What do we do, Kludd?" Nyra asks as she holds Elanore close as she cries "It'll be alright, Elanore. We'll take care of it. I'll hit him where it hurts for ya."

"After we tend to Elanore, then we'll talk." Kludd says, as he has empathy for the hurt owl

The two bigger owls help the smaller one by having her lean on them as they take her to the infirmary. Elanore is being treated and Nyra wants to see if she is ok, so she remains outside. Kludd sicks with Nyra, seeing, as they will have to have their little talk about how to get even. The doctor comes out.

"Elanore is fine, her injuries have been bandaged and she had to have a few stitches, but she is ok and resting. She will be up and flying around in a week or two." The doctor announces

"Thank Glaux. The poor dear doesn't deserve this sort of punishment." Nyra says with a sigh of relief

Nyra and Kludd then leave the infirmary and walk back to the throne room. The white barn owl leans delicately on her lover's shoulder as they walk side by side. Kludd is thinking of ways to get back at Ramaxon for constantly wounding and or killing his soldiers every time they venture into Tyto Forest. Usually what would come to mind is ways he can kill his brother and also for Nyra to avenge her late husband's death. As they pass fellow Pure Ones, they bow in respect, the usual thing in the St. Aegolius Base for a lower ranked Pure One to do. With a swift bow of the guards at the throne room doors, the wooden doors are opened and they enter. The doors close and they are alone once again.

"What have you been thinking of?" Nyra asks "I just can't believe the audacity of those soldiers for attacking a teenage girl, nevertheless our soldiers once again."

"An attack on the Tyto Resistance base. Ramaxon is a coward and he won't fight, but we will. Also… This could lead to something big. This could attract the attention of my brother and those damn Guardians. Besides, when I am done with Rosewood, it'll be history." Kludd proposes

"Sounds fun. If Ramaxon dares take out our crews, we will take out his crews." She heartlessly smiles

"Just what I was thinking." He says with a wink and a tap on the top of her beak with his wing

The barn owl king goes over to his perch and his queen is walking toward the door gracefully. The doors open as she stops and turns back.

"I'm getting the troops. Be back in five." She informs him

She then continues her graceful steps out the door as they close once again. Kludd overlooks St. Aegolius from the view from his perch. In his thoughts, he sees flashes of the night he had fought his brother in the burning forest. He then looks down and Nyra is talking to her troops in the courtyard as they gather. He is admiring the beauteous owl he calls his inamorata (just another word for girlfriend I found in my thesaurus)from afar until the doors of the throne room open and in comes a bandaged up Elanore. The sudden timing of the doors opening slightly frightens him.

"Lord Kludd." The small owl says as she limps in. Only she and Nyra are allowed to call him that, unlike others in the base.

"Yes, Lady Elanore." The king says as he turns to face her

"What is going on? The soldiers are gathering in the courtyard." She asks

"We are attacking, Tyto and planning some revenge. Isn't it obvious?" he replies

"Oh…" She awkwardly utters, "I didn't realise…"

"Go and rest, General. Nyra would want you be out of harm's way on this one. She cares about you very much and I do too, I guess." He suggests with concern

"I just… never mind." She says as she walks off

She is walking off before Kludd asks, "What's up? You're upset."

"I'm missing out on all the fun." She sighs sadly

"Get some rest ok, there will always be another night." He smiles as the doors open "Besides, you don't want to be around when the Guardians come flying in. Take care now."

She smiles back and then takes off to her hollow. Nyra then enters and she has her battle gear on. She is also carrying his battle claws and gives them to him. He smiles and takes them off her and places them on. He then says that she trained a good general and Nyra says that she is more like her daughter, rather than a general. Moments later, the armada of Pure Ones and their High Tyto and Queen take flight. Elanore and other owls being left behind watch as they all leave for a revenge battle. Kludd has more on his mind rather than to deal with a former business partner.

Within hours, their target is acquired. Ramaxon is arguing with the Tyto Forest UKO Senator, Sienne Daube, about the code and practice of Tyto Resistance when the Pure Ones attack. She then flies off and the resistance members attack. The two sides are proving a worthy fight, the Pure Ones and the Tyto Resistance members are fighting in the mere ambush and no one has gone down yet. Ramaxon's forces then chicken out and fly off. Ramaxon then has two choices, surrender or die. He hesitantly writes a scroll to the Guardians of Ga'Hoole…