Me: So the moment you have been waiting for, The epilogue of Sleepover btw not chapter 6.

Penny: Ooo so exciting

Zoe: I know right finally to big finish

Sunil: I am also excited too, after five long chapters now it is almost over

Me: Or is it?

Sunil: Oh no, there is more

Me: Just kidding this is the last part

Sunil: Oh thank goodness

Buttercream: But I don't want it to endtityendyend alreadybobendy

Me: Sorry buttercream all go things must come to an end

Buttercream: *sigh*

Sugar Sprinkles: It's ok Buttercream, she'll make more stories about us

Me: Exactly

Pepper: So this is the two different tales thing?

Me: Yup the first one will be about Sepper only and the second one will be about Pennussell. Totally different endings.

Russell: Why not just one ending?

Me: So I can fulfill people's desire for the ending to just be about Sepper and Pennussell only not with them together in one ending.

Russell: That makes sense

Minka: Well no matter what happens it'll all be good in the end

Me: Yeah uh good

Minka: What do you mean "uh good"?

Me: Nothing, so say your lines.

The pets: Sapphette does not own Littlest pet Shop, it belongs to it's rightful owners, Hasbro studios and the Hub.

Me: Alright let's get this started

Epilogue 1: (Only Sunil Vinnie and Pepper)

Everyone is fast asleep in their tents (A/N: Did I forget to mention that they were slepping in tents tonight with their sleeping bags, sorry) except for Sunil and Vinnie who were still in their tents but they were next to each other talking about the sleepover.

"So the party's over huh?" said Vinnie. "Indeed, but it was fun though. "said Sunil. "Yeah it was."said Vinnie. "And we made Penny and Russell fall in love."said Vinnie. "What do you mean?", said Sunil. "Well, we made Russell eat smile dip and he got so crazy that he ended up dancing with penny ling and I decided to choose a scary movie for us to watch so that way she'll start hugging him in case she gets scared." "So that is why you chose the terrible Child's play." "Yup, I had it all planned out." "Ugh!" "Soo about that dare now?" "No way Vinnie." "You don't have a choose dude a dare's a dare and besides I saw they way you two were tonight." "Fine, I will wake up Pepper hopefully she is not fast asleep yet." "This should be good".

Sunil came out of his tent and walked over to Pepper's. He softly tapped on her tent door.

"Pepper, Pepper it's me Sunil." "Ugh, Sunil? What do you want it's like 11pm right now." "Really? Well I wanted to tell you something very important." "Well can't it wait until tomorrow when the sun is shining and Blythe is making us food." "No, I must tell you now because it cannot wait any longer." "Oh alright."

She unzipped her tent and allowed Sunil to come inside.

"Ok, so what is it that you wanted to tell me." " Well, we have been...friends for awhile." "Yeah we have been" "And tonight I felt this sorta of...feeling or whatever you call it." "Well, I wanted to tell you that I-I-I." "Oh come on Sunil, if you can't tell me now then just exit of of my tent and go back to-" "I LIKE YOU OK, I REALLY DO!" He covered his mouth and Pepper was very shocked. "You d-d-o?" "Yes, we'll I just figured it out tonight really I didn't have these feeling before until now" " Wow um, I don't know what to-" " But it is ok if you don't have the same feeling for me, I under-" Before he could say "understand", Pepper kissed him on the lips for like 10 seconds.

(A/N: I don't know if pets could kiss btw, so for this story I'll make an exception but really can they "on the lips")

Their lips departed from each other and Sunil was making those happily sighing eyes. "Wow, that...was...amazing." said Sunil. " was" "Should we tell our friend about this?" "Nah, let me figure it out by themselves" "Ok, so I should head back to my tent now." "Or you can stay here and sleep with me." "Really?" "Yeah, I don't mind sharing with someone" "Well, okay but I have to wake up and get back into my tent before the others wake up." "Don't worry, you'll be up at 5pm in the morning and heading straight back to your tent. And to make sure you do, I'll put on this alarm clock that I got from my owner when we were in Canada." She setup the time to 5am and put the clock next to her. "There, now let's get some sleep ok" "Okay then." He went inside the sleeping bag and moved closer to her like a married couple would. " you Sunil" "And I love you too pepper." They kissed each other for three seconds and drifted to sleep in each other's arm.

Vinnie was still in his tent waiting for Sunil to come out. "Ugh, what's taking him so long for him to confess?" He walked over to Pepper's tent and popped his head inside and noticed them sleeping together. (A/N: She forgot to zip her tent.) "Aw isn't that cute, I knew they'd be perfect for each other. He took out a camera and took a picture of them sleep together. " Now if he doesn't do what I say, I'll just blackmail him and pepper." "Good night you too and happy dreaming" He zipped up his tent and went back to bed.

