-There was a faint smell of sea in this crowded city,

the sun was shining brightly as if it was trying to bind people's sight.

Sweat dripped along my neck, as I kept walking among the sea of people.

I didn't seem to understand back then, everything seemed so blurred to me,

And yet, it was only you whose figure didn't seem to waver..

On the contrast, your smile shone as brightly as the sun,

As you held out your hand for me..

Alibaba –

There was a boy, running along the narrow street as he tried to keep his breath. His hair was as bright as the sun, while his amber eyes shone in glee. His name was Alibaba Saluja, who later would be known as The Prince of Ballaad, a small marine country in the South-East. He ran till the end of the alley, where he met a big stone wall which stood on his way. Alibaba quickly glanced over his surroundings, trying to make sure that nobody was behind him as he quietly hid himself behind the pilling stone near the wall. After he made sure that his hiding place was perfect, he giggled to himself pleasedly. "What are you doing here, Alibaba?", hissed a voice as he felt someone pinched his cheek. "KASSIM!", shouted Alibaba in joy as he saw the brunette boy, who had been sitting next to him all the time. "Shh..! Be quiet or else they'll find us! We're playing hide and seek remember? So don't spoil my hiding base!", whispered the boy-so-called-Kassim as he put his hand on Alibaba's mouth. "Your hiding place?! But I found this place first Kassim!",whined Alibaba. "But I was the one who got here first, Baba. Now just move aside or else they'll hear us!", hissed Kassim as he tried to push Alibaba aside. The-already-pissed-Alibaba puffed his cheeks as big as he could, "KASSIM YOU MEANIE!". In the end both the boys were the first to be caught during the play as they were both screaming while punching at kicking at each other. These two boys, Alibaba and Kassim, were the most famous brats in the town. They were the famous best-friends who loved to play around and led vicious adults who dared to mess with them, to their 'death' bed. They were also known as the most powerful and were admired by most alley kids. Back then, their life were perfectly fine, they were both happy and contented with their life. Even when there were some harsh moments, like when Alibaba's mother had passed away, both boys shed their tears and pain together as they struggled to overcome their sadness. None of them had ever thought that their life would change for worse or that they would soon in the future, faced each other as enemies. At least they had never thought about it until one of them started to notice something, something that would change wholely of how he saw the other party. It was a rainy day. The gloomy sky dripped its drops of water to the small city beneath it.. Everyone was running in this city, looking for a shelter to cover them from the rain. Deep down inside the dark alley, where only a couple of people knew that it ever existed, there were a vivid voice of screaming and shrieking. On the dark, and currently reddish, marble, there laid a figure of a big lifeless man. And next to him, stood a petite figure who was panting hysterically. The figure was holding a bloody knife, his eyes were only directed to the victim whose face wasn't similar to his at all, but the blood which was flowing from his body was exactly the same as his. The boy, who was similar, or eventually Kassim, was standing there, trembling in fear as he stared at his father's lifeless body. The situation clearly explained what had happened a couple of minutes ago. Kassim killed his own blood and flesh, his father who had come back to the slumsto take all the money Kassim had. Kassim, who needed the money to feed his sister and Alibaba refused to do so (well, even without that excuse he'd still refuse to give his money) which in in end causing his father to trying to seize his money by force, leaving Kassim with hard decisions, either killing his own father or giving him the money and letting Mariam and Alibaba starved. Kassim stared as his father who were barely breathing, "Kassim.. You're just a scum like me..", was his last words. Driven by the guilt and fear, Kassim quickly wiped his stained knife and arm as he ran away. He needed to go back and forgot the insanity act he had done, but it was all futile. Each step he took felt so heavy, the dropping water felt like needles on his skin, his mind kept echoing his father's last words, and much worse than anything, every time he looked down at the puddle under him, what he saw was no longer a petite brave boy. It was an exact reflection of his father. All this time, he had believed and promised to himself that he was different from his father. All his despicable acts were mainly to protect those who were important to him, but now he could no longer think like that anymore, not after he had killed his own father. Even if it was an act to protect his beloved ones, but he knew, deep down inside killing his useless father was eventually something he yearned for the most. His father's last word made him realize, that indeed, he was no different from his useless father, that he had the scum blood running inside his vine. Before he realized it, he was standing in front of Alibaba's tent. The ten-year-old boy came out from the linen entrance,"Kassim? What are you doing there? It's raining, come inside quickly!" Kassim, who had just come back to reality, hastily stepped tent was very small and narrow, it only had their beds and some other stuffs. Alibaba quickly grabbed a towel and shoved it to Kassim,"Here, dry yourself. It won't be funny if you catch a cold."

