So I've decided I really enjoyed writing "Miss America" because I got to deal with the House of Anubis characters (two of the harder to write, in my opinion- in a different light: no school, no mystery, just sort of life, you know?

My proposal? I write a story post graduation. I'll be using what I like to call "full cast" because I honestly HATE that Nina, Amber, and soon to be Mara (even Mick, really) have left the show.

So, this chapter will be experimental I suppose. It's graduation. Depending on the response from you guys, I'll continue... so, let's have it. Be brutally honest. Do you love it? Hate it? Wish I'd just get in a box and die (okay, let's not be that honest...)?


PS: I'm not going to tell you today what couples I'm supporting through this story. I am going to let the creative license of this story flow and figure it out as I go. Sometimes the characters call for one thing or another as many writers know.

May 7: Graduation

Early morning light streamed through the windows of the House of Anubis and the excited teenagers began to move about, taking showers, getting dressed, grabbing their last pastry made by the one and Trudy. They all carried themselves with a sad sort of excitement though, one ridden with nostalgia for the school for which they'd lived and attended for so long and the friends they could only pray to carry with them all of their lives.

"Amber, other people have to use the bathroom!" Patricia called from the other side of the door in her pajamas, hair pulled into a sagging ponytail.

"I'm moisturizing!" Amber yelled back, but opened the door anyway, stepping out in a gray t-shirt with her pink polka dotted bathroom bag. She flashed a smile at Patricia before walking off into her room.

Nina was sitting on her bed, running a brush through her long, brown waves. "Patricia?" She asked, smiling at Amber's face still covered with the white muck hell bent on cleansing the blonde's pores.

She nodded, sitting in front of the mirror to tend to her wet hair. "Yes, she apparently didn't shower last night like you."

Nina laughed, standing to look into her closet. "All the smart girls did." Nina half joked, because it was common knowledge that Amber's bathroom time on a normal day was forty-five minutes at least. This was graduation, most of the Anubis Girls got their showers done last night for that very reason.

"My alarm didn't go off, thank you very much." Patricia announced as she slipped into the room through the open door to grab her shampoo. "I was going to beat Barbie to it." With that, the red hair sauntered back into the hall where she nearly ran into Mara, already decked out in her maroon robe, though it was open, revealing Mara's simple blue blouse and black pants. "Ready already, Mara?" Patricia asked, although it wasn't surprising. Mara had her life for the next six years planned out.

Mara smiled, nodding. "Course I am."

"I would be too, but Amber beat me to the bathroom." Patricia answered with a laugh, gesturing to the still steamy room just to their left.

Mara nodded. "Ah, I took my shower last night."

"I know, I know." Patricia answered before sliding into the room with a smirk.

Mara laughed, walking down the stairs to sit in the living room with her bags that she'd deposited there when she had breakfast. She pulled her laptop case off of the pile and pulled it out, logging on to look at the Oxford website to peruse it at her leisure (something she'd been doing for the past three months). Just as she was reading an in depth article written about the head of the English department, she heard laughter coming from the kitchen.

"Jerome, don't be silly." Joy was saying as they walked into the room, arm in arm, both still in their pajamas. Joy's hair was pulled into a messy bun at the side of her head and Jerome's hair was tousled with sleep, but they both glowed with a sort of adoration that made Mara's stomach burn wantonly.

She couldn't worry about boys now though. After today, the boys that lived in this house would be far away. They'd all be on different paths, only intertwining at class reunions and that was sad, yes, but at the same time Mara knew today was the beginning of the rest of her life. So, she pushed down the feelings and smiled at them. "Going to get ready, lover birds?" She asked with a playful wink, flipping her fingers through her black hair.

Jerome looked down at himself, a slow grin slipping onto his pale lips. "I thought I looked just smashing for graduation. Just put on the robe and go, yeah?" He was obviously joking and Mara let herself laugh at his joke, nodding.

Joy smacked his arm playfully. "Go get dressed, Jerome." She told him before pecking his lips playfully. "Go."

He chuckled, kissing her again quickly. "Yes, mom." He said before going along his way, toward the stairs.

Joy grinned, plopping on the couch beside me and adjusting the glasses she'd put on that morning before heading to the kitchen. "Morning." She said dreamily and Mara laughed, half way amused by her dazed smile.

"You seem happy." Mara observed, closing her laptop and putting it away all the while watching her friend's face.

She nodded, standing up and rubbing her arms thoughtfully. "I am."

Meanwhile, Jerome was strolling into his bedroom where Mick was pulling on a gray button up shirt. "Alfie still downstairs?" He asked, lifting his eyes from the bottons to flash a toothy smile at Jerome.

"He's pigging out on Trudy's cooking for the last time. I doubt we'll see him for a while." Jerome replied, pulling his pajama top off and grabbing a white button down to put on.

"We have to be at the school in thirty minutes..when's he going to get dressed?"

Jerome chuckled. "Apparently he woke up early and got dressed. He's in his cap and gown right now."

"Alfie's eating in his robe?" Fabian asked, appearing in the doorway with a lifted eyebrow.

Jerome nodded. "He's more than eating." He began, grinning a bit. "Like Eddie would say, he's 'smashing.'"

Fabian laughed. "Oh, Alfie." He murmured, going on his way back into his room where Eddie was packing his bags in a pair of black pants and a black button down shirt paired with a maroon tie.

"You ready for this, man?" Eddie asked Fabian who just smiled, picking up his bags with a nod.

"Yeah, believe it or not, I am." Fabian answered, smiling.

Eddie nodded, grabbing his suit cases with a chuckle. "What do you and Nina have planned for the summer?"

Fabian smiled, sitting down at the desk and looking around at the empty walls. "Well tonight she's staying with my family and we're going to stay around my town for a little bit. Then around the end of June we'll fly to America and I'll meet her family. Then we'll start school in September."

Eddie chuckled. "Sounds like a wild ride."

Fabian smirked. "Well, what do you and Patricia have up your sleeves?"

"Point taken." Eddie declaired, smirking right back.

Fabian laughed, standing. "I'll see you downstairs, Ed."

The house was deadly calm and quiet as the ten kids stood in their maroon caps and gowns in the entryway. Nina and Fabian, Jerome and Joy, Amber and Alfie, and Eddie and Patricia were all holding hands in the silence. Mara even leaned her head over to rest it against Mick's shoulder for a moment. "I'm really going to miss this place." Mara's voice was barely audible.

Mick nodded. "Yeah, I know." After a moment, they slipped outside, now holding hands, probably for no reason but the nostalgia of the day.

Joy smiled, squeezing Jerome's hand. "Come on, let's go." She announced and the hope in her face was apparent even beyond the sadness as they slipped through the front doors.

Then stood Sibuna.

"It's ten o'clock," Patricia began, looking over at Eddie with a little smile.

He grinned, nodding. "In five minutes-"

"I want to be able to hear a-" Alfie continued, but was interrupted.

"Pen drop." They all echoed in unison before bursting into a fit of laughter.

They laughed until they began to cry and hugged each other before taking a long breath and raising their hand over their eyes.


It won't always be third person, but this chapter was fitting for third I think :)

okay, so when I said "full cast" I lied..because I now realize I don't like KT and Willow enough to fit them in... sorry
