Her Scent Calls To Me

***Note: Inu yasha doesn't belong to me, neither does any of the show's characters. The only thing about this I own is the plot and no one else in their right mind would ever come up with it so I doubt I need to copyright. Note I don't know the show that well because it hasn't come to Canada (wahhhhhhhh) so if I make any big errors let me know and I'll correct it. I'm saying that Kagome is seventeen years old in this story so this is around two years after she first arrives in the Feudal Years. Feel free to review and I hope you enjoy. C Queen.***

Inu yasha lifted his white head to the air and inhaled the scents permeating the light breeze. But there was another scent among the smells of the earth and sky that didn't belong there that caught his notice. It was a light, floral scent he knew well and recognized as soon as it hit his sensitive nose. Kagome, Inu yasha thought inhaling deeply; she was back. Lowering his head he looked carefully around before allowing a smile to cross his face, it wouldn't do for anyone to know he was happy she had returned from her world. As far as anyone knew he tolerated her and occasionally treated her as a friend, okay a lot of the time. But as far as anyone else knew that was where his feelings ended. It wasn't, but he was the only one who knew, would ever know that. Returning his facial expression to his usual bored look he casual walked in the direction her scent was coming from. She'd been gone for a whole week for something called exams and it hadn't sounded like exams were a pleasant thing. In fact she'd sound worried about them and Inu yasha hoped that whatever exams were they hadn't caused her too much trouble. Rather then waste energy flying he continued to walk soundless through the forest towards the well where she'd be. She'd said she'd be back today and he'd left Sango and the rest of them to wait for her while he scouted out the area for any dangers or possible shard carriers so he wasn't in a rush. He'd found nothing that hinted of danger and as he drew closer to the well he could pick up her scent easily along with those of his other companions.

"She's back." Shippou cried out to Inu yasha as soon as he came into sight. The fox demon was happily snuggling in her arms while stuffing his face with chocolate while Sango and Miroku watched with amusement on their faces. The little imp was so pathetic, hanging all over her like that, Inu yasha thought with a shake of his head which sent his long white hair flying.

"Inu yasha." Kagome said softly with a smile. She was loaded down by her back pack as usual and Inu yasha could smell the many treats she always brought with her for them.

"Kagome." Inu yasha said with a nod to indicate he recognized her presence. Rolling his eyes at the fox demon Inu yasha walked over calmly and pulling the chocolate from the fox's fingers jammed the rest into his mouth.

"Inu yasha." Kagome cried. "Sit." On command he hit the ground and with a snarl was on his feet just as quickly. Standing right in front of her he glared at her but she simple glared back with her hands on her hips while Shippou hung onto her neck. After several minutes of glaring Inu yasha broke eye contact to look down at the fox demon who was also glaring at him.

"What are you looking at?" Inu yasha said glaring at him since he couldn't seem to hold Kagome's gaze anymore. It was because she was so beautiful when she was angry, Inu yasha admitted only to himself. The way her brown eyes flared up and dared him to mess with her. Being told to sit was worth it if she got angry like this.

"You ate my chocolate." Shippou yelled the obvious, his face smeared with chocolate.  Shippou looked absolutely ridiculous, but that wasn't unusual for him in Inu yashas opinion.

"Yea so?" Inu yasha said with a grin that had Shippou leap from Kagome's neck towards him, claws bared. Easily stepping out of the way the fox flew over Inu yashas shoulder and landed in a heap behind the dog demon.

"Shippou!" Kagome cried and pushing Inu yasha aside picked the small fox demon up in her arms and held him close. "Are you okay?"

"I'm okay, no thanks to him." Shippou said with a pout as he curled into her arms. Holding him tight she glared at Inu yasha who stood calmly aside to watch the fox make a fool of himself sucking up to Kagome as usual.

"He wouldn't have gotten hurt if he hadn't tried to claw at me." Inu yasha said with a smirk and a shrug of his shoulders. He probably shouldn't have done it but he had appearances to keep up. Besides the fox didn't get enough exercise and he'd simple helped him out by getting him to move.

