The Freedom of Lucius Malfoy

Today turned out melancholy when I realised that I do not own Harry Potter or any of the characters that are being portrayed in this story (;_;)

Freedom. Lucius Malfoy had been denied freedom for months after Harry Potter and company prevented him from completing his mission in the Department of Mysteries. He learned, during his short sojourn in that rat infested cell, that his wife, now ex-wife, emptied half his vaults at Gringotts (at least the vaults he made known to her), and she skipped town after throwing their son to the Dark Lord. The blond knew the Dark Lord had plans on using his son to destroy the head of the Order. He would do anything to get out of Azkaban to protect his son from that fate. Even betraying his Dark Lord and turning himself over to the Ministry for information. That was how he came to be questioned by members of The Order of the Phoenix in exchange for damaging information to the Dark Lord. Safety for his son and himself, and, ultimately, his freedom.


"Malfoy," Kingsley Shacklebolt handed him a phial of Veritaserum. Lucius stared disdainfully at the clear liquid for a few seconds then brought the phial to his lips and drank the contents only with a pinch of reluctance on his part.

"Now, Mister Malfoy," Albus Dumbledore began, "from your knowledge of Voldemort, what can you tell us about his plans?"

Fighting the effects of the truth potion Lucius replied, "First I want your promise Draco and I will be safe."

"Of course Mister Malfoy, you have the promise of myself and the Order to keep you and your son safe," Dumbledore said.

"Right now the Dark Lord's main plan is using my son to bring you, the head of the Order, down. I cannot allow Draco to make the same mistakes I did," Lucius stated with conviction.

"Did you know Draco has already received the Dark Mark?" Shacklebolt asked. Lucius head snapped to him in surprise.

"No, I did not," Lucius's tone held deep regret.

Dumbledore and Shacklebolt proceeded to question Lucius Malfoy for the next hour about Voldemort's plans, and his opinion as to what Voldemort may be planning in the future. They were both surprised that the man did not try to fight the truth serum to hold back information, and he gave his educated opinion and advice on certain plans of the Dark Lord.

"I trust the Veritaserum is wearing off now," Dumbledore said. "If you do not mind me asking, why have you asked for protection for your son and yourself, and not for your wife?"

"Ex-wife," Lucius spat venomously. "She is the reason Draco has received the Dark Mark. That dastard threw my son away!"

"I am very sorry Mister Malfoy," Dumbledore said with a hint of sadness. "If you will follow us. You have been released into the Order's custody. I will begin the process of setting up a safe house for your son and yourself."


Draco Malfoy found himself pacing in front of the gargoyle debating if he should enter the Headmaster's office or not. After what seemed like hours of pacing, but was in fact only minutes, he gave a curt nod to himself and turned to speak the password to enter, but found he did not know it. The gargoyle, seeming to understand his dilemma, allowed him entrance. Draco entered, but found the office empty.

"He left a while ago," the portrait of Phineas Black said. "He'll be back in a few minutes, just take a seat. I want to catch up with my grandson."

Draco bowed respectfully to the portrait of one of his maternal grandfathers, and proceeded to inform him of his disgraceful mother. Half an hour later, the fireplace in the Headmaster's office turned green, and out stepped Professor Dumbledore.

"Mister Malfoy, just the person I wanted to speak with, but to what do I owe this visit?" Dumbledore's eyes twinkled. Draco found it hard to confess the Dark Lord's plans to Professor Dumbledore, but found it oddly relieving. It felt as if a burden had been lifted off his shoulders, and he could suddenly breathe again.

"Often, one finds relief after casting themselves of the burden weighing them down. If the other were to admit he knows beforehand, a small part of the burden stays with the confessor," Dumbledore smiled, his eyes twinkling.

"You knew?!" Draco accused.

"Do you not feel relieved after such an admission?" Severus Snape asked as he entered the Headmaster's office.

"Uncle Sev!" Draco stood from his chair from surprise, then looked away as if he was caught with his hand in the cookie jar before dinner.

"I've come to inform you about the Dark Lord's recent plans, Albus," Professor Snape said hurriedly. Draco looked at his Godfather in surprise.

