Why Don't We Fall In Love
Her frustrated sigh catches his attention and he looks up from the book, he was currently indulging himself in to stare at the beautiful women that stood in front of him.
She isn't even aware that he is watching her as she turns her body towards the mirror in different angles, scrutinising her appearance, she twists her hair at the nape of her neck and holds it up but he can tell she still isn't happy as lets her hair down.
Golden waves brush against the soft skin of her shoulders, it's amazing how he even finds her shoulder's to be a thing of beauty.
She lets the dress fall to the ground, stepping free of the material as it lays at her feet, leaving her in nothing but black lingerie and then she turns to the closet taking delicate steps.
Returning moments later with a cream lace dress which she holds in front of herself, ready to go through the same scrutinisation as the other dresses that lay discarded on their bedroom floor.
He closes the book as he can't help but admire this women, the love of his life, the lightness to his darkness.
'Need my help deciding love?'.
He asks her as he rises from the bed, placing the book on the night stand and she turns to face him, the sunlight hitting her eyes making them glow as she bites her lip.
'I don't know what to wear Rebekah & Stefan's engagement party, I've spent so much time planning it, I didn't put any consideration into what I would wear and the party is tonight'.
He smiles as he looks down at the dress she is holding and makes a face.
'Well this isn't the dress for tonight'.
'I didn't need you to tell me that, Klaus I already know that this isn't the dress none of my dress are the right dress'.
She snaps and he smirks which causes her to glare at him as she throws the dress to the bed.
He can't help but admire the view of perfection she has created as she stands between the closet and their bedroom, one hand resting on her hip while she played with her hair with the other which she often did when she was frustrated.
'Hey, I'm sorry why don't you go shopping with Elena, my treat and look for the perfect dress for tonight'.
'I can't I have to go the boarding house and set up, I don't trust the party planners, they didn't seem to understand my idea of tasteful, I mean you should have seen the ideas they where coming up with they where far from tasteful'.
He raises an eyebrow at her as he steps closer to her pulling her to him as he looks at her.
'Well I understand your level of perfection, so I will go and oversee the party planner and you go shop and relax'
'I don't know, I have very specific instructions'.
She looks at him as he unleash the full force of his most innocent look and she hates him for it because he knows that she has never been able to resist it.
He smiles knowing that she knows that she is losing this battle.
'Fine, you go and if it doesn't reach my level of perfection not only will you have to deal with me, you will have to deal with your sister'.
'Oh I think I can handle her and as for you'.
He smiles as he leans into kiss her and she sighs against his lips.
'No matter what you wear tonight you will be the most beautiful women in the room'.
He gives her one last kiss and she smiles before walking away into the closet and he goes back to sit on the bed picking up his book.
'You know that as much as I love you, one day your charm isn't going to work on me'.
'That day will never come, love and I love you too'.
It had taken Caroline months to finally admit that she was attracted to the original hybrid, throughout her senior year she refused to fall for him, resisting him at every chance she got.
But after she graduated and went to New York, she discovered that the world Klaus had offered to her was what she wanted.
She tried to push him out of her mind and focus all her energy on her relationship with Tyler who she loved but it turned out that Tyler was interested in other things and he left her for a werewolf named Hayley.
After their break up, she stayed in New York and focused all her energy into college but when she was alone her mind would go to him.
She continued with college until winter break came and she returned home to see her friends and family but mostly to see if she still stood a chance with him.
She didn't expect him to still be in Mystic Falls but when a invitation arrived at her doorstep inviting her to a party being held at his home, she went into automatic panic mode not knowing what to wear, how to do her hair or make up.
She hadn't seen him in 6 months but she found that he was still as charming as ever.
Greeting her with a glass of Champagne and soft smile, that had always and would always be their thing champagne.
She spent most of the night watching him as he chatted with guests and her behaviour hadn't gone unnoticed by anyone especially Elena,Bonnie or Stefan.
Who questioned her about her behaviour and she told them everything how he had once offered her the world and she rejected it for Tyler but she did want him to travel the world with him and have all the experiences he offered to her.
'When have you Caroline Forbes, not gone for what you want, if you want to be with Klaus be with Klaus, your not the Caroline you used to be your stronger, confident and have softened the heart of an 1000 year old original'.
Elena was right and that night after a few too many glasses of champagne.
She decided to confront Klaus and come clean to him much to his amusement considering how much she had drunk.
'Caroline fancy seeing you here, enjoying the party?'.