"He wouldn't have pounced if you hadn't provoked him." Kagome said hotly as she glared at him even more. "You should be ashamed of yourself."

"Whatever. We should get moving." Inu yasha said shrugging his shoulders again. He needed something to take his mind off how beautiful Kagome looked all fired up with indignation.

"He's right. The longer we stay in one place the more attention we'll attract." Sango said with a knowing look. Inu yasha had suspected for a while that the other girl was aware of his feelings toward Kagome and she had never said anything to confirm his belief for which he was grateful.

"Well then lets be off." Miroku said cheerfully as he motioned to the left and the right. "Where shall we go today, Beautiful?" He added motioning to Kagome.

Biting back a growl Inu yasha held his tongue and just barely managed to keep his claws from curling around the monk's neck. No way was he going to let that monk get his filthy hands on his Kagome, he'd fall on his sword blade first.. Maybe he could never have her but he'd be damned if anyone he knew would.

"Let's go north." Kagome said thoughtfully looking around. "I'm sensing something there. It's faint but its there."

"Lets go." Shippou said with glee. With Kagome here Inu yasha would be doing a lot of sitting which was his favorite form of entertainment.

"We're ready." Sango said as she motioned to Kirara who stood beside her. The two tailed cat smiled a feline smile before nodding its head.

"I'm ready to follow you lovely ladies to the end of the earth." Miroku said with a leer in the two girl's directions. "I'd love to follow either of you anywhere you go." He added with an even bigger leer, his suggestive meaning clear.

"Pervert." They both shot back at the same time. In fact it had become a permanent and well used part of their vocabulary since they'd met up with the monk. Agreeing with them Inu yasha whacked him upside the head which sent him sprawling on the ground with a thud.

"Lets go." Inu yasha said firmly and without waiting for them headed north. Falling into line Kagome and Shippou walked behind him while Sango helped the monk up. Unfortunately he also had to make another bear my children remark causing her to belt him back to the ground and march off leaving him eating dirt. Once he could see straight the monk ran to catch up which took a while because of Inu yashas deliberately fast pace.

"So, Kagome, how did your exams go?" Sango asked as she cracked her knuckles that stung a bit from hitting the monk's hard head. "Did you pass them?"

"I did okay. So what's been going on around here?" Kagome asked as she handed Shippou another chocolate bar to replace the one Inu yasha had taken. The last thing she wanted to think about were her exams from hell.

"Nothing much. A demoness came after Inu yasha though." Shippou said happily munching away at the lovely treat he'd been given.

"A demoness came after him? But why?" Kagome said with a startled look and Inu yasha felt her gaze burn into his back.

"I don't know, She tried to kill Sango and then Inu yasha dragged her away. He didn't kill her though cause I smelled her presence the next morning."

"What happened Inu yasha? What did she want?" Kagome asked curiously.

"None of your business." Inu yasha growled preferring be condemned to being a full human for life then admit why the demoness had sought him out. His brother was going to pay the next time he saw him, that was for sure. Shesshoumaru was going to pay in blood.

"We've asked him hundreds of times but he won't even give us a hint." Sango confined with a glare directed at Inu yashas back. "Even though she did try to kill me and therefore I should be entitled to at least know why."

"If either of you see a demoness  or any demon coming towards you get as far away from him or her as possible." Inu yasha growled as he turned to face them. "Don't try and stop it just run and find me."

"Tell me why first." Kagome demanded with a frown. She had a feeling something was up and she wasn't moving until she knew what was up. "And why only us girls?"

"Just do as your told, bitch." Inu yasha said harshly as he glared at her. She didn't need to know why he'd given the command, she just needed to obey it.

"I'm not moving till you answer me." Kagome said defiantly, deciding to let the bitch comment go since he likely didn't see it as an insult. "And I'll start using the S word if I need to, Inu yasha."

"You'll do as you're told, woman." Inu yasha growled in frustration because he knew that she probably would carry out her threat. Her bravery was one of the things he liked most about her.

