A/N: This is a story based off of the artwork of Caylren on deviant art, art/The-Hobbit-Rabbit-Bilbo-357708408 It's really good artwork. The story is slightly AU if you can't tell. Also all characters belong to Tolkien; I'm just playing in the toy box.

Chapter 1: Adventures and Rabbits

In a hole in the ground lived a hobbit named Bilbo Baggins, but this hobbit was different than the others. Bilbo Baggins was a rabbit, cursed this way for longer than he could remember. He longed for this curse to be broken but so far had found nothing to lift it. There was one upside to the curse though. Every full moon like a werewolf he changed. Except instead of turning into an animal, he turned into a hobbit. He had learned to just accept his lot in life and try to make the best of it.

Bilbo Baggins sat outside of his home enjoying the morning air, smell of flowers, and sunshine. Letting the sun warm his fur and contemplating going inside to enjoy second breakfast, Bilbo didn't notice anyone was there until a shadow fell across him blocking out the sun and his warmth. Eyes snapping open immediately, he stares up at whoever is there. In front of him is an elderly Man dressed in a grey cloak with a gray scarf around his neck, a pointed gray hat on his head, a long gray bread, and a gnarled staff in his hand. The old man doesn't seem surprised to see a rabbit in clothes sitting outside a small home in the hill. It seems like the old man knows who he is.

"Good morning." Bilbo says politely.

The old man smiling replying, "What do you mean? Do you mean to wish me a good morning or do you mean that it is a good morning whether I want it or not. Or perhaps you mean to say you feel good on this particular morning or are you simple stating that this is a morning to be good on?"

Confused Bilbo answers, "All of them at once I suppose."

The old frowns and stares at Bilbo. Bilbo feeling confused and uncomfortable decides to find out what the old man wants.

"Can I help you?" The old man stares for a moment before replying.

"That remains to be seen. I'm looking for someone to go on an adventure."

Bilbo is surprised but asks, "An adventure? What sort of adventure?"

The old man smiles a little and says, "One that will take too far away places. If you are willing, the others and myself can come by later and discuss the adventure with you."

Bilbo thinks about it for a moment before replying, "Alright. I'll have someone help me prepare dinner. How many of you will there be?"

"A total of 14, myself and 13 others. If that is not asking too much."

"Oh no, it is fine. I will just have to have a lot of food made is all."

The old man smiles and starts to walk off. Bilbo realizes he never caught the old man's name. He calls out to him.

"Wait, you never told me your name."

The old man huffs but smiles a tiny bit. He stares a little before answering.

"My name is Gandalf and Gandalf means me."

Bilbo is genuinely surprised and it must have shown because the wizard frowns a little.

"Not Gandalf the wandering wizard who made such wonderful fireworks. I loved watching them. I thought you were no longer in business."

Gandalf looks a little put off by that and asks, "And where else would I be?"

Bilbo blushes and stutters before saying, "Right, well I shall see you later Gandalf." He turns and hops off towards the door. He looks back before going in to see Gandalf still standing there. He huffs and goes back inside, he has a lot to do so supper will be ready tonight. Gandalf waits until Bilbo gets inside to walk up to the door and a carve a rune into it so the dwarves can find the place if they show up before him before leaving. Tonight will be very amusing for him to watch.

Please comment and let me know what you think.

A/N: No real update to story, just made some grammar and spelling corrections for the chapter.