He asked her as he walked into his bedroom to find her staring at his art collection, she glanced over her shoulder at him before diverting her attention back to the art in front of her.
'It's a good party'.
She replied as he came to stand beside her and he looked at her trying not to laugh as she looked at him.
'So does it feel good knowing you where right and I was wrong'.
She stated and he laughed.
'Sorry, I don't mean to laugh but you will have to refresh my memory as to what you are referring to'.
'You know exactly what I'm talking about you charming, perfectly attractive man'.
She said waving her finger at him.
'I really have no idea, you may have to jog my charming perfectly attractive memory'.
He joked and she rolled her eyes.
She replied as she smoothed out the material of her dress and stepped closer to him closing the gap between them and she looked right into his blue eyes that where full of mischief, curiosity and slight amusement.
'The small town boy wasn't enough for me actually he decided he was enough for a wereslut called Hayley but that's not the point, I was lying to myself when I said I wasn't attracted to you because I was, I am attracted to you Klaus'.
'Really, what exactly are you saying to me Caroline?'.
He asked looking at her with a playful glint in his eyes.
'Stop looking at me like that, I'm saying that I like you or to steal your word's I fancy you'.
She was surprised and disappointed that he didn't make a move on her that night, he would later explain that he didn't want to take advantage of her, for her only to wake up the next morning and change her mind.
But she didn't change her mind but he didn't make a move until she returned to New York to find him standing outside her apartment with a charming smile and a dozen roses.
Three years later and they where still go strong.
Elena was walking around her house, it felt so empty when she was on her own but Elijah had left early for business but promised to be back in time for Rebekah & Stefan's engagement party just because he was an original vampire didn't mean that he didn't like to keep himself busy.
Her and Elijah happened so fast, she never expected it back when she was human, she was aware that held a soft spot for her and she respected him and even admired him.
He was different to his brothers, while Klaus was impulsive and Kol was reckless, he was more calm and reserved.
She didn't see Elijah again until she had become a vampire, she had just broken up with Damon not because she didn't love him but because she realised that he never truly got over Katherine and it had been had for her to admit but she did it and tried to move on.
Elena needed a friend to talk and Caroline had just returned from London with Klaus and had told her to come over.
She walked up to the front door and knocked once waiting, the door opened and she was engulfed by Caroline in a warm embrace.
'Are you okay, Damon's a jerk you are worth a million Katherine's, I can have Klaus compel him to forget her if you want me too'.
Elena shook her head at her friends suggestion, even though it didn't sound like a bad idea, she couldn't do it.
'No but thanks for the offer, how was London?'.
Elena asked Caroline closed the front door and leading her into the living room.
'It was amazing, I loved every moment that we there and he was just as amazing;.
'Okay Caroline I don't need to know everything'.
Caroline laughed.
'I'm sorry here I am spilling about my perfect trip when your going through a break up, how about tonight I ditch Klaus and we have girls night out, we can go into the city go dancing, I'll call Bonnie tell her to drop the books and join us, what do you say?'.
'That's sounds just like what I need'.
They both turned to the door as they heard Klaus's laughter as he walked into the room and smiled at Elena.
She smiled back but her eyes went to the man dressed beside him, dressed head to toe in a black suit.
'Elena, you remember my brother Elijah'.
Elena nodded and smiled at Elijah as he stood beside Klaus.
'Of course I do, it's good to see you again'.
'You too, I was surprised when my brother informed me that you had chosen the life of a vampire, considering all our conversations I never thought that you would choose this life.
She nodded.
'Well it was either become a vampire or let Alaric kill everyone that I love and your family, I made the right choice even if I lost a good friend'.
She had been a vampire for two years when he re-entered her life but she learnt more from him in the two months they spent together before they got together than in the two years before.
She enjoyed his company.
He taught her how to speak fluent French and Italian and they had even joined Klaus and Caroline when they went to Italy for a month.
Slowly her feelings of admiration towards him turned into something she couldn't deny and his feelings for her never changed.
He told her himself that she made a even more fascinating vampire.
Fast forward 8 months and they where living together and she didn't look back and while it may have been assumed that it would be awkward for Stefan to see the girl he once loved with the brother of the women he was now in love with it wasn't Stefan just wanted Elena to find happiness after Damon and Rebekah was glad that Elijah had finally found someone that made him happy.
'Knock Knock'.
She turned and looked at Caroline as she walked into the apartment keys in hand and Elena remember that at some point she was going to have ask for those back.
'Hey, you do know that you should knock before entering what if I wasn't decent'.
Elena said with smile.
