Welp, I'm back, after another long hiatus, sorry guys but things have not been going well. I no longer have any sort of internet access, I've flunked out of college (for now), I got fired from my job, and a storm destroyed by computer...so it's been an unlucky few months for me, but I'm still alive and healthy so I have no complaints. Anyway, hopefully you all continue to enjoy this story.

Nope, I still don't own Jimmy Neutron, even though I really want to.

Something was up, he could tell. He wasn't the most intuitive person when it came to her, but even he could see that something was seriously bothering his girlfriend. Since she walked right into the school doors she hadn't cracked a single smile, she barely acknowledged any of her friends, and she didn't even give him a 'hello' kiss, which was something she had ordered the two of them to do every morning.

He wanted to ask her, but he knew how she was with these types of things. Maybe it was her time of the month, and asking her about that would definitely be a bad thing to do. But he couldn't just leave her like this, she was bringing the mood down.

"Hey, um, babe?" Jason gently tapped his girlfriend's shoulder.

"What is it?" the senior flinched when he heard her tone of voice, it seems she wasn't in the mood to talk.

"Is something bothering you?" he asked. "You don't seem like yourself."

Cindy gave him a tired look, shaking her head and sighing. "It's nothing for you to worry about, Jason."

"It is. I'm supposed to be very worried when my girlfriend looks depressed."

"I'm not depressed, I'm...frustrated," Cindy pinched the bridge of her nose. "These past few days just haven't been all that good for me, okay? Let's just leave it at that."


"I said leave it."

"...okay." As usual, Jason backed off from her. He never liked upsetting her, that wasn't what good boyfriends do. So he was just going to let her solve her own problems, like she always did.

Damn it, Cindy thought. I've got to snap out of this, I don't need Jason having a fit over me.

She hated how easily she could let herself get down all the sudden. Usually she was solid as a rock, it was easy to make her angry but it was extremely hard to make her gloomy and depressed like she was right now. Then again, she shouldn't really be so hard on herself, she was doing pretty well for a sixteen year old pregnant female...at least for the moment, that is.

"Oh, hey," Jason was now speaking to her again, much to Cindy's dismay. "Did you hear, James Neutron is supposed to be teaching, here."

Cindy sighed again, of course he was going to be the topic of discussion. "Yeah, I heard. The whole damn school is celebrating about it," she grumbled. "I swear, people around here are acting as if Jesus Christ himself is descending from the heavens."

"Well, it's a notch below that, but it's still pretty big," Jason smiled brightly. "Do you think he'll sign my copy of his book?"

"He actually wrote a book?" Cindy scoffed. "And here I was starting to think that ego of his was actually starting to fade." She folded her arms. "Why is everyone making such a big deal about him anyway?"

"Because he's a celebrity," Cindy rolled her eyes at the sound of Libby's voice.

"You and I both know he's nothing like that."

"Maybe, but it's kinda cool knowing someone who's so famous," she took a seat next to her best friend. "So, how much fame do you think we can mooch off him?"

"As if I'd ever degrade myself in such a way," Cindy spat. "I've had enough Jimmy Neutron to last a lifetime."

"Oh really?" Libby gave her a sly smirk. "Because if that were true, then you wouldn't have-"

"Hey!" Cindy covered her best friend's mouth, bringing her voice to a whisper. "In case you haven't noticed, my boyfriend is sitting right next to us!"

"I know," came Libby's muffled reply. "Hi Jason."

"Hey Libs."

The blonde shot Libby a dirty look, before whirling around and giving Jason a fake smile. "Sweetie, don't you have a class to get to?"

"Oh shoot, you're right!" Jason quickly began gathering his things. "Coach is gonna kill me if I get another tardy in math!" And with that, the jock quickly made his way out of the library as fast as he could.

"You sneaky little witch," Cindy hissed, turning back to Libby. "What the hell are you trying to pull?"



"Well, maybe if you did what you were supposed to do, I wouldn't have to watch what I have to say," Libby shrugged at her.