"SITTTTTTTTTT!!!" Was her answer. Instantly falling to the ground she repeated it every time he'd regained his footing. Staying down Inu yasha tapped the ground with his claws. She'll keep doing this until she runs out of breath, Inu yasha thought with a scowl. Why couldn't she just do what he asked for once in her life?

"If I said please would you quit saying sit already?" Inu yasha asked wearily as he looked up at her. Shippou was leaning forward with a huge grin on his face and Inu yasha was just itching to send the little brat flying.

"If you tell me why the demoness is after us and why we shouldn't try to fight her I'll stop using the S word." Kagome promised looking down at him with her hands on her hips again. "Till then I can keep this up all day."

"I should slit your throat for this." Inu yasha threaten, knowing full well that both of them knew he'd never carry it out. Even though she had no idea how deep his feelings went she did know that he considered her a friend and would never deliberately harm her.

"But you won't." Kagome said confidently with a small smile.

"Fine." Inu yasha said wearily. She wants to know well then I'll tell her..most of it. "She attacked Sango because she mistakened her for you.  That particular demon wasn't exactly the smartest."

"She thought I was Kagome?" Sango said with a raised eyebrow. "Why would she want to kill Kagome and not all of us? I didn't recognize her as anyone we've faced before."

"She wanted to kill Kagome because my demon brother wants Kagome dead okay." Inu- yasha said with a growl. "So if you want to tell Fluffy anything be forewarned he's a dead demon when I get a hold of him."

"But wouldn't he want us all dead? Why would he have her attack only Kagome?" Miroku asked curiously trying to follow the conversation he'd just joined.

"Because he views Kagome as the only one of us he needs to kill." Inu yasha said with a grimace, stepping on egg shells. "Besides me that is."

"No offense to Kagome but I have more skill and training concerning killing demons so wouldn't I be more of a threat even with her arrows?" Sango asked curiously.

"Her ability to kill demons isn't why he wants her dead, Sango." Inu yasha said looking at her with a sigh.

"Then why?" Kagome asked leaning even closer so that her scent nearly overwhelmed him, making him dizzy. Struggling to stay in control of his body Inu yasha tried to limit his air intake to prevent her from distracting her anymore then she did on a regular basis.

"You asked why she attacked Sango and I answered. I also told you why you should stay away from her. I've kept my part of the deal so you keep yours, Kagome." Inu yasha said with a glare and slowly getting to his feet looked her straight in the eye, telling her without words that he wouldn't say any more no matter how many times she said sit.

"All right but I want to know more and I'm going to keep on asking." Kagome said with a look that said she wasn't kidding. From past experience he knew she wasn't

"Fine." Inu yasha said. Just then the scent of a particular demon attracted his attention and with its recognition Inu yasha felt a cruel smile curl his lips. His brother's incompetent toad demon servant Jakken was nearby. And he's going to pay along with his master for trying to harm his Kagome. "I'll be right back, don't follow me, stay here." He called over his shoulder before he went flying through the air towards his unsuspecting victim. He wouldn't know what hit him.

The ugly toad demon was in the middle of a small valley looking very upset as Inu yasha flew into a nearby tree. From his perch on the top of the old tree he could hear him cursing at someone but Inu yasha couldn't see him of her. Not really caring Inu yasha jumped from the tree and into the air, landing right in front of the startled demon who had been looking for something other then his master's brother on the war path..

"Inu yasha!" Jakken said with a squeak as he automatically took a step back from his master's half breed brother. "What do you want?" He added with a sneer of contempt to hide his fear.

"Where's my brother, toad?" Inu yasha said glaring down at the demon. Though Jakken was a full demon he was still weaker then himself and it would almost be a waste of time to kill him.

"Where my master is right now is none of your concern." Jakken said with a stab of courage. If Inu yasha killed him at least he'd die with the satisfaction of knowing that Inu yashas death would be a slow and painful one at his master's hand.

"He's sent demon's after Kagome, the attacks will stop now." Inu yasha said picking the demon up by his collar so that he hung several feet from the ground. "You're to tell him that if anything happens to Kagome I will kill him and everything he holds dear. I'll rip out your heart and give it too him on a silver platter, got it? I will send him down to Hell if it's the last thing I do on this earth."

