Aaaaanndd it's OVER! :D Thank you to those of you who actually carde about this! :D

25. Let Japan and Germany talk for a while while you take Italy to go flirt with women or to go pet cats.

Ita-chan out for some nummy snacks!

27. Take Japan to Greece to sight see and if there are cats, follow them! They could be a very happy Greece at the end of the kitty trail~ Also, don't forget to remind Japan the bring his camera!

28. Compliment Germany on his army stratagies and his football ((soccer)) teams- Munich and Berlin- on making it to the finals this year in London! They did good so, he must be proud~

29. Let Italy hang out with big brother France for a while~

30. Since we've complimented Germany and Italy, how about compliment Japan on everything.. Other than tentacle porn.. That's a no-no...

See you soon! xoxo


PluPlu~ Mwah!