"If I'd done what I was 'supposed' to do, I wouldn't be pregnant with someone other guy's baby right now, would I?"

"He's not 'some other guy' and you know it."

"Maybe not, but it still should never have happened."

"I agree," Libby began digging through her bag for her books. "But that doesn't change the fact that it did happen and you have to tell Jason."

"I don't have to do squat."

"He's gonna find out eventually. I mean, you're already starting to get a little pooch in your belly."

"No I'm not!" Cindy quickly looked down at her stomach, lifting her shirt slightly. "Oh come on, you can barely even notice it."

"Girl, I could see it from a mile away."


"I'm just kidding," Libby giggled. "You're fine, you've still got a while until anyone really notices."

Cindy groaned and let her head all into her arms. "Hopefully I'm dead by then."

"Come on, don't joke about that," Libby began rubbing her friend's shoulder. "Let's try and be positive shall we?"

"I don't see how I can 'be positive' about the fact that I'm having a baby, I wasn't even sure if I wanted one at all in my life, much less at sixteen."

"Well, you can't just sit around and mope about it like it'll change anything," Libby told her. "So you might as well cheer up, at least a little bit."

"Easy for you to say," Cindy sat back up. "Besides, that's really not what's got me down. I've basically already accepted the fact that I'm going to be a mother."

"Then what's eating you?" Libby gave her a look. "Is it your baby's daddy?"

"Who else?" the blonde rolled her eyes. "I just don't understand anymore."

"What do you mean?"

Cindy began rubbing her temples while shaking her head at herself. "I don't get it, I'm somehow supposed to hate him and need him at the same time? How does that even work?"

"I don't follow."

The blonde sighed and bowed her head, almost as if she were embarrassed. "I slept with Jimmy last night."

Libby arched an eyebrow and scrunched up her nose. "Damn girl, you just got yourself pregnant and you still-"

"Not like that!" Cindy shook her head furiously. "I mean I literally slept with him, like in the same bed."


"It was storming, and you know how I am when it storms." she began. "One thing led to another, and I ended up running to his house, all soaking wet mind you. We talked, and then we ended up cuddling and I...liked it."

"I see," Libby nodded her head.

Cindy stared at her for a while, as if she were waiting for Libby to say something else. "Is that all you have to say?"

"Well, what do you want me to say?"

"How about 'you hypocrite' or 'you're a dumb slut'?"

"You know I'm not going to call you a slut, but I might agree with calling you a hypocrite," she tapped her chin as if she were thinking about something. "Although, that might not apply if you're still in-"

"Don't say that," Cindy ordered. "That's the last thing I want to even think about."

"I get it, but it would make sense, seeing as you don't give a damn about what you did."

"What? Of course I do. I feel horrible about cheating on Jason."

"You obviously don't feel bad enough to tell him."

Cindy chewed on her lip at that. "Because it'd crush him, you know how much he adores me."

Libby let out a frustrated sigh. "Okay then, ask yourself this question, how would you feel if it were the other way around?"

"I'd be better off not knowing," Cindy informed her. "Sometimes I'm better off kept in the dark, maybe if I never caught Jimmy-"

"Then he'd probably be cheating on you to this day," Libby told her. "Listen, I can't force you to do it, it's up to you to do the right thing or not."

Cindy opened her mouth to argue more with her best friend, but found herself unable to come up with anything more to say. Sighing dejectedly, she covered her forehead with her palm. "I know, and you're absolutely right," she admitted. "I have to do the right thing, I just need some time first."

"For what?"

"So I can figure out the best way to go about it without blowing everything up," Cindy told her. "And I also need time to figure a few...other things out."

Libby gave the blonde an all-knowing look and touched her shoulder. "Alright, I'll let you off the hook for a while, but you have to do it eventually, and the sooner you do it the better." She then gave her small, sympathetic smile. "And as for your 'other things', I suggest you figure that out soon as well."

