Disclaimer: I do not own Adventure Time

HELLO MY LOVELIES! I'm so sorry for being away so long! It's been a year and I have missed you dearly. This draft of my latest update has been sitting half done for at least half a year, but I was just so busy, I couldn't get it done and whenever I tried, I couldn't get in the right mindset for it. I'm so sorry! I hope you guys are still reading, even though I don't deserve as wonderful, dedicated readers as you...

This is Chapter 10

As the three walked into the room, they were bombarded by a horridly unpleasant smell. And then Flame Princess came into view. She was sprawled out on her queen sized bed, surrounded by an array of trash, primarily pizza boxes. She didn't rise in response to the noise of their entrance, she just motioned towards the bedside table, which had looked to been cleared for the arrival of the new pizza. Seeing her in this state, made Finn's heart ache. He looked at the rest of her room and it was much more of a delapadated wreck than what surrounded her. I can't believe she's gotten like this... He quickly looked to Isaac who had a mixture of pain and disgust present on his face. He never thought about the backlash effect that putting Princess Bubblegum and Finn back together would have on Flame Princess. It made him sick to his stomach and it wasn't the smell of hot garbage that the atmosphere held, though that might have been part of the reason. Flame Princess soon noticed the lingering presences in her room, so she rose, her hair in spiked out flames so she she could scare her intruders away. She reverted to herself when her eyes met Finn's. She gasped softly and her eyes were brimming with tears. "What are you doing here?" She said as she turned away, trying to hide her pain but her voice betrayed her. It was thick with sadness that she was bottling up. Finn reached out to her but then thought better of it. I don't want to make this any harder than it already is, trying to physically console her would do just that.

"I wanted to clear this whole mess up. I know it was very confusing when I found out and I couldn't imagine how much of a rollercoaster you've been on." Finn explained

Flame Princess locked gaze with him again, her expression turned to perplexed with an undercurrent of angry "You knew? How long?"

Finn sighed, knowing that what he would say next would not be to her liking "I've known for at least two weeks." He regretted uttering that sentence as soon as it left his lips. Flame Princess exploded with fury, clearing her bed of the upset mess in her nearest vicinity, making it rain fiery cardboard on Finn and Issac. "WHAAT?" Finn stayed calm, already being trained in the ways of talking Flame Princess through 'heated' moments. He gave her a second to cool down just a tad and approached her bed steadily. He pulled over a mostly charred chair next to her bed and sat. He took a deep breath and then grabbed Flame Princess hands, inwardly thanking Flambo for the flame resistant curse. "Yes, I did know, and have known for the past two weeks. And I didn't come to talk to you about it, partly because I didn't know how." Flame Princess had calmed instantly upon his touch, but she continued to look through teary eyes. Finn continued "I'm sorry Flame Princess. I'm sorry about all that's happened, with the candles, with me being away most of the time, just everything. I never wanted you to get hurt. What I wanted to do was to make you happy. To be a good influence on you so when we eventually parted, you would be ok..."

"What do you mean when we eventually parted?" Flame Princess looked at him in complete shock at his words. Finn inwardly chastised himself. I shouldnt have said that either... Finn soon realized that he had made a grave mistake.

"Do you mean to say that you never thought that we would end up together? That we wouldnt have a future? What was the point of us being together in the first place then? Did you ever truly have feelings for me? Or..." With each question she asked she became increasingly more hysterical, removing her hands from Finn's grasp and become a fiery inferno once again. "WERE YOU JUST USING ME TO TRY TO GET OVER BUBBLEGUM?!" Finn tried his best to formulate his response, considering all of her possible reactions and adapting adequately. He finally said " No,I was never using you to get over Bubblegum. When I met you that fateful night, I had been upset about Bubblegum never returning my affections. As soon as I saw you, my feelings for her had gone, evaporated. I fell for you, Furiosa, almost instantaneously." Flame Princess fire calmed to a medium-sized fire when she heard her name. "Then what happened? Why do you not feel that anymore?"

Finn sighed "I'm not going to do this with you right now. It's too much of a sensitive topic. I think you've had enough for today as it is."

"No Finn, you mentioned it, now we have to talk about it. You always do this to me and I'm not having it this time! I have every right to know what's going on!" Flame Princess started firing up again as she got angrier. Finn shook his head.

"I know I do this to you a lot, but it's really important that we mellow this one out. Not only for you or me anymore, its for all the land of Ooo."

"Why is everything always about what is best for everyone else?! Why cant you just care about me or just care about us? It always has to be for the greater good!" Flame Princess pleaded. Hot tears were falling down her face anew. Finn continued to shake his head as he started walking out of the room, signaling Isaac to follow him.

Flame Princess called after him "Finn! If you leave without giving me an explanation, then... then you are banned from re-entering the Fire Kingdom forever!"

That stopped Finn in his tracks. He knew she was serious, but had half the mind to know she was saying such in the thralls of this moment. He stood, in the middle of her door way, knowing both Isaac and Flam Princess were anxiously waiting for his next move. He closed his eyes finaly and dejectedly sighed without turning around to look at her "If you are willing to take that extreme, knowing you aren't in the state of mind to hear my explanation for everything, then I have no reason for returning..." And at that, he walked out, with speechless Isaac and Flambo following him.





Finn, Isaac and Flambo reached the borders of the Fire Kingdom in silence. Finn turned back towards the entrance, reminising all the memories he's had in there. Flambo had been looking up at him, teary-eyed. Finn crouched down to him, "It's been a great time, Flambo, but I'm afraid this is probably the last we'll be seeing of each other."