"Protecting your bitch, Inu yasha?" Jakken said with a foolish smirk. Holding him up by one hand Inu yasha threw the toad into a nearby tree as hard as he could. As soon as he hit the tree Inu yasha was there to pick him up again.

"Care to say that again, toad?" Inu yasha said threateningly as he held the bleeding toad very close to his fangs while his claws dug into the demons sides.

"Master will see your mate dead, Inu yasha. There's nothing you can do to stop it. She's marked dead, just like your mother." Jakken said as he tried to withhold his whimpers of pain. His sides felt like they were on fire and his back screamed in agony from crashing into the tree.

"I'll see him dead before I see him hurt a hair on her head." Inu yasha said with a growl of total fury before hurling him back at the tree with such a force that the tree broke, falling with a thud to the ground with Jakken under it. This time he made no move to pick him up and the toad lay unconscious at the bottom of it bleeding heavily and trapped. Slowly the red haze in front of his eyes faded away and Inu yasha became conscious that they'd had an audience. Spinning around on his feet he saw his friends a couple of meters behind him. Glaring at them for not staying put Inu yasha was about to give them a piece of his mind when he realized he could smell his brother's scent and that of another familiar human a small distance from here. Drawing his sword from his side Inu yasha quickly made his way over to some bushes where the smell was coming from. Both scents got stronger as he drew closer but the human smell was stronger then that of his brother's. And the smell was that of the child Inu yasha realized with an arched brow in surprise. Puzzled but without a sound Inu yasha effortlessly jumped over the large bush and landing on the other side spun around, sword drawn to face his opponent.

"You're the girl that travels with my brother." Inu yasha said looking at the little girl who'd been hiding behind the bush. His brother's scent was on her and she was unharmed so that could be the only explanation. Smiling back at him the girl nodded. Hearing the sounds of his friends nearby he called out to them. "It's all right. We have nothing to worry about over here."

"Did you see Jakken anywhere? We're playing hide-and go-seek." The little girl said with a smile. "But now that you're here I guess he'll find me really quick."

"Jakken won't be doing much of anything for a while." Inu yasha said looking down at her. She was much cuter then Shippou and a lot less irritating. Maybe he and his brother should make a trade.

"Did you kill him?" The girl asked, her eyes going huge so that they practically took up her whole face.

"No." Inu yasha said with a smirk. "Did my brother give him the task of watching over you?"

"Yes but he doesn't like me very much." The girl confined with an angelic look.  "My name's Rin by the way."

"I take it you already know who I am." Inu yasha said and the girl nodded.

"Inu yasha are you okay over there?" Kagome called from the other side of the bush. They'd obviously decided not to charge over like before but had opted to wait and see.

"I'm fine, woman." Inu yasha growled before turning back to the little girl. "Do you know where my brother is by any chance?"

"Nope." Rin said shaking her dark black hair. "He told Jakken to take me here to play while he took care of some business."

"You're too young to be out here by yourself, I'm looking for Sesshoumaru so why don't you come with me since Jakken won't be doing anything for a while." Inu yasha said with his most charming smile. If he had Rin then there was a chance his brother would seek him out and save him the trouble of hunting the bastard down.

"Okay." The little girl agreed and happily slipped her hand into his. Surprised at the action Inu yasha looked down at the smiling girl and smiled back.

"This is Rin, she's going to be traveling with us for a little bit." Inu yasha said with a wolfish smile as he landed in front of his friends with the girl in his arms. The little girl giggled at the fun ride and the surprised expression on the others faces.

"Hello Rin, I'm Kagome and this little guy here is Shippou." Kagome said surprised at the way Inu yasha was holding the girl. He was holding her like she was a delicate piece of glass that might break if he wasn't too careful.  So cute.

"Hi Kagome, Shippou." Rin said with a wave. " I like your mate, Inu yasha." She whispered to Inu yasha who blushed slightly which made the rest gawk and become even more curious about the girl.

"Isn't that the human your brother keeps with him?" Sango said looking at the little girl closely.

