Rating : Same as last few chapters.
Disclaimer : I do not own anything you recognize. PJO character belong to Rick Riordan. I am not making any money out of this, please do not sue. I do not own the lyrics to 'Heaven Tonight' by Cheap Trick.
Notes : I don't really like this chapter. Just kidding. I actually LOATHE this. It's just so rushed and weird. There's not much feeling in this. Ugh. Also, wayyyyyy too much Annabeth, I guess. I just didn't know what else to do because I'm a fail at life. I'm leaving for vacation tomorrow and won't be able to update over there - so I wanted to get this chapter over with. I'm really sorry for it being so suckish. UGGHHH, so rushed.
Perseia : THANKS :D I love you 3
Andromeda : I was going to do something like that but now I'm rushed for time and everything. I'm going to incorporate everything into the next few chapters once I get back :D LONG REVIEWS ARE AMAZING. Thank you 3
Luchesi : :D Thankss :3 I love you :3
"GOAT BOY!" screamed Annabeth, scrambling through the forest. "We need to talk!"
Annabeth tried to forget what she had just witnessed. I mean... It couldn't be possible, right? But the way they kissed – it was like they loved each other.
No, no, no. It wasn't possible. Percy was going through a phase, or it was a dare or some stupid Aphrodite magic. Nico was an angst ridden teen and Percy was her lovable and awesome…friend. Okay, maybe she hadn't established it with Percy but it was going to happen. She'd had a crush on Percy ever since they had lifted the sky together.
Along with that, they were best friends - and best friends tell you when they are going through phases where they want to kiss guys. Creepy and weird guys.
Annabeth had been standing there, waiting for an answer. Percy had said 'Grover knew' as if that solved everything. Nico had cleared his throat awkwardly and Percy muttered something about leaving and sorting everything out.
He had walked towards her and she had stalked off before he could even say anything. Okay, it was selfish assuming Percy was hers. He didn't owe her an explanation. But this… Well, this was big. How long had it been going on? Why did she not know? Why did Grover know?
Ugh. This was annoying her.
Grover would probably be near Juniper's tree, drinking coffee or something. She heard some laughing and spun around.
Sure enough, Grover was holding a Styrofoam cup and munching apples in the clearing near Jupiter's tree. Juniper was seated next to him. They were clearly having a good time. Annabeth didn't want to interrupt but this was important.
"Grover," she said, clearing her throat. "I've been looking for you."
"Oh, hey Annabeth. Me and Juniper were just about to play Hacky Sack. Wanna join?" He asked grinning at her.
"No…Grover. About Percy. And um, Nico. You knew, right?"
The tension in the air increased dramatically. Juniper whimpered a little. Grover's grin faded away. He hesitated for a few seconds.
"Annabeth…you should sit down. Um, Percy and Nico have been uh…experimenting for a few months now. I'm not sure if 'experimenting' is the right word, as it's getting rather serious. I can sense it, the link and all."
Annabeth sighed. She leaned against a tree, her ponytail getting tangled in the rough bark.
"Is there any chance of…you know. Girls? Are you sure it isn't a phase?" she asked, her voice breaking a little.
"Maybe. But Annabeth, Percy really,really likes Nico. It may be a little uhh…unsettling to you but, um…" Grover trailed off chewing on his lower lip. Annabeth was getting a little teary.
Annabeth never got teary over guys.
"Why didn't he tell me?" she said, her voice thick and almost near the edge.
This time Juniper spoke up. "He probably felt guilty, Annabeth. You know how he is. He knows that there's something between the two of you after the kiss. He's just too nice to do anything about it. And you, uh, scare him a little, I suppose."
Everyone was silent for some time. Then, Annabeth spoke.
"I should get going, guys. Thanks." Her voice was empty and passionless.
Annabeth lumbered off through the trees as if nothing had happened.
Juniper made a little squeaking sound.
"Will she be fine?" she asked Grover timidly.
"She's Annabeth," replied Grover heavily. "She'll get over it."
"Percy, what do you think about telling everyone else now that Annabeth knows? I mean, I really like you and I think you really like me. All this hiding in cabins is a little unnecessary, don't you think?" said Nico, looking at the older boy next to him. They were sitting in the strawberry fields. No one was there except for a few nymphs sitting some distance away. The sun was setting behind them creating a somewhat dramatic backdrop.
Percy sighed. That was so Nico. Straight to the point. He didn't blush or giggle or 'ummm'. He would just tell you what he thought.
At the same time, it was true. People would anyway get to know. Annabeth already knew, so it was fine, right?
But Annabeth was a different story. They hadn't spoken for a week now. She wouldn't even look at him. Grover had told him that it was just normal girl behavior and she'd get over it – but Percy wasn't that sure. At least she wasn't telling everyone out of spite.
