Disclaimer: I don't own Adventure Time

Hi! HOLA! Konichiwa! Bonjour/Bonsoir! This is the sequel to Time and Love Rollercoasters that I promised to its fans! To those who haven't read Time and Love Rollercoasters, I recommend you reading it but you don't have to. There will be plenty of flashbacks and things of that sort in this story so you'll get the background of the first.

Anyway! It's been almost two years since Finn was 19 and there is a potential of things becoming complicated that is talked about in this chapter. ENJOY!

This is the first chapter.

A year and a half had passed since Finn had found his uncle's time machine. Boy, did life change. Overtime he spent a lot of time at his uncle's house, finding out as much about them as he could. He tried to read as many of their books, journals, pictures as he could so he could get a better sense of who his long lost family were. He had to admit he liked his mom's books a little more than his dad's or uncle's which were mostly about science. His mom's told about different adventures taken by a hero/heroine that helped caused him/her doubt, fear and or self-consciousness but eventually lead he/she to victory and acceptance. Some included monsters that weren't very different from the ones that were in Finn's world, making Finn like them even more.

"Ha That's totally something I would do…" Finn laughed as he read through his one of his mother's novel, Brave, Bold: Burgort . He was in the living room, laying on the couch with the book resting on his chest as he flipped another page. The knob to the front door turned as medium-size person in a suit entered the house. Finn averted his eyes from his book to get a look at the person and quickly brought them back to his book "Hey Ic….I mean Simon. Sorry force of habit." Finn replied without looking up.

"It's quite alright Finn." Simon replied. Ice King, after the altercation with older Finn, stayed cooped up in his past room for a little over a year, trying to recapture memories, to find the persona that he lost so long ago. When he gathered as much of his former person as he could, which was about six months ago, he came to Arlen's house to confront Finn.

Finn, while in his father's and mother's room, heard a loud knock on the door.

"Jake! That better be you with the burgers!"

Jake peeped out from a wall in the kitchen, narrowing his eyes "Uhh… That's not me man. I came in through the window, 'cause that's the cool way to enter a house."

Finn became confused "Who could it be then? The only people that know about this place are Flame Princess and Bubblegum. Flame Princess is too creeped out to come in the gates, let alone, come to the house and Bubblegum wouldn't come here until the whole Flame Princess thing is over with…" He crouched down near the front door, carefully unlocking it. "Its open!" he yelled as he prepared his fist to jab whoever it was in the stomach. Ice King entered and quickly doubled over in pain as Finn's hand resonated in his abdomen. "OW!" He screamed in tears "Wh-Why would you do that?"

"You are not one of the people that I talked to about this house! How did you even find out? You were following me again weren't you, you creeper!" Finn replied as he stepped away from Ice King, staring at him angrily.

"No, no. I came here through memory, not because I followed you." Ice King said as he stood up, his stomach pain disappearing.

Finn shouted "How do I know you're not lying, which you probably ARE!" He glared at Ice King, who countered with a look of indifference." You don't believe me, huh? Ask me questions that you know the answers to about this place. Anything you want, and I promise you I will answer it correctly."

"Alright, who's house is this?" Finn asked as he crossed his arms.

"Arlen Mertens." Ice King replied. Jake and Finn stared at each other surprised. Finn turned back to Ice King "Okay… did he have any siblings?"

"Yes, he had a twin brother named Arthur." Ice King replied casually

" Did he ever get married?" Finn asked narrowing his eyes.

Ice King chuckled "Arlen?! He was too much of a heartbreaker for that. Arthur did though. He married Fionna Heartley." Finn and Jake gasped. Finn slowly sat down on the couch, completely shocked. Jake yelled "Okay Mr. Smart Guy, did Arthur and Fionna ever have kids?!"

"That I know of, they only had one, a boy, and that boy is sitting on the couch over there…" Ice King said pointing to Finn and smiling. Finn stared back at him "How do you know about my family?"

