It was a normal World Meeting when the little girl came in.

"Papa! Arthur is bullying me again." Cried the little girl. All of the Countries looked at the little girl, she had blond hair, to her shoulders and her eyes were tightly screwed shut as she ran blindly through the room. To some of the Countries, she looked familiar.

She bumped into Germany and fell on her butt. She looked up at him, and started to cry again,"Nooo, Big Brother Pennsylvania is here!" she practically screamed, and Germany didn't know what to do besides yell," VHOS CHILD IS THIS?"

The girl quieted instantly and then looked around with curious blue eyes. Several Nations gasped, she looked like a miniature France that was a spotting what she was looking for she clambered in the lap of a sleeping America who was oblivious to what was happening.

She shook his shoulders,"Papa, wake up. You have to go punish Arthur again, he is mean."

"hrrrm? What?" America looked at the girl and hugged her,"Oh, Louis, you got to stick up to the boy. You just can't come running to me every time he pranks you." Then America looked around with sleep filled eyes and noticed where they were.

"Oh snap..."

"Yes, you git. Since when did you have a child?" England said and looked at the girl in his lap.

She shrieked and cried into America's shoulder,"ARTHUR! PAPA HE IS HERE AND HE WANTS TO TORMENT ME!"

America patted the girl's head and then smiled apolitically at England. "She is afraid of her older brother who happens to look like you."

Then another figure appeared at the doorway. It was a smaller virson of England, except the fact that England would NEVER wear anything like that. The small England was wearing practically nothing but a small vest and VERY short pair of leather shorts that had multiple chains coming off of it.

"Kes kes kes kes, where did that little brat run off to, leaving the AWESOME me behind?" Laughed MiniEngland.

Hungary almost fainted along with the normal England. It was another Prussia... with his body.

"Who is that person who thinks he is more AWESOME than me? The AWESOME Prussia?" Said Prussia from under the table, he was hiding there to scare Austria.

"The one and only AWESOME Virginia!" Smiled MiniEngland. Then he noticed America and the France-girl.

"Oh, why does Louisiana always go running to F-in you?" He grumbled then he noticed the normal England.

Virginia visibly paled, "Dad, is-is that E-England?" He pointed at the man who was looking at him with a shocked expression.

America looked at England for a moment then grinned,"Yes, Yes it is. If fact he says he wants to take you back."

Virginia screamed then ran under the table with Prussia. Then a whispered fight began on who was the awesomest.

Then France looked up from his phone which he was just so happening to be reading porn and saw the little girl in America's arms. He looked shocked, she looked just like him. He walked over and peered into the little girls blue eyes. They were just like his. It was no doubt, it was his child.

"Bonjour Mademoiselle, who are your parents?"

Louis looked up at the man, then her face recoiled in disgust. "My parent is Papa, and you are never to ever look at me again, freak." She sorted and then looked up at England who was still staring at the doorway were Virginia stood moments before.

She tugged on his sleeve and when he looked down, he looked into the bright blue eyes of his enemy, "If you are not Virgina, then would you protect me from him? I'll be your little girl and you can order me around and I'll disapoint you by running away!" England slapped his face, the girl who was the spitting image of his worst enemy, her blue eyes in innocence and soft words. His gentleman alarms were screaming at him. He was silently backing away from the scary child.

Meanwhile France was being very negative about Louis's anwser. He was whimpering in the corner when Prussia and Virginia's whisper fight turned out to be a show-off-you-AWESOMEST-moves underneath the table.

"America, who are these CHILDREN?" Yelled Germany, he had enough, it seemed that Prussia had made a kid with England and France had a little girl with Italy.

America was looking at his phone, then glaced up. "What? Didn't I tell you before? These are my children." (France looked up at this then began to laugh, so it was his and AMERICA'S child.)

"Yes, but why are they called States?" Asked England who was trying to shake off Louis from his legs, she was staring at him with love, and it was freaking the poor gentleman out.

"Duh, they are 3 of my States."


Right next to America was a boy, he was holding a beaver in his arms and looked like America, he sighed,"I will be seen soon."

"Who are you?"

"New York, your owner." Sighed the miniAmerica, he was just like his Uncle Canada. Invisible.