Jimmy sighed to himself, gathering his belongings from the desk. Teaching a class full of high school kids wasn't exactly what he thought it would be, then again these were advanced students meaning they took their classes seriously. He actually found himself getting bored of his own lectures, which was why he never really considering teaching in the first place. The only reason he even took the job was because he knew Cindy had advanced math and science classes, and he would get to see her, maybe even pick on her a bit.

But she hadn't shown up, which was understandable. By now, she probably heard that he would be her teacher, and Cindy was always good at avoiding people when she wanted to, especially him. He knew she would show up eventually, but apparently she was going to take the day off, which was a shame because he actually needed to speak with her about something.

"I guess I could try to meet her at her house," he said to himself. "Although, she'll probably kick me out, I doubt she's in a mood to see me. I'll talk to her another time, I need to give her space for now."

As he made his way down the halls, he found it odd just how many people were staring at him, he didn't mind it, he just didn't expect people to find a super genius that got his town into trouble all that popular.

"Oh...my...god..." A voice behind him cut him off from his thoughts, forcing him to turn around.

"Um, excuse me?" Jimmy asked, narrowing his eyes. "May I help you with something?"

"Y-You're James Neutron right?"

Oh Einstein, it's another fanboy. "Please, it's Jimmy," he told him politely. "And you are?"

"I'm J-Jason, Jason Fields."

Jimmy suddenly felt a frown appear on his face, crossing his arms he narrowed his eyes once more at the boy. "Oh, so you're Jason," he told him. "What a coincidence."

"You know who I am?"

"Of course I do," Jimmy suddenly gave him a fake smile. "I've heard all about the amazing Jason, star quarterback, highly popular among others, not to mention you managed to reel in one of the most attractive and desirable women in all of Retroville."

Jason suddenly felt an embarrass blush cross his face and began to nervously rub the back of his head, he'd never expected to actually hear praise from his own idol. "W-Well," he stammered. "I...um..."

"Hey now, we're both humans here," Jimmy smirked. "Tell you what, how about you and I grab a burger or something?"

"T-That would be great!" Jason then felt his face falter. "Oh...but I'm supposed to meet my girlfriend after school. She'd be awfully angry if I don't go by her schedule."

Spineless wimp. Jimmy thought to himself, remembering back to when Cindy had once tried to put him on a schedule when they were dating, of course it didn't go over too well. "Oh, you mean Cindy Vortex?" the boy genius asked, receiving a nod. "Even better, we'll just invite her along. I haven't really gotten the chance to catch up with her."

"Really? That'd be awesome!"

"Great," Jimmy put one of his thin arms around the jock, the two of them heading toward the doors. "You know, Jason, Cindy and I used to be rather close back in our childhood days."

"Yeah, I heard she used to go on missions with you," Jason sounded as if he were about to start squealing in glee. "It must have been so cool."

"Well, I'm glad to see that she's doing so well, I mean dating the most popular guy in school and all, she must feel completely accomplished," Jimmy was quite amazed at how Jason could not pick up on his rather obvious sarcasm. "She's quite the lucky girl, isn't she?"

"Actually, I'm the lucky one," Jason told him. "I mean, she's the most amazing girl I've ever met. She's beautiful, smart, nice, and she's always there for me, you know? I've had a few good things in my life, but I can honestly tell you that she's the best thing that's ever happened to me."

"I'll bet," Jimmy smiled, inwardly feeling his stomach tie in a knot and a surge of jealousy fill him. Apparently, this Jason wasn't the jerk he'd hoped he would be, if he were it would have made the entire process much simpler.

"Oh, there she is," Jason pointed out, rushing over to where the unmistakeable blonde was standing. "Hey there, babe."

"What took you so long?" Cindy snapped, giving him a kiss on the cheek. "You're ten minutes late."

Jimmy quickly bit down on his inner cheek, as a means to calm himself down from what he'd just witnessed. "Hey now, don't be angry at him," he spoke, cutting into their conversation. "I sort of held him up a bit there, so it's my fault."

