(A/N: Hey guys! I'm back with a full story for my former one-shot! Well, kind of. This chapter is just to let you know that I'm alive (even after the AP tests), and that I will be continuing this story. I know this is really short, and maybe too hurried, but I wanted to get a chapter out quickly. The next chapters are most likely going to be a lot longer! I hope you enjoy!)

Disclaimer: I do not own "Spirited Away"

Under the Stars

Chapter two: Haku

May 9th, 2013 (5 days after chapter 1)

"Mom! I'm home!" Chihiro yelled, flinging her backpack across the living room. "And I'm going out!"

"HEY! Where do you think you're going?" Her mom yelled back from her room upstairs. There was a loud ruckus upstairs as Chihiro heard her mom hurry out of her bed. "You do you homework first, Chih-"

"I'll be back before nine!" Chihiro replied, quickly hopping outside and closing the door. Before her mom could reach her, she rushed to Itsuki's worn-out car and clambered inside.


"I-Is your mom okay with..."


Itsuki pressed the pedal hard. His car, which was basically made from scrap metal from the 90s, screeched loudly as it sped down Chihiro's neighborhood. Chihiro rolled down her window and let the summer wind rush through her hair, breathing out in satisfaction. This is what she lived for. The moment of excitement that came when she sped through the town with her boyfriend-she could give up anything for this moment.

"Uh oh, your mom's angry. She's giving me the finger..." Itsuki muttered, as he checked the rear mirror.

Chihiro groaned. "I don't care, Itsuki. She'll just yell at me for ten minutes or so when I get back. For now, let's enjoy this moment." Seriously. Itsuki was hot and all that, but sometimes he could be too naive. Her boyfriend laughed at her remark.

"Okay, princess. Anything you say, anything you want. Where do you want to go today?"

Chihiro pretended to think. "Hmm," she said, stroking her chin like her great-grandfather used to do when she was younger. "How about we go to the beach?" Chihiro loved the beach-possibly just as much as she loved Itsuki. She had so many memories on the beach, especially because Itsuki always went with her. And she loved seeing the glittering blue waters kiss the sky in the distance, making a faint line of the horizon. Sky meeting earth. Like Haku's flying dragon form coinciding with his body...

Chihiro stopped herself. She was still thinking about that boy? That little promise-breaker? Sighing, she slowly shook her head.

"What's wrong?" Itsuki asked, eyeing her warily. "You suddenly seemed to grow sad..."

"It's nothing," Chihiro replied, flashing her boyfriend a smile. Itsuki looked at her with concerned eyes for a second more before he broke out into a grin.

"Well, I guess Chihiro has her moments sometimes. Aha! We're here!" cried Itsuki, pulling into a parking lot. This was the most remote part of the beach, and hardly anyone came here-a reason why there was only one other car in the entire parking lot. And that car was about to leave.

"Yay! We get the beach all to ourselves!" Chihiro shouted happily.

"Don't we always?" Itsuki smiled. "You're so forgetful, Chih-"


Chihiro opened her eyes. What's happening? She thought, as she looked around. Her view was obstructed by a slight blur, and small black dots seemed to appear and disappear repeatedly.

"What are you doing?" Someone cried outside. Soon after, Chihiro saw the face of a young man poke his face through a shattered window. His eyes widened for a moment, but he seemed to be calm. "Are you alright?" He asked Chihiro, who simply nodded in return.

Somehow, the boy seemed familiar. He had slight bluish hair that extended all the way to the middle of his neck on his back, which was cut at mid-forehead on the front. His eyes were also the color of water, and he had a slight angular structure to his face that made him seem...quite handsome.

Speaking of handsome...Itsuki! Chihiro thought, immediately turning around. Something seared on her right shoulder and her stomach, though, and Chihiro was forced to collapse.

"W-wait! Don't do anything! Keep still!" The strange boy cried, placing a hand softly on Chihiro's right shoulder. Pain knifed through Chihiro, and more black dots appeared in her vision. What's he doing...