"You're a spy?!" Draco exclaimed.

"Not now Draco," Professor Snape said testily. "He wants Hermione Granger. We have to get her out of the castle before tonight. I believe one of the students has been tasked with bringing her to him."

"Do you know which student?" Dumbledore's eyes suddenly lost their twinkle.

"I don't. Bellatrix interrupted before I could find out," Snape sneered at the memory. There was a knock at the door and Minerva McGonagall entered.

"Ah, Minerva, just the person I want to speak with. Please locate Miss Granger and see that she has everything packed and ready to leave the school within the hour. Make sure you escort her back to my office. When you find her do not let her out of your sight.

"This is urgent, I will explain when you both return," Dumbledore ordered. Professor McGonagall nodded and left to find Hermione Granger. "Severus, please do the same for Mister Malfoy."

"I'm being expelled," Draco stated. He knew he deserved this, but he was still counting on the Headmaster's magnanimous compassion.

"Oh no Mister Malfoy. Someone is waiting, albeit impatiently, to see you. Consider it an early Christmas present," Professor Dumbledore's eyes twinkled merrily at the thought of Christmas. Draco let out a silent breath in relief.

Professor Snape escorted Draco out of the Headmaster's office to collect his belongings.


Hermione Granger was sitting alone in the Gryffindor common room enjoying her mid-Sunday morning, a good book, and the slow pace of the week before everyone left for Christmas holidays.

"Miss Granger," Professor McGonagall called out upon entering the common room, interrupting the curly haired witch from her peaceful surroundings. "This is urgent. Professor Dumbledore has asked that you pack your belongings, and to be in his office immediately," the professor said urgently.

"May I ask why?" Hermione asked, tucking her bookmark in place and rising from her seat.

"He said he will explain everything when we return to his office," Professor McGonagall said as she followed Hermione to the girls' dormitory to help her pack.


"Miss Granger," the Headmaster said in greeting.

"Hello Professor Dumbledore," Hermione said, then noticed the other occupants in his office. Draco Malfoy was standing next to his trunk, and Professor Snape standing next to him. Hermione looked to Professor Dumbledore curiously.

"Please explain now," Professor McGonagall requested of the Headmaster, as she attempted to mask her curiosity.

"Voldemort has ordered the kidnapping of Hermione Granger," Professor Dumbledore stated baldly. Professor McGonagall and Hermione gasped. "Miss Granger, you and Mister Malfoy will be flooing to Grimmauld Place."

"But Professor," Hermione began, "what about my classes? We still have a week before Christmas holidays." Draco snorted and muttered "professor's pet" under his breath. Hermione glared in his direction.

"A list of your assignments have been taken care of Miss Granger and Mister Malfoy. You will find them waiting with instructions in your rooms at Grimmauld Place," Professor Dumbledore informed them.

Hermione wanted to ask why Draco Malfoy, of all people, was going to Grimmauld Place, but restrained herself. She would most likely learn the reason soon enough. Right now she had to act on a more important matter. "Professor Dumbledore, I need to see my parents."

"Are you sure that is a wise decision Miss Granger?" The Headmaster asked all-knowingly. Hermione always wondered if the Professor Dumbledore was a Legilimens, or a seer.

"Yes," Hermione whispered to the confusion of the room's other occupants.

"Very well, I will make arrangements for you to see them tomorrow," the Headmaster said.

"Thank you sir," Hermione said softly, her face blank to hide her emotions.


Hermione stepped out of the fireplace at Grimmauld Place to the sight of Lucius Malfoy, who seemed to be surprised at her arrival as he paced the drawing room. Her wand was in her hand in an instant, but stopped mid-air before realising there was more to the story here. Why else would Draco Malfoy be coming to Order Headquarters?

"Your son should be coming through the floo any minute now sir," Hermione said putting her wand away, and bending to drag her trunk to her room.

Lucius observed the girl's actions upon her arrival. She was ready to hex him upon coming through the floo, but the girl realized he must be there for a reason. This girl always intrigued him ever since their encounter her second year at Flourish and Blotts.

"You are a witch Miss Granger. Why do you not use your magic to move your trunk?" Lucius asked condescendingly. "Better yet, why not shrink it."