'Well as I can see you are decent'.
'Fine, so what are you doing here I thought you'd be at the boarding house bossing people around'.
'I would be expect I have nothing to wear tonight, so Klaus has taken my place giving me the day off to find the perfect dress for tonight and I was wondering if my best friend wouldn't mind coming with me unless you have other plans'.
She said looking around and Elena looked at her.
'Elijah's not here'.
'Oh I can see that but I don't know what you do when he leaves you alone'.
'I'm sure it's not that different to what you do when Klaus is away'.
'I'm good when Klaus is away, I don't know what your talking about'.
Elena laughed as Caroline moved her hair from her face.
Caroline followed Elena it the huge kitchen as Elena opened the fridge and took out a blood bag and poured the blood into glasses and handed Caroline a glass.
'B positive, your favourite'.
'Thanks we are all out at the house'.
'Your welcome, I can't believe Klaus convinced you to let him take over planning duty'.
'What can I say he knows how to convince me, so please tell me you'll come dress shopping with me'.
Elena sighed.
'Yes I'll come dressing shopping with you, I need to get a dress myself'.
'You do know it's not nice to leave me alone first thing in the morning don't you'.
Rebekah said as she walked outside into the garden where Stefan was standing, he turned to look at her as she walked in front of him wearing one of his shirts that didn't fit her properly and was hanging of her shoulder's.
'Sorry but you looked so peaceful I didn't want to disturb you'.
'You can never disturb me, I can't believe tonight we get to celebrate are engagement'.
'Me either, so you'll never guess who is at the house right now'.
She laughed.
'Your kidding Caroline, let him take charge but she's such a perfectionist'.
'I know but he said was stressing about what to wear so he relieved her of her duties but she did leave him with a very specific list so I told him I'd help out unless you need me for anything'.
She raised her eyebrow and smirked.
'Well I do need you for something but it shouldn't take more than a couple of hours'.
He reached out for her pulling her towards him by the material of his shirt as he slowly started to undo the buttons a suggestive smile on his face.
'Are you trying to seduce me, Rebekah?'.
'Maybe is it working'.
His hand moved to her hip as he undid the last button of the shirt, his lips touched her neck and a small gasp left her lip.
Stefan and Rebekah they already had the history to pick up where they left of but when she arrived in Mystic Falls and they saw each other.
He was with Elena and madly in love with her.
But like they say you can't fight history especially not the romance that Stefan and Rebekah had in the 20's.
They had been madly in love that was until Klaus had made him forget them both to keep them safe but when Klaus let Stefan remember it was too late or it was at the time.
But after Elena turned and ended up with Damon, Stefan moved out and was offered a place to stay at the Mikaelson house by Rebekah herself.
Stefan found himself drawn to his old lover, he would often play music from when they first met and she knew what he was doing.
They slowly found their way back to one another but Rebekah made sure to keep their relationship casual and emotion free.
In fear that he would eventually go back to Elena but her fears where found to be unnecessary as they stayed together and slowly the casual line blurred into the relationship, they still lived in the Mikaelson house until Rebekah decided that as much as she loved her brother, she needed to have a house of her own and her and Stefan found a place of there own.
Stefan had proposed to her only two months ago, on the anniversary of the day they first met in the twenties and there engagement had been met with joy and celebration.
They walked into her families home to sound of laughter and conversation and found Klaus and Elijah in deep conversation while something that Kol had said had Elena and Caroline in a fit of laughter.
Klaus greeted them as him and Elijah came to the end of their conversation.
Elena and Caroline smiled at them not before laughing again crude that Kol whispered and Rebekah glared at him.
'What brings you two round?'.
Klaus asked as he took a sit on the sofa and Caroline went to sit beside him while Elena went to stand by Elijah who took her hand and smiled.
'Well Nik, we have some news '.
She looked at Stefan who nodded at her before she looked back at her brothers.
'We're engaged'
'Took you long enough, Stefan'.
Klaus said as he stood up to embrace his sister and she looked at him.
'You knew'.
He nodded and smiled.
'Obviously, Stefan is very traditional and came to us to ask for permission'.
She turned and looked at Stefan who shrugged as he kissed her head.
'Sorry but I had to ask'.
'I can't believe you'.
So this is just the opening chapter but I wanted to know what you guys thought so far.
This isn't going to be a very angst filled story but more a story about family, friendship,love and life.
This follows a slightly different storyline set out to the one in the vampire diaries but will still include the characters that we know and love.
Review and let me know what you think.