"Yes. I'm afraid her baby-sitter is in no condition to look after her so she's coming with us until I can return her to my brother." Inu yasha said with a smile. "Rin this is Sango and the monk is Miroku. Stay away from him." Inu yasha added as an afterthought.

"Hi guys." Rin said rather like being carried. Inu yasha wasn't the bad guy her master had made him out to be. He was really nice and she liked his mate's smile, it was pretty.

"Inu yasha, Sesshoumaru will have your head on a stake for this." Kagome said with a frown as she looked at him as though he'd lost his mind. "Are you trying to start a fight? Never mind." She added having already answered her own question.

"Well lets keep going, I want to have a talk with Sesshoumaru myself." Sango said with a grin that was very similar to Inu yashas. "Glad to have you aboard, kid."

"You can have part of my chocolate bar." Shippou said with uncharacteristic unselfishness. Breaking off a piece of his bar he held it out in her direction. Leaning over his arm Rin thanked him and tried out her new treat.

"Yummy, thank you." Rin said liking the new treat a lot. Breaking a piece off of her piece she held it out to Inu yasha. "Do you want a piece?"

"You have it." Inu yasha said and tightening his hold a little Inu yasha started walking in the direction they'd been originally headed.

"Are we there yet?" Shippou complained from over Kagome's shoulder. He and Rin had become fast friends and she'd asked him how much longer it would be. So that the two could keep each other company Kagome had increased her walking speed and he'd decreased his so that they walked side by side so that the two could talk from their arms. The girl wasn't heavy at all and Inu yasha kinda liked walking beside Kagome and for a moment or two he wondered what it would be like if the children they carried were their own. Rin kinda looked like Kagome with her dark hair and eyes and he supposed their were worse kids out there then Shippou though it was hard to imagine.

"I'm not picking up the presence clearly anymore. Plus I think the kids could use a break. I know my arms could." Kagome said with a smile.

"Sounds good to me." Miroku said coming to a stop beside Sango who showed no signs of being tired. Then again both she and Inu yasha were us to hard physical activity while the others were not to the same degree.

"We can rest for a couple minutes." Inu yasha agreed as he set Rin down on the ground. He probably should have had her walk but she would have slowed them down.

Grinning both the children crowded around Kagome who'd opened up her knapsack for something to eat. Pulling out containers of fruit, veggies and junk food Kagome began handing things out and soon everyone was happily munching away. Watching them stuff their faces Inu yasha couldn't help but smile.

"You're acting really fatherly today, Inu yasha." Kagome said walking over to him with an apple in her hand. Accepting the apple Inu yasha ignored the comment and stared at a spot above her head, hoping she'd get the hint and leave. Of course she either didn't or chose to ignore it. "So why does Sesshoumaru want me dead?  Rin seems to have a high opinion of him and she's obviously a smart girl."

"Yea well you like Shippou so what does that tell you about smart people liking bad people." Inu yasha said with a snarl.

"Well thanks for calling me smart but you like Shippou too so what does that say about you?  And you're trying to distract me and it won't work." Kagome said playfully pushing his shoulder which instantly put his body on red alert. God you need a woman bad when a touch on the shoulder sends you for a loop, Inu yasha thought trying to ignore her to no success.

"Why does it matter why he wants you dead? He wants a lot of people dead, many of them for no good reason." Inu yasha said moving away from her slightly to try and put some distance between their bodies before his instincts took over. That would sure take her mind off her questions, Inu- yasha added to himself with dark humor. It would take my mind off of it anyway.

"Well I think I have the right to know why he wants me dead." Kagome said crossing her arms in front of her which only drew his attention to her chest where he definitely didn't want to be looking at. Why oh why did she have to be so appealing? You'd think after Kikyo he'd have learned something about thinking with his hormones as oppose to his friggin head.

"Lets leave it at he wants you dead, okay? We should get the chest... I mean rest.. Rest of the guys and start out again." Inu yasha said feeling his cheeks threaten to turn pink.

"Ahhhh yea." Kagome said with a confused look on her face. Watching her walk away it was all he could do not to hit himself several times in the head.

