This chapter is a bit intense, I really hope you enjoy it! I will try to post the next one soon!

Thank you for your reviews!

Chapter 18: Fight


Ursula looked through the window disappointed. It was raining slightly. She glanced at the man staring blankly at one of the plain walls of his modern minimalist studio.

"So little Henry's back in town." She walked towards the half-dressed blonde rocking her hips sensually. The man wasn't even blinking.

"I'm not sure."

"I can smell him, and rain." The Sea Witch growled, she hated rain, it made her gent back to her true mermaid form. "Phone your little puppy love, ask her." The handsome blonde took out from his pocket his small smartphone. "Be gentle." She smiled to him, caressing his jaw. "Use the handsfree."

"Victor? Weren't you supposed to be at surgery?" The man blinked not knowing what to say. Poor puppet.

Ursula leaned into the man's ear. "Tell her you didn't feel okay sweetheart."

"Ruby, I didn't feel okay."

"Ask her about the boy, you stupid scientist." Ursula clucked her tongue, that man had a gorgeous body but lame acting skills.

"Do you need me to take care of you?"

"I just wanted to know is Henry is okay, has he arrived?"

A low humming came from the other end of the call. "Yes, Snow just phoned they had just put on the protecting barrier on her loft… but why are you so…"

Ursula's blood was boiling, her eyes were going to poop out of their sockets. She hurled the man around the room yelling curses in different languages, her magic going wild and smashing the multiple glass items the man had at display.

Jones had betrayed her again. He had used the barrier again.

Her nose detected the tasty aroma of fresh blood, her whole body reacted as she spoon around. The white floor and walls were slightly stained with minuscule droplets of blood, the blonde's blood. Without ever realizing it she had thrown the stupid good-for-nothing doctor to the blood container. Now some blood bags were broken and he was covered in different types of blood, his own blood toping it.

She was really amazed, it was the most delicious dessert she had never seen. She began licking the blood toping his neck, letting her body soak in the sticky mess as she caressed him. There was so much blood that when she realized it she was in her true form, her tentacles curling around the bare gorgeous torso of the limp man. She gave a damn that he was unconscious.

The Sea Witch nearly forgot about the child whom blood she madly desired. The Sea Witch completely forgot about the call that was still active.

* * * * Long Time Ago in Neverland * * * *

Hook paced up and down his quarters, not that there was much space to pace, but he did it nevertheless. After the terrible fiasco that became his lame trying of murdering Ursula, Hook had send Mr. Smee to fetch some information from the fairies. He didn't like them, they didn't like him, but Hook was pretty sure someone so skittish and bootlicker as Mr. Smee would be more welcomed than him.

He wasn't nervous, he was annoyed. He had expended months crafting a master plan; they, using Tiger Lily, had lured Ursula out of her hiding place. Hideous witch. After a thought battle that had involved more magic than sword skill he had stabbed her. And she had struggled and thrown the trident away both in pain and anger. And to finish entangling his situation poor Tiger Lily lass nearly drowns. Luckily Pan had rescued her just in time, and he had retrieved the trident.

Hook's eyes followed the thuds path that Mr. Smee shoes made towards his quarters. He rolled his eyes at the weak knock in his door.

"Came in."

"Captain!" He sounded surprised of him being in his own quarters. "Oh, my, my, Captain you look nervous. Now, now, now, Captain, just relax. What you need is a shave, a nice soothing shave." Smee was talking so fast Hook sensed he was hiding something. "And the crew's getting' a might uneasy, Captain. That is, what's left of it. Hmm. Now why don't we put to sea, see? Leave NeverLand. Forget Peter Pan, the Sea Witch and the Crocodile."

"Tell me again Mr. Smee. Slower this time so me can catch it, savvy?" He was slowly circling him with long strides.

"Let's bring back the good old days when we was leading a healthy, normal life: scuttling ships, cutting throats. Oh, Captain, why don't we put to sea again?"

Hook lowered his voice into a whisper. "Had me asked about your current opinion about our stay in Neverland you doddering imbecile!" His voice grew louder until he was yelling. "Tell me about the trident and Ursula!"

