Hey. New Story. This one probably won't be as long as the other one. It is also a RoyxWally.
Disclaimer: I do not own Young Justice.
Chapter 1
The Team and The Justice League had just arrived back at Mount Justice after having to defend the world from an apocalypse..again. Alien invaders from sector 467, as Hal informed them, called the Igions decided they wanted to enslave the Earth's population. Obviously the JLA couldn't let that happen so they and the Team spent hours haul assing to stop the fleet.
There had been no extreme or fatal injuries this time. The superheroes were just fighting extreme exhaustion and hunger. Everyone had some part of their uniforms torn, the close range fighters looking worse for wear.
After a quick debriefing, Batman told the Team and the League that they would be getting a two week break from Team missions. John Stewart had taken the leader of the invaders to Oa while Flash left as soon as he was given permission to.
Because it had been an apocalypse, Red Arrow had stepped in to help, though he still says he has no ties to the League.
"I think I'm going to be spending the rest of my existence sleeping." Wally groaned, dropping to the ground in exhaustion.
The Igions, this time, had an ability almost akin to superspeed and although not all of them could use it, all of them had faster than the average humans reflexes so Flash and Kid Flash ended up doing the most this time, taking out as many as they could with the help of Jay Garrick, the first Flash. If they weren't taking out the aliens, they were giving others tips on how to take them down while they were going at high speeds.
"You did great work today my friend" Kaldur complimented. The speedster beamed.
"For once." Artemis muttered. The joy immediately vanished.
"Replacement, I happen to remember Kid knocking you out of the way of an attack more than once so I'd lay off if I were you." Roy spat at the fellow archer.
Artemis scowled.
"At least, I didn't go solo because I didn't feel like I could handle the pressure that comes with being a partner, Speedy."
The atmosphere tensed. Everyone was ready for a fight to break out.
Roy opened his mouth to say something that would most likely be incredibly rude when he felt a light tug on his arm. The archer looked to see Wally frowning at him. The speedster leaned up to whisper something that was unknown to the rest of them in his ear. After that, the two seemed to have this silent debate with their eyes until Roy sighed and Wally grinned, showing who had won.
"Whatever. Later." Roy said that intended to be his final words to his fellow superheroes as he left to head towards the zeta tubes.
"Roy, wait!" The archer stopped when he heard his favorite speedster say his name. I'd be lying if I said the next thing that happened didn't surprise anyone. Out of seemingly nowhere, the redhead pulled the archer into a deep kiss. What shocked them even more was when Roy didn't push the 16 year old away, but instead pulled the speedster closer and kissed back.
Everyone reacted in different ways. Most of the League was frozen.
Conner was utterly confused, Megan squealed, Artemis almost passed out, Robin, after initially being shocked, started taking pictures with his glove computer, while Kaldur only looked mildly surprised: all while the two redheads were kissing completely unaware of their surroundings. When they parted, they could see that even with his mask on Red Arrow looked significantly happier than he had a minute ago.
"Roy, you're gay?!" Ollie asked flabbergasted.
Roy scowled in confusion. "NO!"
"We all knew Red over there was playing for the other team but Baywatch? You're gay?" Artemis asked, trying to compose herself.
"If by gay you mean happy, then yeah." Wally said in confusion.
"I think she means the homosexual variety." Robin piped up.
"Then No. I'm straight."
"Obviously not, if that little show earlier was anything to go by!" Artemis protested.
"How the hell does that mean I'm gay?" Wally asked.
Artemis facepalmed.
"Being homosexual means you're a guy that's attracted to other guys, Wally." Hal explained.
"Thanks for the explanation, Uncle Hal because I definitely didn't know what homosexuality was." Insert eye roll. "But what does that have to do with me and Roy?"
Wally and Roy didn't know what their teammates, well Wally's teammates because Roy didn't work with these people anymore, were going on about.
"Well you're a guy attracted to other guys right?" Megan asked.
Wally raised an eyebrow. "Um excuse me? Wrong. I'm a girl."
The whole room went silent.
"But,...what?" Everyone sans Roy was thoroughly shocked.
"I am a girl." Wally repeated, like it was obvious.
"Since when?" Hal asked.
Wally shot him an 'are you stupid look?' "I don't know. Maybe since birth." Wally replied sarcastically.
"Sorry my friend but we were all under the impression you were male."
"Why on earth would you think that?"
"You have no tits." Artemis said bluntly.
"Bind them before I come to the cave because it takes awhile. My mother doesn't believe in sports bras." Wally replied though she was blushing.
"But you're always flirting with Megan."
"Didn't consider that flirting. I was just trying to be nice and welcoming." Wally replied, though Robin could tell there was something more to the story.
"You don't eat like a lady." Black Canary said.
"Shockingly, i actually possess the ability to eat civilly but whenever im not in public, id like to eat however i feel like without being judged."
"You sound like a guy." Conner said.
"I don't like the way my voice sounds." The speedster cleared her throat.
"Is this better?" It was surprisingly high.
"I believed Wallace was a male's name." Kaldur said.
Wally shrugged. "My parents wanted a boy." They could tell this was a tense subject so they moved on.
"Your clothes and your hair?"
"I don't dress nice here because it's just you guys no offense. And my hair is short because superspeed and long hair don't work. It used to be down to the middle of my back but that was before i got my speed. And it only looks a hot mess when you see me because i run here. It actually looks good until 4 when i run here." Wally explained.
"Wait, is this why you hate me? Because I took your boyfriend's place on the team?" Artemis asked.
Wally sighed. "Well at first it was because of that but now its cuz your mean."
"When did you two start dating?" Green Arrow cut in.
"A year ago." Roy replied.
"A year? So Kid's this mysterious girl your madly in love with?"
Roy flushed red and averted his eyes.
Robin turned to Roy angry. "You knew?"
"Well yeah. It's not a secret. First off, she doesn't have an Adam's apple. She doesn't use the guy's bathroom. Not to mention the female mannerisms. And you haven't noticed that one time a month, she's pissed off." Roy said.
"So whenever you said 'she's on her time of the month' You weren't just joking?" Robin said, it finally all clicking together now that he thought about it. Whenever he'd walk into her room unannounced and she'd gasp, before saying 'Robin. Knock dude. What if I was changing?'
Memories of the times, he'd had changed in front of her and she shrieked, hastily covering her eyes, made him blush. Then the frequent trips to the bathroom at times were something he should have noticed as well. If Batman found out about this huge oversight, then he'd get 3 hours of extra nonstop training.
All was explained and it appeared would be going back to normal until Wally broke thru the silence.
"Wait. So all this time you people thought I was a guy?" Wally asked in disbelief. "Do i really look that unfeminine?" Tears started to gather in her eyes at the silence." Omigawd you people suck."
"KF, wait!" Robin called out.
Recognized: Kid Flash B03
"Well damn. Instead of relaxing after helping save the world, I'm going to have the comfort her and reassure her that she's completely feminine. Thanks guys." Red Arrow said sarcastically before disappearing through the zetabeam.
Recognized Red Arrow 21
"Oh my gosh. I feel terrible now."
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