A/N: Hello everyone. I am sorry it has been such a long time. But I am back with an update! We are quickly coming up on the ending. Just a few more chapters. Thank you all for reading. I want to say thank you to my amazing bf who really pushed me to get back to writing again and made me happy enough to do so. Thank you.


"This is ridiculous. Grow up!" Draco snatched the half-empty whiskey glass out of his fathers' hand and threw it against the wall. He didn't stop and look at the aftermath. The shattering of the glass was enough for him. His fathers' eyes, however, remained unchanged and glassy, with no thought toward the violent action that even shocked Draco. "Are you listening to me?"

"Go." Lucius' voice was tired. Everyday seemed to be getting worse and worse and all he wanted was to be alone.

"Did you not hear a word I said?" Draco yelled at his father. Immediately after realizing Fred had taken Lacey out on a date, he went to the Manor. Lucius had moved back in from Paris and was now drowning his sorrows in England instead of France.

"I saw your mother today. She looks well." Lucius groaned as he got up from his favorite leather chair and started looking for a new glass. He needed to occupy his hands with something.

"So you are just going to give up and sit in your study and drink yourself to death?"

"Well, when you put it that way it sounds like a perfectly good option." Lucius pulled a crystal tumbler out from a drawer by the wet bar where he kept his best spirits. "I am a single man. No ties. You don't need me to look after you anymore."

"You are a bloody coward." Draco said through gritted teeth. "You cannot let this happen. It is hard enough for me to watch. You are miserable and she's living in this false sense of security. She's being taken advantage of."

"Sounds to me as if she is perfectly happy," Lucius pushed past his son in order to pour himself some more whiskey, "Dating a Weasley? Why, that should mend Molly's heart. What with Ginevra tying herself to the mutt. All seems well to me, Draco."

Draco could hear the biting sarcasm in his fathers' voice as well as hint of sadness when he mentioned Ginny and Sirius. Just because Lacey's memories were gone didn't mean that everyone else's' had faded as well.

"Whether you think you will or not, I know you. You will torture yourself watching her and him sooner or later. You spent all that time in Paris obsessively tracking down Pansy and succeeding. For her. For justice. Why let her go now?"

"It's easier. You'll understand one day." Lucius looked at his son and then took a long drink from his new glass. He heard Draco slam the door but didn't seem him leave. His vision only consisted of a narrow circle right in front of him now and he spent the rest of the evening thinking about the love of his life smiling and laughing with someone else. When Pansy had tried to cut him with that information, he hadn't believed her. He had been so naïve.


"I'm nervous." Lacey looked up at Fred who smiled down at her and squeezed her hand. The Burrow was filled to the brim with friends and family, all gathered there by Sirius for his planned proposal to Ginny.

"I truthfully never thought I'd be watching this. It's a bit hard to see my little sister get proposed to…but at least Mum and Dad seem to have come around." He replied to her and Lacey looked around at the mix of people waiting for her best friend to arrive home from an errand she was sent on with Ron. Remus was standing just to her left, with his new fiancée, Narcissa, who was creeping Lacey out by constantly looking over at her as if trying to decipher the expression on her face. Then there was Harry, who was giving Sirius a very loud pep talk. All of the other Weasley's were there and many of her and Ginny's former Harpies teammates. Luna and Hermione were looking out the window expectantly, ready to 'shush' everyone upon Ginny's arrival.

It seemed like a weird dream to Lacey, as if something was missing. She was on a leave from Puddlemere for another month so as not to risk any subsequent head injuries, which had given her plenty of time to think. And the more she thought, the more she sometimes wished she was still in St. Mungo's. The more time she spent with her friends, the more they seemed like facsimiles of the people she used to know. They were nice to her, of course, but they went out of their way to avoid certain conversations whenever she asked in detail about the last two years. They spoke about what happened to them, but never to her.

She wanted to wake up from this half-life, where things were happening so fast. Two engagements in the course of one weekend. She could barely wrap her head around Remus and Narcissa, but had gone along with it and truly wished them well. She had even tried to get Hermione alone to talk about it, wondering why she wasn't crying her eyes out. The curly-haired girl only gave Lacey a polite pat on her shoulder and told her she was absolutely fine.

Either someone had taken over Hermione's body, or something had happened that they were all keeping from her.

And Sirius and Ginny. Her best friend was now in this relationship, seconds away from getting engaged, and she felt heartbroken that she had missed out on it. Ginny had been mum on how the relationship had formed and Lacey so desperately wanted to shake everyone around her and tell them to act normal. Why wasn't Molly cursing Sirius to high heaven? And how was Harry okay with this, despite what a massive prick he was to Ginny?

