Longer A/N at the end. I don't own Yugioh, just Tenionia, Akaan and Zireria. Happy reading!
Chapter one: The birth and the secret...
"Push Lady Tenionia!" Tenionia screamed as she held tightly on the hands of Shada and Atem. Sweat clung to her as she gave a final push and the cries of a baby were heard throughout the room. The midwife smiled.
"It's a boy." Tenionia slumped back on the bed in exhaustion as Atem smiled. The princess was breathing heavily and smiled as Atem gently brushed her knuckles. Shada helped prop Tenionia up with pillows as the midwife handed Tenionia's baby to her.
"Thank you." The young woman bowed and left. Tenionia gently hushed her son by rocking him back and forward. Atem smiled down on the newborn.
"He's beautiful." A loving smile twisted Tenionia's lips.
"That he is." She placed a gently kiss on his small head and watched his tiny fingers close around her slender pointer finger.
"What will you name him?" Karim asked.
"Akaan." She answered with a smile.
"The rising sun." Isis smiled. Atem stood.
"I would like to speak with Tenionia, alone if you don't mind." The guardians bowed and filed out of the room one by one. However, Seto and Akhenden lingered. Atem gave them both a stern glare.
"That includes you two." With a grunt, Seto left the room. Akhenden followed after and Tenionia sighed.
"They don't look to pleased to see me give birth." She remarked. Atem stared at the door before turning back to the princess.
"They know that there is a chance that your powers or a piece of it would be passed down." Atem sat down on the bed and watched as Tenionia played with Akaan.
"Yes?" She looked up and Atem shifted.
"May I ask you a personal question?"
"Of course." Atem looked down at his feet.
"I am curious to know who the father is." Tenionia froze and pursed her lip. She knew exactly who the father of Akaan was, but if she revealed who it was, she couldn't dream of what may happen.
"Tenionia? Are you alright?"
"Atem, the answer to that question may be something you wouldn't like." She said with her head bowed in shame. Atem placed a hand on her shoulder.
"I promise that I will try to keep an open mind." Tenionia gave him a look and Atem squeezed her shoulder gently.
"I give you my word." She beckoned him closer and whispered the name of the father in his ear. Atem's eyes widened and he looked at her with bewilderment.
"Honest to the gods?" She nodded and he stood and started to pace around the room, running his fingers though his hair.
"Atem, please." She meekly said.
"I can't believe that HE is the father." Atem said angrily and Tenionia flinched. She turned away and let her hair hide her face. Atem regained control of his anger and sighed.
"Tenionia, if this comes out, harm will surely befall you two."
"I know." She looked up and locked eyes with him. "That's why I delayed revealing to the court what was happening." Atem sat back down on the bed and touched her hand.
"You could have told me and I would have kept it a secret." Tenionia shook her head.
"Something as large as that would be difficult to keep a secret, Atem. Sooner or later the others would have taken notice. Not revealing who the father is would be a secret that would have been easier hidden."
"I suppose." The two royals sat in silence for a moment, when Atem broke it.
"What will you do? If the court finds out who sired Akaan, you both will be killed." Tenionia sighed.
"Not to mention, you will be forced out of the court."
"Losing my place in the court is something I can deal with, but killing my child... HIS child is something I could not bare." The both looked down on the small life that was in Tenionia's arms.
"If anything, I'm more worried about Seto and Akhenaden. They will be the ones that will feel no mercy."
"Like father, like son." Atem muttered. He sighed.
"Look Tenionia, when you come here, I promised I would protect you. I intend to hold that promise."
"But Atem-" He placed a finger on her lips to silence her.
"Don't worry, when I was a prince, I discovered some things when I explored." He winked and she chuckled.
"Look, Akaan and you aren't safe here anymore. You two need to escape and find him."
"Atem, I'm still weak from labor. If I try to escape now, I will surely die." Atem frowned.
"Alright, rest for a week or so, then during the night, I will help you and Akaan escape the city and after that, you will have to look for him on your own." Tenionia shook her head and Atem frowned.
"No, I will raise him as a royal. I want to keep him safe and I believe he will be the safest here. I can deal with Akhenaden and Seto on my own." Atem sighed. He knew that there wasn't much point trying to get Tenionia to change her mind. She had stubbornness to rival a mule.
"Fine, The others will help you raise him, myself included." Tenionia smiled.
"Thank you, Atem. You promise to keep the identity of his father a secret." Atem took her small hand into his.
"I will, Tenionia. I give you my word." She smiled and kissed his cheek.
"Thank you."
Me: Hellos! Welcome to my new story. I hope you liked it!
E: She was really bored.
Me: Heh, I was. To be honest, I wanted to write another story with Tenionia and Bakura and I was listening to You'll be in my heart by Celtic woman and this idea popped into my mind.
Bakura: I don't know if I will like this.
Me: Aw, don't worry Fluffy, I'll be nice. Maybe.
Bakura: Yea, Maybe.
Me: Anyways, this is in dedication to Blood Thristy Angle, who had been so awesome the last little while. :) I hope you like it! TTFN!