Return Chapter 18

"You are never allowed to do that again" Artemis said her mask now sitting on the bench next to her.

Nightwing just smiled pulling her tighter into his chest "I will, I will most diffidently do it again if I have to. You mean so much more to me than anything else Artemis and you being taken was because of a plan that I created, that I set up, you were taken and held hostage because of me. And if that ever happens again I will most diffidently turn myself in to save you" he said turning to look her in the eye as he took off his mask "I can't stand seeing you hurt knowing I was the cause of it. Because I…..I love you Artemis" he said softly, staring at a wide eyed completely shocked Artemis.

Artemis blinked still staring wide eyed at the beaten bruised and slightly scarred Nightwing "Wha….What?" she gasped out.

Nightwing looked down as he intertwined their hands "I've always cared about you Artemis, more then I should have but I couldn't help it. You're intelligent, loyal, amazing with any weapon put into your hand, and even though you don't like to show it you care so deeply about everyone in your life, including your sister, and even Roy. I know this is probably moving too fast but we've know each other for over six years Artemis. And honestly I've never felt like this for anyone, and it scares the crap out of me. But I'm one hundred percent serious when I tell you that I am completely in love with you Artemis Crock" he said the last part looking up into her eyes once again.

Artemis looked down at their intertwined hands thinking about everything that happened between in them in the past couple of months.

"I honestly never thought I'd hear someone say that to me after Wally died, and I can't even describe how happy I am to hear you say that. But I want to say this to Dick Grayson, my boyfriend, not his crime fighting alter ego Nightwing" she said reaching up removing his mask, resting her hand on his cheek she looked into his crystal blue eyes "I've always cared about you Dick, and the past year and a half has been really difficult but with you being in it again, everything seems so much better, so much easier. I don't know what I'd do without you in my life, I love you to Richard Grayson" she said smiling at him softly.

Dick let out a soft chuckle as he wrapped his arms around her waist pulling her into his lap ignoring the pain in his body, lightly pressing his lips to hers "I need to get you home right now" he whispered huskily.

Wrapping her arms around his neck Artemis laughed "Trust me I know but first we need to get you checked out by the doctors, you need stitches and pain killers, I know you have some busted ribs babe" she said lightly kissing him.

Dick sighed as he nuzzled his face into her neck kissing up and down "That'll take too long though, I need you now" he said between kisses.

Closing her eyes Artemis sighed enjoying what her boyfriend was doing to her neck "Baby I need you right now as well, but we need to get you checked out by the doctors first, and then I promise you I'll take you home and show you how much I love you" she said putting her hands on his chest slightly pushing away from him but still staying in his lap.

Letting out an annoyed huff Dick finally agreed "Fine, but once I'm cleared by the doctors I'm taking you straight home and we aren't leaving again until we run out of food, no more missions at least for a week" he said with complete seriousness.

Artemis rolled her eyes "Fine but your explaining it to daddy bats" she said even though she actually agreed with him, but she sure as hell wasn't going to tell him that.

Artemis stayed in Dick's lap running her hands though this hair, his forehead rested on her chest. Dick was almost asleep when Robin opened the door making the older boy startle "Sorry guys but Bats wanted me to tell you that we'll be landing in five minutes and then you'll be transported to the hospital in DC" Robin rushed out looking anywhere except at the two, his cheeks bright red.

Artemis gave him a reassuring smile "Okay thanks Rob" she said.

Robin nodded his head quickly closing the door and going back to his seat next to Cassie his cheeks still bright red. "What's wrong?" Cassie whispered to him.

Robin shook his head "Walked in on an intimate moment" he mumbled as Artemis came out of the back Nightwing's arm wrapped her shoulder, and her arm wrapped around his waist obviously helping him walk.

"Were landing in five minutes, the doctors are already at the cave with the med bay prepped and ready to go for both of you" M'gann said as Artemis helped Nightwing into a seat.

"Thanks M'gann" Artemis said with a small smile.

Nightwing sighed leaning his head on Artemis's shoulder "Damn doctors" he mumbled only allowing her to hear.

Artemis smiled kissing his forehead "Yeah I know babe" she said gently, feeling as the ship declined in air, making its way towards the cave.

As soon as they landed Batman and Connor helped Nightwing to the med bay, with Artemis close behind them.

"Alright Mr. Nightwing let's get you out of your suit and get you fixed up, Miss Artemis Doctor Chan will help you" one of the doctors said.

"Right this way Artemis" Dr. Chan said pulling her over to another bed. After checking her over and touching a couple sore spots Dr. Chan decided she would only need a couple of stitches and bandages and then she would be good to go.

Artemis waited impatiently outside the med bay as she waited for Dick to be done. She really just wanted to go home with him, and never leave the house. But she knew everything would change now that Dick had put on that Nightwing costume once again, and returned to the Hero life. Rubbing her hands over her face Artemis leaned against the wall.

"Still in there?" Robin asked suddenly appearing next to Artemis and making her jump.

"Jesus Christ Rob, you almost gave me a heart attack, and déjà vu at the same time" Artemis said glaring at the younger boy wonder.

Robin grinned "I was taught by the best" he said simply.

"Yeah, heard that one before to" Artemis said shaking her head "Anyways, yes he's still in there" she said her eyes going straight to the door.

"He'll be fine, those weren't serious injuries, just some stitches and strict rest orders that he won't follow" Robin said with a grin, making Artemis nod her head in agreement "I just wanted to say thank you" he said softly.

Artemis knitted her eyebrows in confusion "Why are you thanking me?" she asked.

"For saving him, and I'm not talking about tonight. I'm talking about when he showed up at your house injured and alone, and refusing to let him get away from you" Robin said, when Artemis looked at him shocked he smiled before continuing "Silena has been keeping tabs on him, she knew everything that happened, she and I were getting ready to go get him after he was shot but when we noticed he was climbing up your apartment building we figured we'd see if you ended up killing him or not. Which you almost did, but you also saved him, and for that I will always be grateful" Robin said with a smile as he stepped away from the wall "Just take good care of him, he may act strong but I don't think he can take another lose" he said before walking down the hallway leaving Artemis shocked and slightly amused.

But before she could think about it further the med bay doors opened and a grinning, slightly limping Nightwing came out "Hey" he said simply.

Artemis shook her head "Really after all that, all you say is Hi" she said walking towards him.

Nightwing just smiled as he wrapped her in his arms "And I love you" he whispered into her hair.

Artemis sighed wrapping her arms around his waist and burying her head in his chest "I love you to" she whispered.

"Good because the doctor gave me a clean bill of health, and I am clear to do some strenuous activity as long as it remains in the bedroom" Nightwing said with a grin.

Artemis laughed "Is that all you think about?"

Nightwing shrugged "I also think about food".

Artemis rolled her eyes "Come on boy wonder let's get you home and see what we can do with that clean bill of health" she said intertwining their hands and leading him to the zeta tubes.

"Oh I'm thinking about a lot of things we can do" he said wiggling his eyebrows, causing Artemis to laugh.