Next chapter of Seville Rules!

Rule No. 65: Alvin's untidy room is a good thing.

Brittany: Alvin, why is your room so messy all the time?

Alvin: Because. If somebody tried to kill me, they'd trip over my stuff and I'd have enough time to grab my baseball bat, whack 'em and run away.

Brittany: You have such a weird imagination.

Rule No. 66: Nothing's lost until Jeanette can't find it.

Brittany: I don't get it. My makeup is lost somehow and Jeanette's the most organized chipmunk I know!

Alvin: Here's an idea. Ask someone who's NOT a chipmunk!

Rule No. 67: When Brittany and Blaise are having their girl talks, best not listen.

Blaise: Hey Britt, did you see those cool high heels I texted you? Did ya? Did ya? Did ya?

Brittany: Totally! I thought I was gonna faint! I need those in my life!

Blaise: Do you think if I had those heels that I'd get a boyfriend easier?

Brittany: ... Maybe.

Rule No. 68: Brittany's comebacks don't need work. They need control.

Alvin: You've got your tail in a twist again.

Brittany: Your brothers made a mess of my room looking for something they left in there!

Alvin: Seriously manage your anger, Britt.

Brittany: I wouldn't have to manage my anger if people would manage their stupidity.

Rule No. 69: Spinny chairs take away your maturity. Really.

Theodore: Whoa, look at that!

Brittany: It's a spinny chair.

Simon: Revolving chair.

Brittany: Whatever.

Theodore: *hops on the chair, giggling* Wheeeee!

Rule No. 70: Whenever Brittany says 'I don't have a crush on anyone', she's lying. LYING!

Jeanette: Brittany, truth or dare?

Brittany: Truth.

Jeanette: Do you have a serious crush on anybody?

Brittany: I don't have a serious crush on anyone.

Jeanette: Oh please, you do!

Brittany: No! I don't!

Jeanette: Then why are you dating Alvin?

Brittany: Don't force me to admit anything!

Rule No. 71: Why did God create men first? Brittany has an interesting theory.

Brittany: Because. He needed a rough draft before a masterpiece. *flips her hair and marches away*

Rule No. 72: Eleanor can't swear. She just can't.

Eleanor: You're such a poopy-pants!

Alvin: That's not even a swear word.

Eleanor: I don't care, meanie head!

Rule No. 73: Brittany isn't dressing up for anyone but Alvin. That's that.

Brittany: Baby bear, which dress looks better? *holds up two pink dresses*

Alvin: They look the same.

Brittany: Alvin! One is shorter and one has a darker pink color!

Alvin: Well, excuseeeee me!

Brittany: I'll just dress up then.

Alvin: Yay!

Rule No. 74: Blaise needs a boyfriend badly!

Blaise: You know what's sad?

Brittany: This watermelon lip gloss I'm wearing? Honestly, I shouldn't have bought it.

Blaise: Not that! My phone battery lasts longer than my relationships with guys nowadays.

Brittany: ...

Rule No. 75: Theodore eats bubbles. Nobody knows why.

Theodore: Yum!

Brittany: That's laundry detergent.

Theodore: And?

Rule No. 76: We all have one really perverted friend. Even Jeanette does.

Keira: So, where's your hottie brother, Alvin?

Jeanette: Oh, he's not my brother. He's my boyfriend's brother.

Keira: Oh. Well, where is he?

Jeanette: With Brittany.

Keira: Where? Doing what?

Jeanette: *raises her eyebrows* Upstairs.

Keira: *giggles evilly* Really? They're... you know... *giggles*

Jeanette: I bet you 10 to 1 that they're not doing that!

Rule No. 77: Brittany is horrified of spiders. (Hee hee, just like Ron Weasley! Ahhhhh, Ronnn...)

Brittany: AWK! SPIDER!

Alvin: Where?

Brittany: I-I just saw it right.. right there! *points under her bed*

Alvin: It's on the wall.

Brittany: EEEK!

Alvin: Now it's... gone. That's one weird spider.

Brittany: SPIDER!

Rule No. 78: You never escape your childhood. Simon learned that.

Simon: Go! Go! Go!

Jeanette: What are you doing, Simon?

Simon: See, it's raining outside. There's two raindrops on the window that I'm watching to see who wins the race.

Jeanette: Have fun! *hurries away*

Simon: Go Raindrop Number 1! Go! Raindrop Number 2, you call that running?

Rule No. 79: Brittany knows what "the look" is. Whenever Blaise sees a cute guy, she does "the look" as if Brittany knows what she's thinking.

(A/N: Alvin's at the house and Brittany's with Blaise at the mall)

Brittany: Well, gotta call Alvin.

Blaise: This mall is so huge! It's a miracle they have so many Apple stores, right?

Brittany: Yeah I know. *presses 1, which is the speed dial for Alvin's cell-phone* Hey, Alvie!

Alvin: Hey princess, whatcha doing?

Brittany: Just came out of Victoria's Secret. Blaise and I are going to go upgrade her iPhone to the new model. She's had some issues with her phone again. You?