Hermione turned and answered in a preoccupied tone, "That is why I used magic to lighten my trunk sir."

Lucius observed Hermione Granger walk out of the drawing room, contemplating on her distracted tone, but filing it away for later. He turned to the fireplace as the fire turned green again and his son stepped out.

"Father!" Draco Malfoy exclaimed, closing the distance between himself and his father, stopping right in front of him.

"Draco," Lucius said closing the distance and enveloping his son in a tight hug. Hermione witnessed the private moment between father and son before continuing her short journey down the corridor to Ginny's and her room. She needed time to herself before tomorrow when she would act on her plans.

"Hello Lucius," Severus Snape said, stepping out of the green flames and reaching out to give his close friend a warm handshake.

"Severus," Lucius bowed his head in greeting, looking to his old friend curiously. "I have always suspected there was more to you then you let on. Why is Miss Granger here?"

"The Dark Lord has ordered her kidnapping. She is here for her safety," Snape informed Lucius.

"How long have you worked for the Order?"

"Lily," was all Snape said. Lucius only nodded in understanding.

Draco looked at his Godfather curiously. Who was this Lily?


"Is mistress not eating dinner?" Kreature asked Hermione. Lucius held Draco back before entering the drawing room, curious as to why Miss Granger did not join them for dinner. Of course it could have to do with his blatantly spoken prejudices, but then learning a little extra information on the side never hurt anyone.

"Je suis desole Kreature, I didn't realize I missed dinner," Hermione apologised in her preoccupied tone from earlier. "I've just been contemplating my decision," the girl sighed.

"Mistress needs to eat. She needs her strength for tomorrow," Kreature insisted while patting Hermione's shoulder. "Mistress makes hard decision, she needs to be keeping them safe." Lucius's curiosity was peaked.

"I'm sorry Kreature, you worked hard on dinner. I'll go make myself a plate," Hermione said, rising from her chair.

"No, I's be getting your dinner!" Kreature shouted and he was gone with a Crack before Hermione could fully stand from her seat. Hermione sighed and went to the desk in the drawing room to start on her assignments.

"Good evening Miss Granger," Lucius said just as Hermione opened one of her school books and pulled out parchment.

"Good evening Mister Malfoy," Hermione said, not looking up from her Transfigurations book.

"Not eating dinner Granger?" Draco asked, taking Hermione previous spot in her arm chair.

"I forgot," Hermione said while reading her book. Kreature returned with a plate for Hermione. "Mistress eats now. Shes be needing her strength," he said firmly.

"You didn't have to Kreature, I could have gotten a plate myself," Hermione admonished the house elf.

"Oh no! Kreature woulds be bad house elf to be letting Mistress get her own dinner!" Kreature exclaimed. Lucius and Draco observed the interaction between the two in curiosity.

"Mistress?" Lucius asked.

"Yes!" Kreature exclaimed, "Mistress is being very kind to Kreature! Shes letting him keep trinkets Master Harry be wanting to throw out from old Master." The house elf turned his attention back to Hermione, "Mistress eats now!"

He snatched the book from Hermione, "I gives this back when yous is done with food!" Kreature said and was gone from the drawing room with another Crack. Lucius and Draco hid their smirks behind the chess game they started.

"Crusty old house elf," Professor Snape said from behind his book as he entered the drawing room.

"He is a good house elf," Hermione defended Kreature. The three wizards rolled their eyes.


Hermione found herself pacing in front of a medium sized home at 5am.

"What has you so nervous Hermione?" Remus Lupin asked. Hermione looked straight into the werewolf's eyes.

"Everything," she said and took a deep breath. "Just give me ten minutes, then come in and find me." Hermione instructed her former Defence Against the Dark Arts professor, and walked up the walk way to the front door and into the house. The thought of Hermione not unlocking her parents front door didn't occur to Remus.

Inside the home Hermione cast a silencing charm and apparated.

I sometimes think the way I start a story is a bit dry...then again I think I write horrible conclusions too, but every one tells me otherwise. Perhaps it is just me who is never satisfied with my writing style...