Disclaimer: I still don't own Maximum Ride! Sad but true. Although I still think Mr. Patterson did an epic job with the series!

Author's Note: I want to thank everyone who read, favorite, followed, and reviews for the last chapter. Also Sun Alice Auguste this chapter is dedicated to you! Also a huge thanks to my reviewers, because when I am feeling bad or uncertain about my writing I go back and read my reviews and then I feel all better! Thanks so much guys! Review!

Love Drunk

Chapter Six

"It is official Iggy, I have lost her! I have lost her to Sam freaking Lake!" I groan and slap both of my hands on my face.

"Dude would you chill, you don't even know what they are doing. They could just be going to the movies." Iggy tries to reason with me.

I groan even louder and drop my two hands from my face. "What two teenagers go to the movies to watch a freaking movie?" I ask.

Iggy shrugs and pushes on the break as we stop behind some only white car for a stop light.

"Hey I have great news!" He says in a cheery voice.

"You are finally going to grow some balls and ask Nudge out?" I tease.

Iggy glares at me and punches me in the arm.

"Ow!" I protest and rub my now sore arm. "But seriously what's up?"

"I have two tickets to see Dark Tunnels tonight." He says smugly.

My jaw drops. How does he? I couldn't even get tickets for that concert. They sold out in less than ten minutes when they went on sale two months ago.

"Dude take me with you! Please!" I beg. "I will do your Spanish homework for a month!" I bargain.

Iggy chuckles and shakes his head. "I was already planning on taking you. You need a guy's night out, and no way are you doing my Spanish homework, you suck at it."

I roll my eyes but I still have a grin on my face despite the taunting. "Thanks man."

Max's Pov:

I pull my hair around my right shoulder letting the straight strands fall freely as I add the last of the five blood red fake highlights. I lean over the sparkling white sink and add another coat of mascara to my eye lashes. I step back and shut the bathroom door to get a look at myself in the full length mirror. I brush my brown and now added red highlights behind my back. I pull down my shorts that cling to my hips and stop mid-thigh. I readjust the black shirt that gives me a bigger breast look. I bite my lip and look at the scuffed up combat boots. Combat boots or converses? I fling open the door and walk down the hall.

I knock on the door that comes right after my room. A faint come in floats through the door and I push it open. Ari looks up from his book and raises an eyebrow.

"Where are you going?" He asks.

"The Dark Tunnel concert remember?" I say.

"I don't want you to go there alone." Ari says flatly.

I rolls my eyes. "I'm not going alone. Sam Lake is coming with me. In fact he is even picking me up!" I say and put my hands on my hips.

Ari lets out a sigh and runs a hand through his brown hair. He dog ears a page in his book and sits up.

"Max, I don't want you to rebound on Sam. One guy on the football team who is in love with you is enough."

I huff and cross my arms. "I am going to the concert with Sam as friends!" I say while stressing the friends part. "Now the real reason I came in here is to ask if I should wear the boots or my converse!"

Ari scratches his head. "Isn't this a question for Nudge or Ella?"

I groan and drop my arms. "They are at the mall shopping and won't answer their phones."

"How about mom."

"Night shifts remember."

Ari groans. "The boots…covers more of you anyways." He grumbles the last part.

I smile and skip over to him. I lean down and give him a big kiss on the cheek and a hug.

"Thanks bro. I have to go. Sam will be here any min—"The doorbell rings through the house. "Well that is him."

Ari gives me a simple wave and a walk to his door. Right before I close it something pops in my head.

"Hey Ari." I say and peek back into his room.

"Yeah?" He asks.

"Can you tell dad that I will be popping by his work around his lunch break. I have a project for school and I need him."

"Yeah." Ari says and waves me off with his hand.

I smile and bound down the stairs after yelling I'm coming to the door. I grab the tickets, a wad of cash, and my phone before thrusting the front door open. I smile as I see Sam fidget slightly with nerves.

"Hey." I breathe.

"Hi." He says and looks me up and down. "You look nice."

I smile. "Thanks. You don't look so bad yourself."

Really he doesn't. He has a dark blue button down shirt, with dark denims and black sneakers. I hand him his ticket and we walk to his large silver trunk. Like a gentleman he opens the passenger side door. I climb in and he closes it for me. I look over and wait for him to climb in.

"Thank you."

After putting the key in the ignition he looks up and gives me an odd glance.

"For opening my door for me." I explain further.

A light shade of pink tents his cheeks and he just shrugs and turns the key. The engine purrs to life and we are on our way to the concert.

On our way to the concert I learn that Sam moved from Georgia and has a girlfriend, named Maya back home who looks a lot like me. But then again guys think that all girls who have brown eyes, pale skin, and brown hair look alike, so I don't take him too literal.

Fang's Pov

We sit down in our seats, which is pretty good because we can still see the stage without having to look at a monitor.

"Yo Fang, go get us some drinks!" Iggy slightly yells over talking.

I nod and get up slowly inching my way out of the isle with. I take the stairs two at a time and walk to the concession stands. I weave through the crowd narrowly missing some people. I hear someone yell behind me and I turn to see a blonde girl waving to another girl. I sigh and shake my head and turn forward right as I slam into someone.

"Ow!" I hear her protest.

I shake my head and look up at the girl. My jaw drops as I look at the girl. It is Max. I shut my mouth and take her by the wrist and haul her over to an empty hallway.

"I thought you had plans with Sam tonight." I hiss.

She yanks away her wrist and glares at me. "I do! And this is it!" She yells.

I glare right back at her. "How did you get tickets?" I couldn't help but ask.

She shrugs and a smug smirk pulls at her lips. "I bought them the night they came out. It was supposed to be your anniversary present, but you turned into a douche before I could give them to you."

I grind my teeth together. I take a step towards her and she takes a step back. We repeat this action until she is pressed up against the concrete wall. I put both of my hands on either side of her head and lean on them, effectively caging her in.

"So let me get this straight." I whisper into her ear. "You took another man to a concert. The same concert you were going to take me to as an anniversary gift."

"Yes." She squeaks and then clears her throat.

She looks up and our eyes meet and in that second something changes. I swallow thickly trying to suppress the urge to kiss her.

"Fang." She breathes.

I let out a low groan as I feel myself control slowly fading.

"Fang, kiss me." She whispers.

With those three words I bend down and capture her lips with mine. Her hands slowly travel up my chest and around my shoulders. I gently lick at her lip and then nibble at it. She sighs and turns away from me. I let out a long sigh and push myself off the wall.

"What are we doing?" Max asks me.

I shrug, but then remember that she isn't looking at me. "I don't know, but I have missed you, Max."

Max slowly turns and looks at me. "I have missed you too." She whispers looking me in the eyes.

Author's Note: And there you have it! The FAX reunion you have all been waiting for! Review please!