Almost immediately, her eyes sharpened and her teeth clenched together, as if she were quelling an overwhelming desire to scream her head off at him. Jimmy's smirk began to fade slightly, apparently she was in a worse mood than he'd thought, maybe it was a bad idea to go through with this.

"Why hello there, James," she hissed, only making the genius before her stiffen even more. Now he definitely knew it was in trouble, after all she did just use his real name. "Now, what were you doing holding up my boyfriend?"

Jimmy opened his mouth to explain, but the large jock quickly cut him off. "Babe, you're not gonna believe this," he bounced. "Freakin' James Neutron asked me to get a burger with him! Isn't that amazing?!"

Cindy's left eye began to twitch, her angry gaze falling onto the boy genius briefly before she upturned her lips up into a rather obvious fake smile. "Yeah...that's great..."

"So, is it alright if I go?"

The blonde sighed, contemplating telling him it wouldn't be okay. But if she said that, then she would need a good enough reason, and she didn't have any...well none she could reveal to him quite yet. She was also quite sure that the moron smirking at her was up to something, but she couldn't very well call him out on it with Jason standing in front of her.

Once more, she shot a glare at Jimmy, receiving a smug look in return. For a while, the two simply stared at one another, unmoving and silent, as they so often did. Not many people knew or understood it, but in the years the two had known one another, they had somehow developed a skill as to where they could almost literally have an entire conversation by simply staring at each other without saying a single word. Even Cindy had to admit, that particular connection of theirs was something she had always cherished.

Finally, after a whole ten minutes, a seriously confused Jason let out an awkward coughing noise. "Um," he began. "Is there a problem?"

"No, sweetie," Cindy told him, not breaking eye contact with Jimmy. "It's just...nice to see an old acquaintance again."

"So now I'm just a mere acquaintance to you?" Jimmy smiled playfully at her. "And here I thought we had some good times together."

Cindy shot him another glaring look, this to give him a warning. She didn't allow him to respond and quickly tore her gaze away from his, mostly in an effort to avoid punching him in the face, but also because it was hard for her to look at him for an extended period of time and not think about things she wasn't in the mood to have on her mind.

"Just make sure you're back before five," Cindy told her boyfriend. "And try not to go crazy on the garlic fries again."

"Alright, alright," Jason laughed, leaning in to kiss her. Cindy found herself also leaning in, but out of the corner of her eye she caught the expression on Jimmy's face. He refused to look at either of them, and instead settled for turning his head sideways. She noticed his jaw tensing, and the obvious frown on his face, but what really got her was the look in his eyes. The way his ocean blue orbs drooped down and glossed over slightly was almost too much for her, even though she thought it would be a small dose of poetic justice.

Maybe he'll finally understand how I felt watching the one I love kiss someone else, she thought before shaking her head violently. Damn it, there I go again...I should be using past tense...

She sighed again and brought a finger to Jason's lips, halting them from touching her own. "I'll see you later, alright?"

The jock gave her a confused look, but nodded and released her from his embrace. Cindy then turned to look at Jimmy, and was flashed with a grateful smile from him. She quickly turned away from him, before she could return his smile, and quickly headed in the opposite direction they were going.

"So, about that burger..."

"Huh? Oh yeah, right," Jimmy nodded, breaking free from his thoughts. "Let's...go do that..."

He was up to something, it was so obvious even Sheen would have picked up on it. First he 'randomly' shows up at her high school, offers to teach only advanced classes knowing full well that she was an advanced student, and now he just 'randomly' runs into her boyfriend.

She thought about following them and eavesdropping on whatever the hell they were going to talk about, but she didn't want to waste anymore time than she had to on her ex's stupid, and futile, schemes. She knew he wasn't going to say anything about the two of them to Jason, he wasn't that big of an asshole after all. Besides, it was bad enough that she would be seeing him more often than she would have liked, and it was even worse that she was now bound to him for the rest of their lives...although at one time that wouldn't have been bad at all.