Alvin: Not much. Simon and Theodore are going on dates with your sisters.

Brittany: Yep, unlike a little someone I know that never asks.

Alvin: Sorry. When you come home, I'll make it up to you.

Brittany: Oh I know you will, sweetheart.

Alvin: Yeahhh...

Brittany: Anyway, sweetie, I just wanted to tell you something... something really really serious...

Blaise: HEY BRITT! Look at that hottie there! *points to a redhead guy*

Brittany: Oh Blaise, really? Alvin just hung up! Ugh, what the heck do you want?

Blaise: Look! *does "the look" at her* Time for flirting!

Brittany: Go ahead. I'll just upgrade your phone without you.

Rule No. 80: A jealous Brittany can close a case before the FBI.

Brittany: Hey baby, I'm really needing some.. *gasps* Keira! Alvin!

Alvin: *pushes Keira away* See, told ya!

Keira: Awww. It was fun while it lasted.

Brittany: Grrrrrrr!

Rule No. 81: You think you have separation issues? Try separating Jeanette from her bed on a Monday morning.

Simon: Jeanie, time to get up, dear.

Jeanette: *grunts*

Simon: Up and addem!

Jeanette: Nooo...

Rule No. 82: When an old person cracks a lame joke, (which is usually all the time) fake laughs come right away.

Jeanette: The elderly need people to play Monopoly with. They're quite good.

Brittany: Ugh! Old, gross, yucky people who don't know anything about fashion!

Jeanette: They're very wise and one can predict the future.

Brittany: Oh shut up, that's so not true.

Jeanette: You'll enjoy this trip.

Eleanor: Trust me, neither of us will.

Jeanette: *walks into the retirement home with Brittany and Eleanor* Here it is. *sits next to Brittany and Eleanor on the couch in the living room full of elderly people*

Brittany: Ew.

Jeanette: Isn't this great?

Brittany: Noooo!

Eleanor: This is just unfair. Why'd we have to come?

Jeanette: To play Monopoly. Hello, Bessie.

( A/N: Bessie is an old lady person from the cartoon episodes. So is Matilda, by the way. )

Bessie: Eee. Eee. H-hello, dearie. Who're these deariesuckles? *pinches Brittany's cheeks*

Brittany: Ugh! Oww!

Jeanette: Oh, hello, Matilda!

Matilda: Ahh! Humbug, Jeanette, you've returned! Come ta beat me again in Monopoly, eh?

Jeanette: Oh last time, you won. *smiles*

Matilda: Who're the ugly fuzzbuckets with ya? *looks from Eleanor to Brittany*

Eleanor: Huh?


Jeanette: Brittany, they're fragile. Don't hurt them!


Jeanette: Calm down now, Britt. Soon enough, you'll be with your revolting boyfriend making out.

Brittany: *sighs dreamily* Yeah.

Matilda: I do not like those two. Especially her. *points to Brittany*

Brittany: Live with it, granny.

Jeanette: Ugh.

Matilda: That girl's as lanky and stubborn as a haystack in a pile of horses.

Jeanette and Matilda: *laughs like crazy*

Brittany: Heh. Heh.. *starts fake laughing, frowning* Yeah, real funny. If that made sense.

Rule No. 83: Ryan, this is totally true. You have no brains. You roll your eyes too much. You're rude.

Brittany: Keep rolling your eyes, Ryan. You might find a brain back there.

Rule No. 84: Alvin, stop doing bad things. Dave finds out.


Brittany: What did you do this time?

Alvin: I really don't remember.

Rule No. 85: Eleanor. Soccer isn't everything.

Eleanor: Need to find my soccer gear!

Alvin: Dave's cleaning it.

Eleanor: Nooo! I need it!

Alvin: You need soccer gear? All you need is two nets, some players and a soccer ball.

Rule No. 86: Simon's mind. Shut up. Just leave him alone. He needs SLEEP! And stop dreaming!

Simon: Brittany.. *shakes Brittany* I can't sleep!

Brittany: It's nearly midnight... *yawns* Why can't you sleep?

Simon: My mind won't shut up. I can't sleep when I'm thinking about factoids and scientific priorities!

Brittany: *grabs Simon and kisses him passionately. After three minutes, she pulls out* There.

Simon: Oh my God, wow.

Brittany: Now you go to sleep, my sexy little Simon.

Simon: *grins sheepishly*


Simon: Wha- what? *wakes up, groggily*

Brittany: Si, wake up! You're awake. Good.

Simon: I- I was having.. a-a wonderful... amazing... perfect dream.

Brittany: Who cares? Oh yeah, only you. So, wake up. Dave's been waiting. Time for school! *leaves the room*

Simon: *Groans* It was.. only a per-perfect dream... *sighs*

Rule No. 87: Alvin, no more locking your bedroom door. We all know what you're doing in there.


Alvin: Coming. *goes downstairs and gasps* Britt?

Dave: You and she are both in trouble. I know what you do every Sunday night.