"It's only a legend Captain." Mr. Smee put on his red beanie for eighty time.

"Tell me Mr. Smee!" Hook's voice was powerful enough to be heard in the whole ship.

The smaller man swallowed a lump in his throat and tried again. "The legend says that Captain Blackbeard found Triton's trident, he used it to… to threaten coastal cities. It gives the power to control the seas."

Hook shook his head. "Me already know that part. Go on Mr. Smee."

"The legend says also that his soul was so dark that no woman… was able to conceive Blackbeard's seed. So he made a deal with the Sea Witch, the trident in exchange of the purest of them all, a princess."

"Blimey! I already know that part Mr. Smee." Snared the captain. "Why me couldn't kill the witch?"

"I'm sorry Captain…. After… When the royal army caught Blackbeard's ship they interrogated him about the powerful trident. Blackbeard was tortured for three days, and he said only that the Sea Witch had the trident. After the third night they hung his head of the bowsprit and threw his body overboard. Legend has it that as the body was falling to the water his head shouted 'Come on Edward!'' and the body swim three times around the ship before sinking."

At these words he blinked twice and stopped pacing. So that was the reason his father had lost the Jolly Roger. They captured him, killed him, a pulse of rage bolt through him, not because his father's death, but because he hadn't been the one to produce it.

"By the foul bowels of Davy Jones, ye goat shank! How can me KILL the bloody witch?"

Mr. Smee walked backwards until his back hit the door his captain face at inches from his. "We can't kill her Captain." The voice of the poor man shook.

Hook's blue eyes turned black during a heartbeat. "Why?"

"The legend…" The captain shiny appendage approached Smee's neck dangerously. "You're not the first one that had used the trident against her. Triton himself pierced Ursula's chest and failed to kill her."


"Magic. She protected herself with magic."

Hook walked away from his First Mate and sat on his desk. "We need to take her to a world without magic."

The captain dismissed Smee with a wave of his hook. He had tried it, he had tried to use the trident himself, he had succeeded, but Ursula had recovered and had killed three of his men and four Lost Boys in payment for his fool action. Sure that she could cast a spell over her body. She was protected.

He twisted out his hook and pulling out his rum he began to drink. Drinking to oblivion with a pointy sharp hook attached to your body wasn't very wise.

He had tried to keep Milah's lad out of any danger, but now there was not any other bloody option. Peter Pan would be the bait that would make the Sea Witch go into a world without magic, once here they will kill the monster. Thinking about it, he could use the same trick with the Crocodile, lure him to the world without magic and kill him there once he was a helpless cripple again. Hook laughed into the dying light of Neverland, sitting in his armchair he drank the rest of the bottle, with little effort he found another one. He would make a poison, he would stab the Crocodile with the same hook he did the first time, but this time it would be poisoned and it would slowly kill him.

He gulped again and decided to write it down, just in case the rum decided to wash away his brilliant idea.


Emma slowly opened an eye, the world around her shacking with laughter. She was curled against her pirate, still on the couch. Why hadn't they carried her into her bed?

She looked at the screen, the cartoon Captain Hook was being mocked by Peter Pan, forced to cry out loud 'I'm a codfish.' Henry was laughing madly, his head on Killian's lap, his legs kicking the air and his arms holding his chest while her pirate tickled the kid with his hook as some kind of punishment.

"I wouldn't never say that. It's bloody ridiculous." The laugh stained his words. "You know, is like seeing my father without the beard."

Emma looked at the screen wide eyes, his father was like the cartoon Captain Hook?

"It's awesome, being the son of a pirate and all." Henry was now quieter and the couch and Killian had stopped shaking. "Not any pirate, but Blackbeard!"

"How can I be pictured as this scurvy idea of pirate? Can't even he hold hostage a bundle of lads?" Emma smiled as Henry giggled again. "The Crocodile doing for sure. Must have created the entire film thing himself." Killian laughed too. "Mr. Smee is the only one amazingly portrayed!"

"Mum your awake!" Henry stopped the film and sit up straight.

"I'm sorry love, we've disturbed ye." His hand that was holding her tight against him, gave her a little squeeze.