"Well I must say you really need to start thinking with your head, little brother."

Inu yasha felt a chill ripple up his spine as he recognized his older brother's voice. Turning around quickly he had his blade out and ready to go as he looked into Sesshoumaru cold and emotionless eyes as the demon walked towards them. "I've been looking for you, Fluffy." Inu yasha growled deliberately using Sesshoumaru hated nickname that Kagome had come up with to piss him off. As he'd hoped his brother's eyes narrowed and his smirk disappeared.

"Master." Rin cried as she ran over to his side, smiling up at him she waited for him to recognized her presence.

"You're all right?" Sesshoumaru asked as he looked down at his charge. He showed no emotion but Inu yasha had the strangest feeling that Sesshoumaru did care for the young girl. After all it was obvious he'd shown her some affection or Rin wouldn't be looking at him like he'd hung the moon and the stars.

"I'm fine. I had a great time with Inu yasha and his friends. I got something called chocolate and Shippou's my friend and Inu yashas mate's really nice and Sango said she'd teach me how to fight. And her cat's really nice too and so is Miroku..I don't think you should kill Kagome just because she's Inu yashas mate, she's really great once you get to know her." Rin said with a delighted smile as she chattered away. Inu yasha could have kicked himself as he heard Kagome and Sango gasp at Rins statement that she was being hunted because Sesshoumaru thought she was Inu yashas mate.  Damn someone up there hated him

"You took her and nearly killed Jakken." Sesshoumaru said staring at his brother. He was well aware of Inu yashas friends and mate standing guard behind his brother waiting to strike but they posed little threat to him.

"Jakken didn't know when to keep his mouth shut. As for Rin I couldn't in good conscious leave her alone and defenseless, we can't all be cold hearted bastards like you." Inu yasha said as he kept his sword in front of his brother's chest, prepared for the coming fight that always happened when he and his brother met. "Besides I wanted to tell you to leave my friends alone personally."

"I will not tolerate you taking her for a mate, Inu yasha. I would have thought Kikyo would have made you see the error in choosing human mates." Sesshoumaru sneered as only he could. He was trying to trip him up Inu- yasha knew and he had no intention of letting that happen.

"Kagome is not my mate, I have no intention of making her my mate so if that's the only problem you have with her then the problem is only in your mind." Inu yasha said sad that it was true. Kagome could never be his and his brother was a fool to think he didn't already know that.

"Do you swear she is not your mate on your mothers grave, Inu yasha?" Sesshoumaru said staring intently at his brother, trying to read his face which was proving to be very difficult today.

"I swear on her grave that Kagome is not my mate." Inu yasha said looking his brother dead in the eye. "So leave her alone."

"I'll leave her alone for now." Sesshoumaru agreed as he nodded at his brother, not really interested in a fight at the moment with Rin so near. "But make her so and you sign your death warrants. You of all people should know that."

"I know it well." Inu yasha agreed never taking his eyes off of his brother.

"Then we understand each other. Come Rin." Sesshoumaru said picking up the small girl and settled her into his arms. With one last look he was gone, flying through the air until he was out of sight.

"I'm going to scout ahead." Inu yasha said and without waiting for their acknowledgment went flying through the air as well heading as far from them as possible. He was in no condition to be around anyone right now.

"Poor guy." Miroku said under his breath as he watched his friend leave. "It's got to be tough having Mr. Nice Guy as an older brother."

"Personally I think Sesshoumaru makes Inu yasha look like a real prize." Sango said with a frown as she put her boomerang back onto her back.

"Well I think both of them are annoying jerks." Shippou declared though he too looked a bit worried as he forced himself not to look in the direction Inu yasha had gone.

Kagome was silent but in her heart she longed to say the words she thought. Maybe I'm not your mate Inu yasha, she thought to herself as the breeze lifted up her hair, but I wish I was. And a couple of miles away Inu yasha caught her scent on the breeze and sighed an agreement.

Well what did you think of my first Inu yasha fic? Please review and let me know. Thanks a lot and have a great day! C Queen.