The other thing that Lacey couldn't shake from her mind was why Lucius Malfoy was in her hospital room, looking as if he'd seen a ghost. Not even Ginny wanted to talk about that. How was he a part of her life? It seemed like more than a coincidence that she had suddenly gained Draco as a friend and Narcissa was now going to marry her former professor.

Lucius had grabbed her hand like he knew her well. Like he cared about her. She needed to know the truth, but every time she searched her mind she just kept drawing a blank.

"What is this?" Ginny walked tentatively through the front door of the Burrow with Ron behind her, smiling to himself that he hadn't messed up his one job and Lacey instantly forgot about her worries as she looked at the smirk creeping up her best friends' face. She knew.

"We tried this once before…sort of…" Sirius stepped forward. He was anything but his normal charismatic self now and Lacey could tell his hands were shaking as he held the black box in his palms, "But we both agreed it was best to have our favorite people around us."

Harry put a supportive hand on his Godfathers' back and pushed him forward towards Ginny, who was now right in front of Sirius, trying to hold back tears.

"Gin, I know this is a little crazy. I told myself a million times over I would never do this and hell, James is probably laughing his arse off right now, but I'm in love with you. I know we are a bit of an unlikely pair, but I wouldn't want it any other way. Will you do this with me, Ginny? Will you live this life with me as my wife?"

Sirius sunk down on bended knee and Ginny lost it, covering her bright red face with her small hands and crying through her fingertips. Sirius took her left hand, nearly prying it away from her face as she laughed and the rest of the house did as well. He slipped the large diamond on her finger and waited for the answer, although no one doubted what it would be.

"You're crazy, Sirius. Of course! I love you!" He met her halfway in a passionate kiss and everyone in the Burrow clapped, cried, and whooped for them. Lacey clutched onto Fred's arm. She was so happy but she suddenly felt a pang in her heart. She chased the tiny ghost of a memory around in her head but couldn't catch it. Something was nagging at her, but she tried her best to forget it as the Weasley boys started popping open bottles of champagne and she resolved to enjoy the rest of the night.


"She drunkenly asked me about it ten times." Ginny groaned, referencing Lacey's late night questions about her memory loss, and buttered another slice of toast before taking a bite of it. She noted that Hermione looked ten times worse off than she, having drunk so much at her post-engagement party that she was surprised she wasn't still green.

"I've talked to my father about it. I told him about Fred, but I feel like he's beyond help." Draco sighed as he pushed around his brunch. It was comical to him how hungover Hermione and Ginny were and how ravenously they were digging into the free brunch he promised them in exchange for this conversation. Ginny still wanted to be in bed with her fiancé, but she did agree that this lying to Lacey was getting out of hand.

"Ron and Harry don't even want to broach it with me. Ron just mumbled something about being 'scarred for life' knowing that Lacey was with your father. I know it's odd, but I can see she's really struggling. We've all been avoiding her." Hermione interjected and ignored Draco's scoff when she said the word 'odd'.

"You barely spoke to her before, why do you care now?" Ginny was honestly surprised that Hermione had even taken up Draco on this offer.

"I don't think its fair that everything worked out in this ridiculous deal you came up with for everyone but her and Lucius. From my standpoint I see two happy couples and two people that are completely miserable." Hermione said.

"Lacey isn't miserable…" Ginny offered, but once the words were out of her mouth it seemed like a pathetic excuse. She just didn't have a solution.

"She certainly didn't deserve what Pansy and Astoria put her through, which caused this whole memory loss in the first place. We don't have years to wait around and see if she remembers everything. My father will have offed himself by then." Draco didn't even want to think about it and pointedly looked at Ginny.

"I've tried my best to keep her from sleeping with my brother. She seems hesitant about it but it'll happen eventually." Ginny sighed and took a long sip of her mimosa. At least more alcohol was helping quell her hangover, albeit only slightly. "Honestly, I just want to see her and Lucius back together. She's not the same. She may be missing two years of memories but she's smart. She knows we are keeping something from her and she's only going to keep asking."

"What about the Hogwarts Ball?" Hermione perked up, her eyes now bright and scheming. It reminded Ginny of when she used to burst into the common room from the library, having figured something monumental out.

"What about it Granger? He's not going to go." Draco sighed. He knew his mother had tried to coax him into it, but it was appearing as if he only wanted to stay in his study forever.

"Make him. And I'm sure Fred asked Lacey to be his date, so she'll be there. And we will as well."

"They first met at the Ministry Ball…" Ginny nodded, smiling. Maybe Hermione's plan wasn't that crazy after all. "Maybe if they are in the same room again, under the same circumstances, she might remember."

"Then I'll make sure he's there. Even if I have to drag him. We might as well give this one last shot." Draco nodded as he looked between the two girls. He owed it to his father and Lacey to try everything he could.

A/N: Thanks for reading!