Cindy sighed, turning back toward the punching bag in front of her. Sure, she knew she had important homework to do, but thinking about Jimmy Neutron and trying to do physics homework at the same time was impossible. So, she figured she might as well keep thinking about him, and if she were going to do that, she needed something to beat up on.

Eventually, as she punched and kicked the bag, her mind wandered from Jimmy to their unborn child. Since she had already accepted it, it wasn't all that hard to be at least a little excited about her baby. She was definitely gunning for a girl, and was literally praying that it wouldn't inherit any of its fathers' features, especially not his brain. She wanted her child to be smart of course, but she wasn't really fond of the idea of raising another James Neutron. She also wouldn't be too thrilled if she had to deal with giving birth to a baby with a head like his.

Even to this day, Cindy does not envy what that boys' mother must have gone through.

"Although," she thought aloud. "I guess it wouldn't be so bad if it has his eyes."

She never really made it a secret that she had always adored Jimmy's eyes, which made it only that much harder to look at him in the eye these days. Whenever she did, she just felt an overwhelming urge to embrace him, as if some sort of lovey-dovey spell had been cast on her.

"Which is partly why I'm in this situation now," she groaned, giving the bag a roundhouse kick. "Stupid Jimmy, stupid adorable, blue eyes...damn him."

A deep, frustrated growl escaped her lips. It wasn't hard to tell that she hated the fact that he had such an effect over her. With Jason, she was in control, she made the rules and he went along with it, that was never really true with Jimmy, as much as she hated to admit it. Most of the time, it was a power struggle between the two of them. But eventually, that began to slowly shift over to Jimmy holding all the power. He probably didn't know it, being as dense as he was, but Cindy sometimes felt that he was in control of her, dictated her emotions, and invaded her thoughts. He had her wrapped around his finger, whether she liked it or not.

And it never really bothered her, because she was so blindly in love with him. He was her rival, her friend, her comrade in battle and most importantly, her one true love. She knew in her heart that although she was just a teenager, she'd probably never find love that equaled what she had with him. There would always be other men, but to her there would only be one James Issac Neutron, her one and only true love.

And, if she were being honest with herself, there was a chance that she wasn't ready to truly give it up.

The realization forced her to suddenly let out an angry scream, followed by a barrage of hard, angry punches to the abused bag. "Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!" she yelled. "It's not fair! It's just not fucking fair! I'm supposed to be over him!"

But she wasn't, and that just wasn't fair at all. Why should she still feel this way after what he did? Why didn't she just punch him in the face instead of sleep with him? Why does she still need him during storms? Why can't she just kick him out of her life forever?

With one final kick, she knocked the bag all the way across the gym floor. Breathing heavily, she grabbed her towel and wiping her sweat-glistened face with it before tossing it over her shoulders. She then took a seat on the bleachers, letting her head fall into her hands.

"Maybe," she began softly. "Maybe it's not as impossible as I thought. Maybe I can...maybe we can still be..."

She was unable to say it out loud, but the mere thought of it made the anger and frustration within her grow. She quickly stood up from her seat and made her way toward the bag so she could hang it up again.

She was going to have to stay here a little while longer.

"...so I went on a rampage all throughout Retroville," Jimmy laughed, sipping his purple flurp. "I even fought against the army and my friends, luckily I changed back to normal and found a way to cure everyone."

Once the boy genius finished his story, Jason felt the corners of his mouth stretch even further than they already had. "That was the most awesome story I ever heard!" he exclaimed. "I never knew Cindy was a superhero!"

"She didn't tell you about it?"

"Not really," Jason took a bite from his burger. "She never told me anything about her life before I moved here, she just didn't want to talk about it." He wiped ketchup from his mouth. "She had such a cool childhood! I really envy you guys."

"Well, it wasn't really all that great," Jimmy shrugged modestly. "Actually, we very well could have died countless times."

"That only makes it cooler!"