"Nico, I know this may sound stupid…but what will others say? I mean…"
Nico chuckled. "Percy Jackson, savior of the camp and Nico Di Angelo are going out. What will our dads say?"
Both of them laughed at the thought. It hadn't occurred to them that their parents weren't on good terms and would be more than miffed about this relationship.
But that wasn't what he had meant. It was above that.
"Yeah, I think we should tell people." said Percy suddenly. Something had taken hold of him, probably the fact that he might die in a few months. He tried not to think like that but the Prophecy still existed, whether he thought about it or not.
Nico seemed to sense this. He huddled closer to Percy.
"You won't die, Perce. Besides, remember my plan?"
Percy smiled gratefully at Nico. He tried not to show how friggin' scared he was, and instead leaned in for a kiss. It was a warm one. The kiss felt like his mothers chocolate chip cookies and ambrosia rolled into one. Percy put his weight on top of Nico and broke the kiss. Their foreheads were together and his arms were around Nico's waist. Nico had a little earth on his nose. Percy wiped it off and leaned in again.
"Holy Ares, what is going on here?"
Percy immediately rolled over. Standing behind them were Chris and Clarisse.
Just my luck. Out of all the people who could've found us, it HAD to be Clarisse.
Surprisingly, Clarisse's face wasn't one of disgust or anything. She looked at them a little weirdly and opened her mouth as if trying to say something. Chris was embarrassed. He kept fidgeting with his sword and looking around.
Not to say that Percy wasn't.
"Clarisse…" said Percy tentatively.
Then Clarisse did the most shocking thing she had ever done. She grinned.
"Who is this girl?" Percy thought
"I see Percy is growing up," she laughed (this time a little 'evil' in her voice). "Come on Chris, let's leave the lovebirds alone."
Clarisse stalked off with Chris, his arms around her. They were laughing and Chris kept planting kisses onto Clarisse's hair. A pang of envy spread through Percy. He wanted that. With Nico.
Percy turned around to look at Nico. Nico's face broke into a grin.
"Well, that wasn't so bad…was it?" asked Nico.
"No, it wasn't. It's actually a stepping stone for us, ghost boy."
Nico shrugged and pushed Percy down. He cupped his face in his hands and began to kiss him. The sky began to darken and everything became a little colder. The crickets began chirping.
A figure came up behind them.
"We need to talk, Seaweed Brain."
Percy stiffened. So did Nico.
Annabeth grinned.
"You guys are cute together. But that's not the point. I mean, we should talk," she said, her voice rushing through the sentence hurriedly as if she were afraid she would forget something.
What the hell just happened with Annabeth? And what is it with people disturbing us?
"Um, sure Annabeth," said Percy, wincing a little. Nico moved over and Annabeth sat between them. Percy looked at Nico and mouthed him a 'sorry'.
"Percy…I understand why you didn't tell me. I just wanted to say, I hope this doesn't come between our friendship. You're the closest friend I've ever had. After Luke, I couldn't trust anyone…and…well, I liked you. I don't know if I still do but, it's weird." Her voice was still moving fast and there was some nervousness which could be detected.
It went on for some time, with Annabeth confessing and Nico and Percy awkwardly answering. She went on about how she had talked with Grover and how it was silly to throw a friendship out of the window because of something silly. Soon everyone began to talk, Nico actually laughing and Percy getting punched playfully by Annabeth. He had to admit, it was nice to have Annabeth there.
As for Nico, well, he was glad to be on good terms with Annabeth. She sort of scared him, with her general demeanor and her haughty air. (He'd never admit it, though)
"So, are you guys' official yet?" Annabeth asked her voice much happier. She actually liked Nico. Sure, the guy put on his loner image but he was actually pretty cool.
Percy and Nico shrugged. 'Boyfriend' and 'official' were words both of them avoided. They held too many meanings. What they were now was fine by them.
Instead of answering, Percy grinned at Annabeth. He began to realize just how much he had missed her. And for once, Nico wasn't jealous of Annabeth.
"It's nice to have you back, Wise Girl."
Down the line - don't go over,
There's a limit-you went over.
So much time - time runs out,
Time ran out - make it down.
Would you like to go to heaven tonight?
Would you like to go to heaven tonight?
I repeat, SORRY. I'm surprised you made it this far. The tenses are all mixed up. This is such a messed up one :( Anyway, I won't be back till May 5th and I won't be able to update from where I am. So, that's that. Ah, well.
I messed up Annabeth's character and MAN, when did Clarisse become so nice? Oh man, that grammar. *shudders*. NEVER WRITE UNDER PRESSURE. That's all I can say. I had to complete this in half an hour so I couldn't think much.
I'd also like to apologize for not showing much Nico and Percy in this chapter. It's more of an Annabeth chapter. But I thought it was important to bring her in :)
Anyway, let me know what you think of it. (Not much, obviously.) Thanks for reading :-)