Alvin: Huh? Ohh. Oh, you do know.

Dave: Yep. And I'm very mad at you. And Brittany.

Brittany: Heh heh. Yeah I know...

Dave: Your brothers were very concerned and told me about their suspicions and it just so seems that they're most likely right. You and Brittany have been love-making again, right?

Alvin: NO! I... I mean, yeah.

Dave: Alvin.

Alvin: I know! Grounded again.

Rule No. 88: Keep Blaise away from Keira. They hate eachother.

Blaise: I'm so happy you invited me over for a sleepover!

Brittany: I had to beg Dave. See, he grounded me and Alvin for our little sex affairs on Sundays...

Blaise: Oh. Wait, you do that every Sunday?

Brittany: Well, do you see me getting pregnant any time soon?

Blaise: *snorts* Nope.

Brittany: Oh, darn. Jeanette invited Keira over! Damn it, I forgot...

Blaise: Grrr.

Rule No. 89: Seducing Brittany just doesn't work for other guys. For Alvin, it definitely does.

Ryan: Hey, georgues, maybe we should get going. We can go by my house, maybe get some ping ping action in my room? What do you say, beautiful?

Brittany: I say, in your freakin' dreams.

Ryan: WHAT?

Alvin: Ha ha! Come on, princess, let's ditch the weirdo.

Ryan: I'm more popular than you two are!

Alvin: Do you think we care?

Rule No. 90: The Chipettes have fantasies. Don't talk to them about it.

Jeanette: I had the dream again!

Eleanor: Me too! It was fantastic!

Jeanette: Of course, Brittany's lived the real thing.

Brittany: Hey don't be jealous! I'm just sexier than you two.

Rule No. 91: Flirting is just awkward around Dave.

Jeanette: Um, Dave, can you pass the salt?

Simon: I can do it! I'm closer. *passes the salt to Jeanette, winking*

Jeanette: *blushes* Thanks.

Rule No. 92: No more Men In Black! Dave got knocked out last time!

Theodore: That wasn't my fault!

Alvin: Kinda was.

Theodore: Um... again, sorry Dave.

Dave: Don't watch Men In Black ever again.

Rule No. 93: Alvin, you and your brothers need to up your relationships with your girlfriends! They're getting bored!

Simon: Jeanette's not really listening to my advice anymore, you know.

Alvin: That's not my fault, is it? I'm having issues too!

Theodore: You always have issues, don't you?

Alvin: *crosses his arms* Oh come on.

Simon: We need to work on this.

Alvin: We need flirting lessons.

Theodore: Well, don't choose Dave as a teacher!

Simon: Or Blaise.

Alvin: Or Keira.

Simon: Then we need to teach ourselves.

Rule No. 94: Texting your girlfriend a smiley face doesn't work, Theodore.

Theodore: Smiley! Smiley! Eleanor didn't respond to the smiley face!

Rule No. 95: Complimenting works. Don't ever overdo it. Jeanette knows when you're laying it on thick, guys.

Simon: Jeanette, could I please tell you something?

Jeanette: Excuse me, did you say a little something? Or is that Brittany asking for money?

Simon: It's Simon! Simon!

Jeanette: Sorry, I'm reading.

Simon: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.

Jeanette: *faint smiling* Yes.

Simon: You know, I've always been fond of the series actually.

Jeanette: You haven't. You like Twilight a lot more.

Simon: Well... so... too bad for that.

Rule No. 96: Seductive Facebook messages to the Chipettes. Dave has Facebook! He can see 'em!


Rule No. 97: No posting photos of your boyfriend with you on Instagram, Chipettes. Yes, Dave has Instagram too.

Brittany: Ahhhhh, he's so adorable. *gazes at the photo of Alvin she posted on Instagram*


Brittany: Ugh. Coming! *smiles one last time at her iPod screen and runs downstairs*

Rule No. 98: Dr. Pepper is the only pop you can drink on Movie Night. NOTHING ELSE!

Dave: Where's the Dr. Pepper, guys?

Alvin: In the fridge, duh.

Dave: Yes, I know that. *stands up and goes to get the Dr. Pepper*

Simon: Well... which movie are we watching tonight?


Alvin: There's 7 movies, isn't there?

Jeanette and Brittany: ALL SEVEN! ALL SEVEN! ALL SEVEN!

Well, I did a good job. I mean, for today. A plenty good job. And yes, I am referring to Harry Potter. Sorry! So sorry! You should be lucky I'm not referring to Ron Weasley! Ohhhhhhhh!

I met Rupert Grint (Ron) yesterday. He's in Orlando for this whole month that I'm there! I had heard he would be there with Daniel Radcliffe (Harry) and Emma Watson (Hermione) two months ago and I found out that he'd be there all of May and he was there a few days before May too.

So, now that I'm in Orlando, I sneak on my laptop at night and have my little fantasies in my mind about me and Rupert Grint. Ahhh. I have a bad little mind. I really do.

Anywho, tell me which rules were your faves!