"I'm okay, just need some water." Emma tried to stood but her knees gave out under her and she stumbled next to Killian once more.

"You're still exhausted darling." He smiled, run his hook through her hair and gave her a head rub. "Ye need some sugar not just water."

"I'm going to bring you some cocoa mum." Henry rushed out of their sight.

"Ye should get some more sleep Emma of mine." Killian kissed her temple, his lips lingered on her skin making her feel dizzier. "You are shaking." His words were brimmed with concern.

Emma smiled and looking up at the pirate's ocean blue eyes she realized he was right, she was shaking, but not just because she was really tired, but because she was afraid. Afraid of the new situation she was into. He was here caring for her, protecting her, loving her without asking a single thing in exchange. Loving her.

"What's wrong love?"

That was wrong, love. "It's just…" Emma struggled for words. "… we have.. I have…"

A loud bang noise bring both of them out of their shared moment, the door of the apartment flew open. Killian stood up and drew out his cutlass.

"Be quiet both of ye." Emma looked puzzled at the pair standing in the door way. "Ariel has great aiming."

An old man holding a sword was in her doorway, his left arm hung limp at his side. The tall man was wearing dark mariner modern clothes, his hair and beard were totally white. His black eyes burn in wrath, the irises brimmed with a white circle. Emma had seen that dark murderous glare before, she had seen it in the man who now stood in front of her. Thirst for revenge.

"Sinbad." Her pirate acknowledged. "Take me, don't hurt them."

The old man, fucking Sinbad really?, barked a dark laugh. "I'm not after ye. Where's the lad?"

Henry chose that precise moment to walk out of the kitchen, a steaming mug in his hand. The red-haired woman turned her big baby blue eyes towards the kid.

The sweat dripped down Emma's forehead, she screamed, pleaded but it wasn't good enough. Before Killian or her had a chance to even move, a second shot was heard as the bullet screamed out of the rifle. The connection of metal and the mug was quick. Henry wasn't hurt.

Emma sighed, a sigh of anger, anguish and agony. They had attacked her kid, her son. With a war cry that could have made any other opponent run Hook, not her sweet loving pirate but the murderous one, assaulted the old man with his cutlass and hook, merciless.

Emma jumped from the couch trying to reach the mermaid before she could reload the rifle. In a heartbeat she launched on the little mermaid pushing Henry aside. The kid rushed upstairs. Good.

Emma tumbled onto the floor, she had got up to quickly losing her balance in an attempt to stoop the red-haired beauty. Ariel had fallen to the floor too but she got back up and the mermaid turned back to face her, her blue eyes were now a deep purple shadow, she had a sword too.

Henry had went down the stairs, holding his grandparent's sword in both hands. Emma shook her head trying to focus her sigh. Killian was fighting with the old man, their swords singing. The mermaid began to move toward her kid again, with a clever movement of the sword Ariel was holding she disarmed Henry, with another move she knock him out hitting him hard in the head.

"I've the lad!"

Emma could hear the old man laughing. This wasn't going to happen. She stood up with a great effort and grabbed her father's sword.

"Did you really think that getting rid of me would be shoo easy?"

The red-haired woman launched forwards, Emma could barely deflect it. Her opponent realized her weakness and attacked again, again, again and again.

Emma loosed her balance. She was too tired, her muscles didn't respond properly.

Her sword fell clattering into the floor as her body sank forwards, her opponent's blade approaching her chest. She wished her parents would still be there.

A strong arm pulled her backwards pulling her t-shirt. Killian's hook circled Ariel's sword with skillful ease and with a yelp the mermaid opened her hand. It send a pleasurable tingle through her body, he had protected her.

Emma's eyes found the old man, he was getting too close to her pirate. She grabbed something and threw it at him, it was the tv controller. The man easily dodged ir, and looked at her in disbelieve. Then the man launched for her, Emma though she was death, only pillows around her to protect herself, the man was about to hit her square into her neck when her pirate's cutlass deflected the blow, the tilt of their opponent sword hit her in the head instead. She tried to get up from the couch but her head was throbbing painfully, blood streaming down her face. She moved further from Killian as the pair that was fighting furiously passed near her.