Jimmy playfully shook his head at the gushing jock before him, and mentally slapped himself for doing so. Jason was supposed to be the enemy, but the half an hour he'd spent with him was quite the enjoyable experience. He was an overall good guy, and admired him greatly for whatever reason. Jimmy almost found himself feeling bad for plotting against the guy, but the image of anyone other than himself embracing Cindy quickly eradicated whatever guilt he had within himself.

"So, how has she been?" Jimmy spoke suddenly. "Cindy, I mean."

"Oh, well she's been doing great, I guess," Jason told him before furrowing his brow slightly. "Well, actually..."

Jimmy arched a confused eyebrow at him. "Something wrong?"

"I'm not really sure," Jason tapped his chin. "But she has been acting weird lately. She's been a lot more quiet than normal, and she's been daydreaming a lot." He then leaned back in his chair a little. "Something's definitely bothering her, but she won't talk to me about it."

"Do you have any idea what it could be?"

"Yeah, I think so," the jock's face suddenly twisted into one of annoyance. "I'm pretty sure it has something to do with the asshole."


"Excuse me, her ex-boyfriend," Jason explained. "That's what she refers to him as."

The boy genius sighed, running a hand through his head. "Is that so?" he muttered, staring down at his hands.

Jason furrowed his brow again, leaning a bit closer toward Jimmy's side of the table. "Hey," he spoke almost in a whisper. "Do you have any idea who he is?"

"I..." Jimmy let out another sigh. "Yes, I do."

"I thought so," Jason folded his arms. "So, I guess the jerk decided to come back in town and harass her, huh?"

"Well," Jimmy gulped a bit. "I don't think that's exactly what he's doing..."

"Then what is it?" Jimmy noticed Jason's strong hands clenched tightly together. "I'll be honest, I have no clue what he did to her or why their relationship didn't work out, but every time I see her face after someone mentions him, I feel an urge to drag that bastard from wherever he's hiding and kick his ass right in front of her."

The boy genius blinked his eyes at the angry jock before him, feeling slightly frightened all the sudden. He was starting to think it was a bad idea to take Jason lightly, after all he was a big guy and Jimmy barely made it past a hundred and twenty pounds, thanks to his abnormally large head. A physical altercation of any kind with Jason would certainly end in failure, embarrassment and a long stay at the hospital.

Then again, to him Cindy was worth all those things and more.

Jason suddenly closed his eyes and took a deep breath, exhaling slowly before opening them once more. "Sorry about that," he apologized. "I just can't stand the fact that someone is hurting my girl, especially the same damn guy from before."

"I understand your feelings," Jimmy told him. "But, and please don't take this the wrong way, you don't know the entire story about what happened."

"I don't need to, all I know is that he hurt her."

"He never meant to, though."

Jason's eyes then narrowed slightly. "Who's side are you on? I mean, you're really defending this guy for someone who's claiming to be one of Cindy's 'closest friends'."

"I'm not defending his actions," Jimmy explained. "He knows what he did was all kinds of terrible, and he knows how badly he hurt her, it hurt him as well." He tapped his fingers on the table, taking another sip of his drink. "He came back to see her again, to explain and apologize, something he shouldn't have waited so long to do."

"You should let him know that she's over him, and he should leave her the hell alone or else I'll have to step in."

"I'll let him know, that," Jimmy assured with a small smirk. "But it's likely to not do any good, he really wants her back. He loves her after all."

"Yeah right," Jason scoffed. "Well, you can also tell him that if he thinks he's got a chance in hell, he's in for a hell of a surprise. She deserves better than that asshole."

Jimmy's smirk turned into a sad smile as he looked back down at his hands. "Yeah, he knows that as well."

A/N: Yeah, I know I said mid to late July...and it's October. I am really sorry about the hiatus but as I explained in the beginning, things are simply not going well. I'm not dead, I'm still writing, but with no internet access available, not to mention all the other things I'm doing, it's difficult for me to do any sort of updating. I will try to do this as fast as I can until I can get the internet back, and I ask that you readers please bear with me and hopefully continue to enjoy the story. Until next time (whenever that is).

Feedback is love