"Heal!" The boy shouted. A blue light pulsed from his hand into her shoulder. For a split second, Chihiro felt excruciating pain, and her arm felt like it was being torn into pieces of paper. Then, something clicked inside of her shoulder, and all the pain dissipated.

The boy put his other hand on her stomach, and repeated the same word. In less than a second, Chihiro felt unbearable pain and soothing relief.

Black dots disappeared from her vision as her eyes cleared up. Chihiro looked at her shoulder. Her shirt was stained red, but it didn't hurt at all.

"You're all healed," the boy sighed. His gaze flickered to Itsuki. "Take care of him while I...take care of them."

The boy whipped around. In the distance, Chihiro could see two silhouettes against the sun, both with large swords drawn. The boy hesitated for a moment before taking out a sword himself, which was a slim, curved katana.

"Chi...Chihiro..." A moan sounded from behind her. Chihiro gasped and turned around to face Itsuki. A line of blood dripped down his chin from his head, and there was a rapidly growing red stain on his chest.

"Itsuki!" she cried, not knowing what to do. Her boyfriend smiled sheepishly.

"You seem fine...thank goodness," He whispered, and closed his eyes.

"ITSUKI!" Chihiro shouted, gripping the boy by his arms and shaking him. "Don't die, Itsuki!"

Itsuki bolted awake, face distorted in pain. "That...that hurts, Chihiro..."

"Oh, s-sorry!" letting go of Itsuki, Chihiro hung her head. She overreacted, as usual.

CLANG! A sound rang through the street. Chihiro and Itsuki both looked outside.

"Don't be foolish! Leave the humans alone!" The strange boy shouted, readying his sword. "What have they done to you?"

"What have humans done to us? WHAT HAVE HUMANS DONE TO US?!" A gruff voice scoffed. "Why, they've destroyed the entire earth!"

"Move aside, Kohaku! It is our right to do this!" This was a shrill woman's voice. Chihiro's eyes widened. Kohaku. Did she say "Kohaku"?

"I will not let you hurt these humans. Fight me if you want, but I warn you, a river spirit's power if much more powerful than the power of you toads!"

R-River spirit...

One of the shadows, which was revealed to be a human-like toad, spat at Haku's feet. "River spirit my ass!" he said, in his gruff voice. "Terupe will not be happy to hear about this! You plan to face him, too?"

"N-no..." Haku stuttered, looking down at his feet.

The second toad spoke up. "HA!" she yelled gleefully. "You don't stand a chance against Terupe!"

Haku glared at the toads. "Leave." He demanded, raising his sword. "Or face death."

The toads growled, and readied their swords. "If you think we'll give up that easily to a single spirit, you're dead wrong, Kohaku," said the male toad.

Without hesitation, the toads ran toward Haku, Haku stood still in a ready position until the toads got close enough. Sidestepping a diagonal uppercut by the male toad, he deflected the female toad's sword with the side of his blade. Before any of the toads could react, he spun around stabbed the male toad in his stomach.

"AHHHH!" The male toad screamed, clutching his stomach. Haku immediately drew his blade and parried the female toad's strike, dealing a fatal downward slash.

In an instant, the female toad's image fizzed before dissipating completely into the air. The male toad soon followed after Haku as he dealt more damage to him.

A breeze blew through the now silent parking lot. Haku turned around to face Chihiro, who was watching him in shock. Sheathing his shining, bloodless blade, Haku walked over to her.

"H...H...Haku...?" Chihiro breathed.

"Haku?" Itsuki exclaimed, in ragged breaths.

Well, that was quick! Still, this chapter kind of sets up the conflict that will be explained later on. Anyway, WHAT WILL CHIHIRO DO NOW THAT HAKU'S BACK?! Stay tuned!

Oh, and please review! I hope you didn't mind the action, even though there weren't really any "fight" scenes in Spirited Away. Many things will be explained later!