Killian just block a brutal hit, Emma tried to avoid Henry getting hurt if one of them lunged toward him again. She needed the rifle, or her gun, her gun, in the kitchen.

Her eyes found Henry ling form, she needed to protect his son.

As the pirate had to focus in the man the mermaid began to drag Henry out of the loft.

Emma could feel the adrenaline start to take over. She got up attacked the woman with her bare hands. The last thing she was going to do was let her take her kid away.

The red-haired mermaid slowly turned around her completely red eyes, Killian's fighting form passed between them followed by the old man in a mad dance of swords.

As Emma lunged for her opponent again, the mermaid stepped over to the side, her red eyes following her. The woman moved just enough before plunging her sword into her head.

Once again a saving hook deflected the blow.

But this time it all went wrong. Emma could feel the life being sucked out her, her eyes began to shut as blood stained her sigh. Her life was over and it didn't even flash before her eyes. Blackness engulfed her.

"Emmaaaa!" Killian lowered his sword missing his chance to defect the last blow, his yell turned into a curse rising from him like a war cry.

The old's man sword was buried into his already injured tight, his blood leaking to the floor.

The man attempted to shake the sword off, but Hook held it tight with his hook, as he back pedaled disarming Sinbad. With one last smooth movement Hook drove his cutlass into his opponent chest twisting it inside him. Killing him. As the man's body went limp Killian felt himself loose his balance, he glanced down at my hand, he wasn't shocked to discover his skin was deathly pale. He could hear a faint whooshing noise. He could smell blood. His vision blurred until all was blended into one nauseating medley of colors.

The world fell on Ariel's shoulders, she kneeled down next to Sinbad. No pulse. She kissed his blood covered lips, and licked the lasts droplets of his blood she was going to taste. After a brief prayer to Poseidon she closed his eyes. Sinbad was gone.

Ariel turned and looked to the fainted pirate. A tear streamed down her cheek. He looked like a living copy of her long lost Eric. She kissed him. She had never kissed Eric, but she kissed his replica instead and felt nothing. She had felt much more kissing the death body of her Sinbad, her companion.

Getting up she walked towards the kid and taking him in her arms she throw a bean into the floor, a portal opening. Why was she doing it anyway? Eric was death, Sinbad was death, her father was death, her sisters were death. Because of Ursula. She wanted the Sea Witch death. She wanted her voice back. The vortex was about to close, she closed her eyes and jumped.

Snow White gasped as they see their loft door blown up, the wood hanging sideways on its hitches. Charming pushed the door open and what they see paralyzed them. A woman they recognized as Ariel was holding a motionless Henry in her arms, easily as if he didn't weight a single pound. Her eyes were completely red as her hair, her cheeks stained with tears.

The terrifying part wasn't the mermaid, but the vortex that was opened in front of her, so close it licked her feet.

Both of them lunched forwards trying to prevent them from disappearing through the hole that was opened to another universe, another different world. But this time none of them was fast enough to reach the vortex before it completely closed, his time not just charming, but both of them stood in the spot where her grandson had just disappeared. Snow fell to her knees scratching the floor with her nails trying to dig out Henry.

"Emma?" James voice made Snow jerk her head to her left.

First she saw the man that was supposed to be fake's Ariel father, he had a sword, Hook's cutlass, buried to the tilt in his heart. Hook was splayed on the other man's legs, his head turned, a sword popping out of his leg, a pool of blood under the bodies.

Snow White jumped to her feet and over the pirate and the old man, reaching Emma limp form gasping.

"Emma, Emma sweetheart!" James was at her side holding Emma's wrist.

"She's alive." He gathered their daughter in her arms, her golden curls were stained with blood. "Let's take her to the hospital. Quick!" He completely forgot about the two bodies lying in the floor pierced by swords.

"What do we do with Hook?" Snow voice trembled. Emma loved the pirate.

"We can check him later. Emma's our top priority right now." Charming knew too that Emma loved the pirate, but they had just lost their grandson, they needed to save their daughter.

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