Epilogue 2: (Only Russell Penny and Minka)

Everyone was fast asleep in their dreams except for a certain hedgehog. All Russell was doing was reading a My little pony book and thinking about the sleepover. "Man tonight was a good sleepover, we had fun watched a movie and I got to dance with penny ling. *sigh* Penny Ling, my girl best friend whose always there for me and I'm always there for her. But soon the whole best friend zone will change once I tell that I-" Russell thought." He was interrupted by whimpers coming from the tent next to him. The whimpers were from none other than penny ling. " I know what I must do" Russell said. He unzipped his tent and walked over to Penny Ling's

He tapped on her tent door softly so he wouldn't wake up the others. "Penny Ling it's me Russell, I heard you whimper and I wanted to check on you. Are you ok? "N-no, I-I'm not." "What's wrong?" "H-h-hold on one second" She moved to her tent door, unzipped it and let Russell inside. "I was having a nightmare and I couldn't sleep. That movie and Vinnie's story scared me so much." "Yeah those two kinda scared me too, so what was the nightmare about?" "I dreamt that we were all gonna die because that Chucky doll was killing us one by one in horrifying ways." "Ooh, well penny ling remember that Chucky is dead and gone now he's not gonna come to the pet shop and kill us." "I know,but the way I dreamt made it look like it was gonna happen." "Oh, maybe you should head back to sleep and dream of something else?" "I wish I could but I can't, I'm too afraid to go back to sleep"

"Hey, what if I sleep with you j-j-just in case you-" "I know, just in case I get scared" "I was gonna say to help you sleep better." She giggled and said, "Ok you sleep with me, wait what if the others find out?" "Don't worry, I'll tell them that you couldn't sleep and I helped you get back to sleep." "Oh ok" "Alright, so let's head to bed or in this case your sleeping bag." He zipped up the tent and went inside the sleeping bag with Penny Ling and she was snuggling next to Russell like he was was a teddy bear. "Um p-p-penny ling before we sleep I wanted to tell you that I-." Before he could say it, she was already fast asleep. "That...I love you and this was the best night I ever had with you" he kissed her on the lips snuggled next to her and went to sleep. But she was but she wasn't completely asleep so she heard and felt everything. "And I love you too Russell." She kissed his forehead and drifted to sleep as well. And she didn't have any more bad dreams for all she could dream about was her and Russell being together forever.

Little did they both know that someone else wasn't asleep but she was awake and she heard and saw everything. "Grrr that penny ling, taking Russell away from me. And Russell falling into the hands of her instead of mee. Well no more, by tomorrow I'll devise a plan so good that it'll break them up and russell will fall in love with me. Yes, this plan shall not fall Mwhahahahahahaha. "MINKA, IT'S MIDNIGHT GO TO BED!" Blythe said. "I will Blythe" "Good" Blythe said. "Don't worry Russell you will be mine, sweet dreams. But no sweet dreams for you Penny Ling." She went to bed and dreamt about ways of ending Pennussell.

Me: So Sleepover is finally over now, hooray!

Sunil: Wait what will happen between Pennussell now?

Me: We'll never know

Minka: Aw man now I'm the evil one

Me: Yeah, but everyone like you being all evil and jealous

Minka: Really?

Me: Ok

Zoe: Well I didn't like the ending it didn't have me in it

Me: Zoe for the last time this is a Pennussell and Sepper thing not a Zoe thing and beside I let you say allot in the chapter before

Zoe: Yes well I just love it when you add me to it

Pepper: Anyway I thought they ending was romantic both of them

Me: Aw thanks pepper

Pepper: What will happen when Vinnie uses the blackmail photo?

Me: We'll never know

Pepper: Oh alright

Buttercream: Once again you made another romanticantic story for the goodoldieday folks

Me: I hope they'll enjoy it

Sugar Sprinkles: I bet they'll love the Sepper story more than the Pennussell story

Me: Well it's their decision on what they like better.

Vinnie: Ooooo, I wish you can do that blackmail thing in future stories

Me: Maybe I might

Vinnie: Really?

Me: I said I might

Vinnie: Oh

Me: So Penny Russell what did you think

Penny: I loved the ending of the second one, so much romance

Me: Russell?

Russell: To me it was ok except for the part with me read a my little pony book

Me: Russell, don't lie you wished you had one

Russell: Well I um...yes

Me: ha I knew it you enjoy My little pony

Russell: Grr

Me: Say goodbye to everyone out there

The pets: Goodbye everyone!

Vinnie: WE LOVE YOU!

Please review and tell me what you think about the different epilogues :D