"Thanks", murmured Kassim softly as he held the towel and stared at it. Alibaba felt something was wrong with his best friend, so he decided to give a hand as he grabbed the towel from Kassim's grip and stroked it on Kassim's head gently, "Come on, you don't need me to babysit someone older than me, yeah?" It was a moment of silence, neither of them could think of something to say to each other. Kassim, who had been calmed down already, was now battling with his inner self. Whether to tell Alibaba about the accident happened or just to keep quiet about it, he wanted to tell someone about this, at least to lift up the heavy burden he was carrying, but at the same time, he didn't want to worry Alibaba.

"You know, today there was a really nice tourist came to ask for my guidence today." ,Alibaba started blabbering as he kept stroking Kassim's head gently. "He asked me to show him around the town and he treated me some delicious food. Not only that, in the end of the trip he gave me an extra tip, saying that I did really good in giving directions and informations." Kassim frowned a little when he heard this.

"Well, in my opinion the tourist was rather suspicious. If he was really kind just like what you'd said, he wouldn't stare at you with lust in his eyes and he wouldn't grope you when you let down your guard." This was rather a surprise for Alibaba,

"Hey, he was just being kind and friendly. And about the skin contact, it was common back in his country and he forgot that not all place have the same culture. How did you know about that anyway? Were you following us?"

"Nah, don't even think about it. If I had time, I wouldn't spend it for stalking you. I happened to see you walking around the town with that guy. That's all.", said Kassim cooly as he tried to brush off the conversation. True to his word, Kassim DID see Alibaba and the tourist by accident, but after witnessing the-over-friendly-act towards Alibaba and how that guy looked at the small boy, Kassim decided that he should follow them just in case if something might occur. "By the way where's Miriam? I didn't see her at all today."

"Ah, she went out helping the lady next door. The lady was already too old and she couldn't do all the chores, so Miriam decided to stay over and help her for some penny." Alibaba gave Kassim's head a few hard stroke on his head as he smiled, "Now, you're all dried up."

Alibaba moved a bit next to the pile of folded clothes and looked for Kassim's. Kassim just stared at the blonde without doing anything. 'Pale skin, golden hair, pretty face.' Kassim felt himself getting drowned inside his mind as he looked at Alibaba ,'everything about him is so different from me. He's like a saint while I'm just a scum like my father.. He's so pure that makes me want to.. taint him..'

".. sim! KASSIM!"

Kassim jolted back as he came to realization, "What?"

"I was calling you just now, but you didn't answer me. Here's your change of clothes, you better change now or else my effort to dry your hair will be pointless."

Kassim didn't reply, he only nodded a little and put the new clothes on without realising that Alibaba was watching him.

"By the way, Kassim. Do I need to give you a hand with your job? I mean you seem tired lately and maybe if I help, it can decrease your tiredness?"

"No, you can't"


Kassim took a glance at Alibaba. His dark eyes met with those which reflected purity and Nobility.

"You;re not suited with this kind of business. Besides, someone like you are not supposed to do dirty things like this. This is a job that is suitable for scums like my father and I."

"Pardon me?"