"Yeah, you guys can't see him, but he is right next to me."

"Back on the subject, STATES?" Yelled Germany.

"Yeah totally, I have 50 of them. What is so wrong about having your own Children?"

There was silence (besides the yelling under the table).

"You mean, you have 48 more kids, just like these?"

America frowned,"47," he corrected then continued,"Well, I would have kept it a secret, but the others wanted to meet their parents. So I only brought a few here today."

"Really? They wanted to meet their parents?" France had wormed his way up to Louis,"Come here my flower, and meet your dad."

Louis glared at him and then muttered something along the lines of 'stupid frenchie' and then spoke louder and said,"No! England is my dad. NOT you!"

France was back in the corner in a matter of seconds, mourning for his newly lost daughter.

"Hey America, did you bring ALL 50 of them?"

"No, dude. I only brought 6. The others should be here about now..." Just as America said that, the door flew off its hinges and slammed into the opposite wall. The Countries all stopped and stared at the trio in the doorway. They were all mini versions of Germany,Romano,and Italy.

Normal Germany coughed and caught miniGermany's attention.

"Hallo I am Germany."

Italy rushed past Germany and looked over the shorten verison of Germany. "Ve~ Hello, I am Italy!"

miniGermany smiled and brought out a pipe,"Hallo Italy. Would you like to become one with Pennsylvania, ja?" A creepy smile was brought on Pennsylvania's face as Italy ran as fast as italians could when a brittan is close.

"Ve~ Germany! Your smaller version is just like Russia!" He yelled as he cowered behind Germany.

In the back corner Russia started to kolkolkolkolkol "Italy, I do not act like an idiot. I demand, not ask to become one with mother Russia."

Then Pennsylvania and Russia had a staring contest. The Baltics were trembling, wondering if they should run or not.

Spain stared at the other Romano in curiosity. Was he just like his Tomato? Spain walked over and studied MiniRomano, and MiniRomano looked at him.

"Ciao!" Smiled MiniRomano and Romano almost choked on his tomato that he was eating, and looked over and saw himself.

"Oh NO!" He crossed over and started to hit Spain, in the stomach.

"Like, doesn't that, like , hurt?" Asked MiniRomano, and now Spain and Romano were staring at him. "Like, why are you staring at me? Am I that, like, cute?" Giggled MiniRomano.

"Oh My Tomatoes! Spain! I am POLAND!" Cried out Romano and he ran and hid behind Italy who was still hiding behind Germany who was still staring at Pennsylvania.

Spain was still staring at MiniRomano who was looking at Germany with some interest in his eyes. Then he looked at Italy.

Italy had his arms folded and looked a little grumpy. He was tapping his foot and then muttering something about 'Idiots' and 'Pepsi'... Then he burst out,"CAN'T YOU ALL GET A LIFE AND SHUT THE HECK UP?!" Oh, great. Another Germany. Or is it Romano? Spain wonders a bit before sighing and shruged his shoulders and managed to piss of the little italian.

"Oh? Spain doesn't like me? Well I, North Carolina, DECLARE WAR ON YOU!" Yelled N. Carolina. He was very angry that his brother had left him.

Spain paled, he didn't need to be in a war right then. After all if he went into war, his cute little Tomato would also be affected. Spain started to talk to and try to tell him that he didn't want a war. But S. Dakota kept on call him naughty things while holding onto his northern brother, from talking to Germany.

America looked at all the havoc that his children had caused. He smiled, it was the hero's duty to keep all calm and order so he yelled out in a loud voice, "OK KIDS, LETS GO TO MCDONALDS!" And Virginia, Louisiana, Pennsylvania, New York, , and , had gathered around America and were extremely quiet as they left with America.

The room was a mess, and papers were everywhere. It was quiet, too quiet so England broke the silence,"Well, THAT was interesting.."

Everybody murmured in agreement.

Ok, This had just came into my head. You are free to ask me for a state and which 'Hetalia' Charaters to use. You can choose any of them except the 6 above..

Umm. Please no FLAMES.. It just came into my head and I am just that awesome!

Any complaints? No? Ok! I will give you 2 days to send in State ideas and I will give credit to those who I copy off of. UMM UNTIL THEN! CIAO!