Ice King replied "I don't only know ABOUT them. I knew them. Personally. You see Finn, I'm over 1000 years old. That means I was born back when your parents were born. Your dad and uncle, Arthur and Arlen, were two of my best friends, Arlen being the best. We did everything together. Parties, proms, classes homework, you name it. It wasn't until we started college when we all parted ways. Your mom and dad got married and me and Betty got engaged. I got a job that required that I travel so Betty and I weren't able to see them much but we visited as often as we could. On one of those visits, we found out Fionna was pregnant and the next one, you were born. When I held you the first time, it was so magical. You didn't cry or scream. You just smiled a gummy smile. You made me feel like a dad even though, you were Arthur's…." Ice King shuffled closer to Finn, who still sat on the couch, deep in thought.

Jake rushed over to Finn, blocking Ice King's path "Wha-wa-wait! Hold the phone. How do we know you didn't just use your donky wizard eyes to read Finn's mind or…" He stopped talking as Finn stood up and patted his head "It's alright Jake. I believe him." He smiled at Ice King and Ice King smilled cheekily back. "Ice King, tell me more about my parents and uncle please."

"Alright, on one condition." Ice King winked as he held up his index finger

Finn asked "And what is that?"

Ice King sighed happily, never had Finn been so nice before "That you call me Simon, from now on."

"Alright… Simon." Finn chuckled, the weirdness of formality between he and Simon tingling his mouth

Simon clapped his hands "Alright where to start…. There's so many ways I can't really choose!...Ah this should entertain you. It all began in middle school…"

"Whatcha got there?" Simon asked

Finn replied as he turned the front cover towards Simon "One of my mom's books. It's called Brave, Bold: Burgort."

Simon laughed "You know I kinda remember reading that book. I think that Burgort ended up…"

"NO, no, no! Don't tell me I want to read it myself! I'm almost finished." Finn yelled as he raised his hand.

"Okay, okay, I won't tell you. It'll make you laugh though…" Simon replied, looking intently at Finn, waiting for when he read it. Finn cackled as he closed the book. "I told you." Simon smiled. Finn swung his feet down to the floor to allow Simon to sit down. "Sooo, whatcha come down for?"

"You know, to hang with my 'nephew'. How are you and Flame Princess doing?" Simon said as he passed a hand through Finn's hair which resembled his mother's.

Finn sighed, relaxing his eyes to half-lidded "It's going pretty well actually…"

Simon was confused "Doesn't sound like your all too pscyhed about it though…"

Finn sighed again and stared at the floor. Simon, too, looked to the floor in thought and back at Finn. "Could this be about Princess Bubblegum?" Simon said as he rubbed his chin. Finn, slightly shocked that Simon figured it out so quickly, he tried to make it seem like that wasn't the problem "What makes you think its about Bubblegum?

"Well from what I've gathered since I left my past room, you, on a small scale, are avoiding her which is something I thought you could never do, not for this long at least. You don't go to see her as much. Even if there is a monster attacking the kingdom, you go about half the time while Jake goes every time…"

Finn closed his eyes and mentally sighed "I know."

Simon continued "And based on what I remember of that more so one-sided fight I had with bigger you a year and a half ago, you still have feelings for her. You were so angry, angrier than I've ever seen you when I stole princesses. Remember? You kicked me so hard against the wall that I fell unconscious."

Finn opened his eyes "Yeah, I'm so sorr…"

Simon waved his hand "No need to apologize Finn. After all, if it wasn't for that one kick, I wouldn't have had motive to go find and relearn myself. I owe all of it to you." He smiled warmly. Finn smiled back. "Now, tell me, what's going on with you and Princess Bubblegum? I will help in any way I can. As I said before, you're practically my nephew. Son, even. You can tell me anything."

Finn sighed again "Well, during the time that I was 19, me and PB kinda…were…together." Simon nodded. Finn continued "And I was planning on being with her after I was changed back but…." Simon nodded again. "Then I remembered that I was still with Flame Princess and if I dumped her for PB, she would surely kill her."