"Nothing", Kassim walked over to Alibaba and patted him on the head, "It's just we're different. And this is definitely not your job, brother." Somehow, as the word 'brother' escaped his lips, Kassim could feel something stabbed his heart hard. Alibaba only stared at the older boy in confusion as he tried to figure out the real meaning behind Kassim's word, but before he could think of anything, Kassim beated him.

"Let's go and get some rest, shall we? It's been a long day for both of us. We need to save some energy for tomorrow."

Alibaba nodded slowly as he climbed onto his bed. Kassim was about to turn off the candle when suddenly Alibaba called out to him.



"Can we sleep together tonight? Like how we used to?"

This taken aback Kassim. Sure Alibaba always gave him surprise, whether it was about secret tunnels he always managed to find, or about the fact that when he sang, it felt like your ears were being crushed. But this time, what he had done was on a level higher than just shocking, since a couple of minutes ago he had had lewd thoughts about Alibaba, and now Alibaba asked him to sleep together, which sounded like an invitation. Kassim felt like just now Alibaba was reading his mind.

"Kassim? Are you sure you're okay? You dazed a lot today.."

"Ah, um. Nothing. It's just.. We're already teenagers, Baba. And I don't think that—"

"I don't think that age is the real issue here, Kassim."

"Okay, you're right. But I still refuse the idea."


"Because, you see.."

"Am I somewhat a bother to you now?"

Alibaba's eyes stared to show teared up, "I know that I'm not that useful. But at least I want to be a comfort for you."

Kassim, who now was totally out of words began to panic. He didn't really want to sleep with Alibaba. Not after he had such thoughts about him. But seeing his brother getting hurt was also not something he favour. After a while of inner battle, he finally made his decission.

"Okay, Baba. Only for today I will sleep with you."

Alibaba's face lighted from hearing those words. He quickly ot off his bed and sneaked to Kassim's.

"Thanks, Kassim. To tell you the truth, I've been having nightmares lately. So I think maybe sleeping with you can drive it away."

"Am I some kind of nightmare repelers?"

Alibaba grinned at him as he held Kassim's big hand, after a while the small boy finally drifted to sleep, while Kassim was still wide awake, staring at nowhere. There were a lot of things that happened that day. Too much things happened all in the same time that it confused him. Kassim turned his face to face Alibaba. The other boy was sleeping quietly with a peaceful face.

'I wonder why, I always have this premotion when I see you. You're different from us. Even though we were born in the same place, this place isn't somewhere you should've been. Unlike me who stay in dark place, your original place should've been... in somewhere brighter..'


Kassim jolted as he heard his name was being called. Did he wake Alibaba somehow? He stared at the other boy, who now was smiling as he slept. There was no sign that he was awake or he had been awake. Kassim let out a relief sigh, 'Thank Goodness he wasn't awake'

Kassim stared at Alibaba's face again, this time with a gentle expression on his face as he touched Alibaba's face with his left hand, while the other one squeezing Alibaba's hand a little.

"You know what, Alibaba..", whispered Kassim softly as he kissed the palm of Alibaba's hand. He slowly closed his eyes as he started to drift in a deep sleep, where there was a world for him, Mariam, and Alibaba to live together and happily.

'I wish we could always be together'


But I just love this pairing so much that I decided to at least write a story as an appreciation to show my gratefulness QuQ Sadly enough not many people ship this pairing *sobs sobs* WE NEED TO SPREAD KASSIM X ALIBABA LOVE TO THIS WORLD! *cough* sorry about that. I'm just being extremely hyper right now (since I'm really scared atm because it's past 1A.M and I'm the only one who is awake Q-Q) Ah, and also.. I kind of add some more things in this ff, like Kassim calls Alibaba as Baba or the fact that Alibaba can't sing. All of them were made up (because I'm too desperate)

Anyway, I still do hope to get some reviews and comments about this :D Critics are also appreciated~ (but please don't be to harsh, I'll end up crying if you do so 100% lie) If I get enough comments, I will post the chapter 2 of this ff

Thanks a lot guys for reading this story QuQ