Yeah, I started another new thing. Problems? Oh well. I'll be posting the first chapter in the same day. Yes, this is basically like a Human!AU type deal. Just so you know.

Make a Wish



The young teen looks around a moment, feeling a huge sense of fear and forboding. It was too dark for him to actually be able to see, his heart racing in his chest. It was the night of the Night Feestival, but he had gotten pulled away form his small group of friends, Mimi, O'Chunks, Nastasia, and Blumiere with his girlfriend Timpani. And so far... He couldn't find them anywhere. However, the crowds were slowly seeming to disappear around him... As if they were all fading. Until one person was left. A cloaked figure in all black, their face completely covered. Slowly, it began to walk towards him. The masked man takes a step back, his eyes widdening. "N-No! Stay back!" he yells at him. He then felt a sudden cold numbness seep through his body as the figure stepped closer... and closer. He found himself seeming to be paralized, standing up straight, his purple and yellow eyes wide like a deer in headlights. His heart began to beat faster and harder in his chest, and he found he couldn't even scream. He couldn't do anything!

"Back off and leave him alone!" a voice suddenly yelled, seemingly familiar in a way... The figured stopped and out appeared another man in all black, though he wore a green bandana and a green hat. "Dimentio is to stay with me. Be gone!" What? This man even knew his name?! The once advancing person stops, staring at them both for a long moment. Suddenly, it seemed to blast a string of darkness towards them. However, the newcomer was swift, pulling Dimentio close to him with on arm, his free hand pulling out a gun of some sort. He pushes the other down with him, as he fires the gun, a blast of golden light slicing through the darkness and hitting the figure. It screamed out in an inhumane way before it disappeared. Then, it was quiet. Slowly, the black clothed man slowly stands up with the one he saved, putting the gun in a holster on his hip. He looks to him with a kind smile. "Are you ok?" Before there could be a response...

Dimentio awakens with a small gasp, sitting up quickly in his bed. He blinks a bit, panting softly. What... What had he dreamt of...? More so... Who?