Me: Hi everyone :) This is a story I'm doing on LPS (Littlest pet shop)

Russell: What's it about?

Me: *blushes* You'll have to find out.

Penny: Who's in it?

Me: You, Russell, Blythe,Vinnie, and Sunil. Zoe, pepper and Minka aren't in this, sorry.

Zoe, Pepper and Minka: aww

Me: But don't worry you'll be in the next chapter.

Zoe, Pepper and Minka: Yay!

Zoe: what's the genre?

Me: Romance and maybe humor too.

The pets: Ooooo

Me: Now say the lines I told you to say.

The pets: Sapphette does not own Littlest pet Shop, it belongs to it's rightful owners whoever they are.

Me: Even if I did there would be more Penny and Russell episodes than Minka and Russell episodes.

Russell and Penny: WHAT!

Me: Okay, on with the story.

Russell: Wait, what did you say?

Penny: You would add what?!


The pets: 0_o

Me: Sorry guys

It's a beautiful day in Littlest pet shop and Blythe just came home from school. "Hi you guys" Blythe said. "Hi Blythe!" The pets said. " "How was school today?" Russell asked. "It was..ok..I guess." Blythe said. Russell smiled then looked at his friends who had pleading faces on their face. Russell sighed and said, "Um..Blythe, we were wondering..if we could have a "Uhh, I don't know you guys." she said. "PLEASE!" they said with their cute eyes. "Ooh, fine we can have a sleepover tonight." she said. The pets cheered in happiness.

Theme song:

You think about all the things

That you love to do.

It all comes tru-u-ue!

You find a place you never knew

Where you're happy to

Just be you!

We can be (yeah)

Who we wanna be (yeah)

At Littlest Pet Shop

You and me

We can be (yeah)

Who we wanna be (yeah)

At Littlest Pet Shop

You and me

Song ends

The pets cheered for a while but Blythe stopped their cheering. "But guys, I have to call your owners first if they agree. So stay right there, I'll be right back. She left the room to make the calls.

"Alright we're gonna have a sleepover for the first time. We'll get to eat food, tell stories, play games, and watch scary movies." Vinnie said. "S-s-s-cary mo-mo-vies, but I d-d-don't like s-s-s-cary mo-mo-movie?!" Penny Ling said. "It's okay penny ling, I'll sit right next to you so you can hold on to me ugh I mean my arm if you get scared." Russell said. "Aww thanks Russell." She said. "No problem." he said. Then Russell heard Vinnie and Sunil were snickering behind him. "What! I'm only trying to help her if she gets scared." "Oh we know, but we're just laughing because you've helped her a lot lately." Vinnie said. "No I haven't." Russell said. "Indeed, you have, remember all of last week." Sunil said. Him, Vinnie, Russell, and Penny looked up and remembered last week.


Monday: "Grr, I can't open this box!" Penny said. "Hey penny ling, here let me help you with that." Russell said. He used his spikes and cut open the box. "Wow, thanks russell." she said. "No problem.

Tuesday: "Hmm, I wonder what this writing means." Penny said. Russell saw the writing too and said, "Oh this, all you have to do is turn your head upside and you'll know what it says. Penny and Russell turned their heads upside down and the writing said, " Believe in what you dream about and it may come true." "Ooh, so that's what it says. Thanks russell." She said. "Anytime penny." He said.

Wednesday : "Should I play with the ball or the squeaker?" She said. "Hi penny ling." Russell said. "Oh, Hi Russell." "What the problem?" he said. "I can't decide if I should play with this ball or this squeaker." she said.

"Hmm, I think you should play with the ball because it's more fun and bouncy than that squeaker." he said. "Okay, thanks russell" she said. "No problem." he said.

Thursday: Penny ling is walking toward the red slide but she was about to be tripped by a toy on the floor. Russell gasped and said,"PENNY LING NO!" He picked up the toy and put it away. "You almost tripped over that toy" "Really? Thanks russell for preventing me from tripping." She said. "It was nothing penny." He said. "I didn't say that" Penny said. "I know I'm just changing the words you said." said Sunil.

Friday: "HELP! HELP! I'M TIED UP TO THE TRAIN TRACKS AND A TRAIN IS ON ITS WAY! SOMEBODY SAVE ME!" she said. Then russell flew in, wearing a superman costume saying, "I'll save you my sweet Penny Ling." He quickly untied the ropes and carried penny bridal style away from the train just in a nick of time. "Oh Russell, thank you for rescuing me from the train. You truly are my hero this day." she said. Then she kissed Russell on the cheek and he blushed while saying, " was nothing.

(Record Scratch)

"Wait a minute, that last one never happened!" Russell said. "Yeah but it could happen." Vinnie said.

Flashback over

"Well, I don't mind if Russell helps me a lot it just shows how much of a good friend he is." Penny said. "Yeah, Wouldn't you do the same for pepper, Sunil?" Russell said. " do not wish to answer that question." Russell smirked then Blythe came back into the room. "Okay you guys, I called your owners and they said it was okay. And pepper, Zoe, and Minka are coming too. Everyone cheered. "And your owners are on their way to pick you guys up, so start getting ready." She said. "This is going to be the best sleepover every!" Penny said. "You bet." Russell said. "Hey Sunil, can I talk to you for a sec?" Vinnie said. "Sure" Sunil said. They left the group walked over to that red slide and climbed inside.

"I think Penny and Russell may have feelings for each other." Vinnie said.

"What makes you think that?" Sunil said. "Russell helps penny ling more than usual and penny ling didn't mind him helping her a lot." Vinnie said. "Oh, I see what you mean so what do you suppose we should do?" Sunil said. "We'll make this sleepover the best sleepover they ever had." Vinnie said. " Ok, but I highly bet it won't work." Sunil said. "Oh yeah, fine we'll make a bet then." Vinnie said. "Fine, what's the bet?" Sunil said. "If penny ling and Russell admit their feelings towards each other, then you'll have to admit our feelings to pepper." Vinnie said. "But I..I..ugh..Okay fine, but if they don't'll have to tell Zoe your feelings." Sunil said. "But I don't have a crush on Zoe." Vinnie said. "Exactly" Sunil said. "Grr fine, you're on." Vinnie said. And they shook hands in agreement.

Me: That's it for chapter one, so what did you guys think of it?

The pets:...

Me: Come on, was it that bad?

Penny: it Sapphette.

Vinnie: it too. By the way, can you add buttercream?

Me: Do you want me to?

The pets: Yeah!

Pepper: She's so much fun!

Me: Okay Okay I'll add her too.

The pets: *cheers*

Sunil: can you add sugar sprinkles too?

Me: um..I guess...but I don't know, there may be a lot of people there.

The pets: Okay.

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