"I'm gonna miss yous. You're probably the best thing that happened to this Kingdom and she just let you walk out..." Flambo started sniffling, wiping the tears from his eyes. Finn couldn't help but feel a little sad, he scooped Flambo up in his arms, giving him the strongest hug he could. He wiped another tear forming on the brim of Flambo's eye and patted his head. "You should come out of the Fire Kingdom more, then we could see you."

"I'll try my ardest to boss! I really will!" Flambo waved to Isaac and Finn good bye as they walked towards Candy Kingdom. After a lengthy silence during their walk back, Isaac finally spoke up "Finn, why did you do that? You were supposed to explain..."

Finn stopped him mid-sentence. "up bup bup. You were supposed to explain, but because I knew Flame Princess wouldn't react to you well, since she has no idea who you are, I stepped in." Isaac looked down, feeling apologetic for not taking the responsibility himself. Finn looked over at him knowingly "Even if you were to explain, all of this, you being my future brother whos come back in time from a time when me and Bonnie are together and my family is all there, let alone the fact that this all started from a whole nother story from a couple years ago that I never made her privy to, it would be too much for her to process. Its just as I said, she isn't in a state where she could recieve all that information and not feel overwhelmed. It wouldn't be fair to her to unload all that on her and just expect that she be ok. She needs time to accept our relationship being over. Especially the fact that my plan was never to end up with her."

"I see... but still couldn't you have been a little more gentle about it?" Isaac asked innocently.

Finn thought about it, as they continued their walk. "I tried. But at the same time, I am between a rock and a hard place. It's either rip off the bandage and let it sting, or break it down to her slowly, extending the hurt out... I really don't want to do either, they both sound very painful..." He sighed. Isaac looked to his brother, seeing the mixture of anger and confusion on his face made him quickly understand that trying to figure out what to do about Flame Princess was going to be very hard for Finn. I got to help him somehow...

Finn led Isaac back to their parent's house in silence. Upon their entrance, they found Simon and Bubblegum sitting in the living room. Bubblegum stood upon sight of Finn and when she caught his eye, she blushed and looked away. Finn smiled at her, instantly being relieved of his frustration when he saw how goofy she was being. "Hey PB..."

PB smiled back warmly "Hi Finn..."

Simon quickly popped in "Finn, my boy!..." He gave Finn half hug and eyed the man beside him suspiciously. "And...Isaac? What on earth are you doing in this time?"

Isaac began "Well I..." but Finn cut him off "I brought him along so then he could explain to Flame Princess that he was the one who engineered those candles to help me, but it didn't pan out too well..."

"Why do you say that?" Simon asked curiously "She didn't hurt you did she Isaac? I don't see any damage."

Isaac tried again "Well what happened..." But Finn cut him off again "No, she didn't hurt him or me. But let's just say our conversation was really heated..."

Simon replied "Well that doesn't tell me much of anything, she is a fire elemental. I would assume all conversations are heated."

Finn started " Well.." but Isaac cut him off this time "Hey Finn, can I tell Uncle Simon?" Finn looked back at him and replied apologetically "Oh yeah man! I'm sorry, just overtaken your statements over here." PB quietly laughed at him, not being able to take her eyes off of him during the whole conversation. Her and his eyes met once again, and again made her blush. He walked over to her, wrapping her in his arms and giving her a kiss on her forehead. "I've missed you... so much."

"I've missed you too." She replied. Finn stared at her beauty, pulling a strand of hair back behind her ears and cupping her face with his hand. She tenderly held the wrist of the hand at her face. A glimspe of her future self flashed in his mind and his smile widened immensely. PB laughed at his dopey smile "What?" Finn shook his head of the memory and asked "What what?"

PB replied "You just thought of something that made you smile even more, what was it?"

Finn chuckled "Ha, just something I'm willing to wait for." PB smiled at him again, and quickly remembered a question, "Hey who is Isaac? I've deduced its that gentlman over there but how do you and Simon know him? He looks human..."

Finn laughed " Well, how about instead of me telling you, he introduce himself hmm?" At that he wrapped his arm around PB's waist and pulled over to where Simon and Isaac had been talking. The sudden movment had startled Isaac a bit, abruptly stoping his conversation with Simon, but he soon smiled when he saw PB. "Hello Bonnie!" he said excitedly "It's an honor to meet the younger version of the revolutionary scientist that you are." He stretched out his hand for a formal handshake. " I am Isaac Mertens, Finn's younger brother."

PB looked at Finn, then at Isaac and back to Finn in bewilderment "Younger brother? But he looks as old as you?"

Finn replied "Yeah well he's from the future. I don't know all of exactly how everything happened, my folks didn't tell me a lot when I went there, so then I wouldn't mess up the timeline. It's really delicate apparently, even a few words could ruin it." He rolled his eyes while Simon nodded. PB was in total shock "You went to the future?! How?! Did you use your time machine downstairs? Can I see how it works? You must let me! Please!" She anxiously looked at the three men, as Simon just chuckled.

"As much as it pains me to say, we can't fulfill your curiosity Bonnibel. It's much too risky. In addition to that, you are with child. I'm not completely sure of the effects it could have." PB frowned. "I guess, I can wait.."


Did you like the chapter?
I know you might be upset about Finn and FP's argument...
Maybe you even think that I left FP high and dry, but it'll come in due time I promiseā€¦
About the next update...
I will try my best to get it up in two weeks but I have no promises
A major THANK YOU to I am Red Bull for being my beta and helping me with writer's block