"Ahhh, I see. So, because you care more for her safety than your happiness, you left Princess Bubblegum to protect her. But it makes you unhappy because you won't be able to be with her. And that's why you avoid her because you would rather not be reminded of what you so desperately want but you can't have." Simon responded

"Well…" Finn huffed "Yeah it's all true…"

Simon patted his back "Finn it's alright. You'll be okay. You did it for her safety so she knows you love her and always will…"

"I know Simon. Me and her made an agreement that after two years of being with Flame Princess and trying to make her good, I would break up with FP because I do and will always love PB. Stringing Flame Princess along in a fake relationship isn't right…" Finn replied

Simon smiled "Well it should be all said and done then, right?"

Finn sighed "That's the thing, Simon. The closer and closer I get to the deadline, the more I doubt it. FP has become better but she still has her evil moments. And I don't think those could ever go away. She was born into an evil family, so she will always have evil in her, no matter how small. Whenever I tell her, that little evil left could be strong enough to overtake her and still put PB in danger…"

"Finn…do you know if Flame Princess loves you?" Simon said as his eyes softened.

Finn thought for a second and then said "She's told me quite a few times, but those were in really crazy situations, like after we got done fighting a monster she thought would kill us or something. So not really sure if those were spur of the moment or for realsies."

Simon sighed "Well if she truly loves you, she would want your happiness above anything else. She wouldn't destroy something or someone that you love. If Princess Bubblegum makes you happier than she does, she will understand and, though she won't like it or want to, she'll let you go. It's of the same principle as when you left Princess Bubblegum for Flame Princess because you wanted to protect her. "

"What if she doesn't truly love me?" Finn said, slightly apprehensive of the answer.

"If she doesn't truly love you, then she won't get too angry because she hadn't truly invested those kind of feelings for you in herself. Either way, she will let you go." Simon smiled warmly. Finn considered the proposition and then smiled "Your right, Simon."

Simon nodded and then started to chuckle. "What's so funny?" Finn asked

"To think, I am helping you figure out what to do about two girls, just like with your uncle. Such a ladies' man he was. Guessing you inherited that from your father and uncle." Simon shook his head and sighed. Finn wondered "Hey, Simon. Why didn't Uncle Arlen ever get married?"

"Well your uncle, the charmer he was, had many girlfriends. And this is due to his great desire to experiment. He would always have a girlfriend but when he got started on a new project, he usually forgot about his duties as a boyfriend. He would feel bad for doing that and either break up with her or she would dump him, though, the latter didn't happen too often, because it was ARLEN. The man loved science, and when he got onto a science binge, nothing could make him stop. Quite unhealthy really. He wouldn't eat or sleep really until the task was completed. Then he'd end up falling for another girl within a few days after his projects were done. Not really any girl could deny your uncle." Simon explained

Finn was amazed "Wow. Was there any special lady of his girlfriends? Like one he stayed with the longest?"

"Yes, in fact there was. But that story is for another time.." Simon smirked as he rose from the couch.

Finn whined "Noooo, Simon! Come on, don't leave yet. Tell me!"

Simon waved his hands "Now, now Finn. I have to go see Marceline. We've spent time with each other at least twice a week since I got my memory back. The week's almost over and I haven't been over to her house once! She'll be agitated. I have to go." He walked towards the door and opened it.

Finn sighed "Okay. I guess I can wait a few days on the story then." Simon nodded as he was half out the door "That's a good boy. I'll be seeing you soon." He flew up into the air.

"Bye Simon! Thanks for the advice today!" Finn yelled up into the air, marveling at Simon. Simon saluted him and then flew off in the direction Marceline's house.

"Thank you... Uncle Simon."


Soooooo, how was it? Did you like it?

I did mention in T&LR that Simon and Finn's relationship will be in this story extensively, so give me feedback!

In technical sense, Marceline and Finn are like brother and sister or cousins because of their relation to Simon.

Simon is soo much better now.

Anyhow, please REVIEW!

Next chapter should be up soon,

Until then,
